; ; This is a commented out copy of the default UI settings config file ; ; that is embedded in the binary. ; ; A user config file can overrides these options. The game looks for it at ; ; ~/.LambdaHack/config.ui.ini (or a similar path, depending on the OS). ; ; Warning: options are case-sensitive and only ';' for comments is permitted. ; [commands] ; ; All commands are defined here, except movement, hero selection and debug. ; ; ; KP_Begin: Wait ; g: Pickup ; d: Drop ; t: Project [ApplyItem {verb = "throw", object = "missile", symbol = '|'}] ; z: Project [ApplyItem {verb = "zap", object = "wand", symbol = '/'}] ; q: Apply [ApplyItem {verb = "quaff", object = "potion", symbol = '!'}] ; r: Apply [ApplyItem {verb = "read", object = "scroll", symbol = '?'}] ; c: AlterDir [AlterFeature {verb = "close", object = "door", feature = CloseTo "vertical closed door"}, AlterFeature {verb = "close", object = "door", feature = CloseTo "horizontal closed door"}] ; o: AlterDir [AlterFeature {verb = "open", object = "door", feature = OpenTo "vertical open door"}, AlterFeature {verb = "open", object = "door", feature = OpenTo "horizontal open door"}] ; less: TriggerTile [TriggerFeature {verb = "ascend", object = "level", feature = Cause (Ascend 1)}, TriggerFeature {verb = "escape", object = "dungeon", feature = Cause Escape}] ; greater: TriggerTile [TriggerFeature {verb = "descend", object = "level", feature = Cause (Ascend (-1))}, TriggerFeature {verb = "escape", object = "dungeon", feature = Cause Escape}] ; CTRL-r: GameRestart "campaign" ; ; TODO: pick game modes via arrow keys, not special keys ; CTRL-k: GameRestart "skirmish" ; CTRL-p: GameRestart "PvP" ; CTRL-o: GameRestart "Coop" ; CTRL-e: GameRestart "defense" ; CTRL-x: GameExit ; CTRL-s: GameSave ; Tab: MemberCycle ; ISO_Left_Tab: MemberBack ; I: Inventory ; slash: TgtFloor ; asterisk: TgtEnemy ; bracketleft: TgtAscend 1 ; bracketright: TgtAscend (-1) ; braceleft: TgtAscend 10 ; braceright: TgtAscend (-10) ; plus: EpsIncr True ; minus: EpsIncr False ; Escape: Cancel ; Return: Accept ; space: Clear ; P: History ; V: MarkVision ; S: MarkSmell ; T: MarkSuspect ; question: Help ; [file] ; ; Names (or prefixes) of various game files. ; ; They reside in ~/.LambdaHack or similar. ; savePrefix: save ; [macros] ; ; Handy with Vi keys: ; comma: g ; period: KP_Begin ; [ui] ; font: Terminus,Monospace normal normal normal normal 12 ; historyMax: 5000 ; maxFps: 15 ; noAnim: False