{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Factions taking part in the game, e.g., a hero faction, a monster faction
-- and an animal faction.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
  ( FactionDict, Faction(..), Diplomacy(..)
  , Status(..), Challenge(..)
  , gleader, isHorrorFact, noRunWithMulti, isAIFact, autoDungeonLevel
  , automatePlayer, isFoe, isFriend
  , difficultyBound, difficultyDefault, difficultyCoeff, difficultyInverse
  , defaultChallenge, possibleActorFactions
    -- * Internal operations
  , Dipl
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)

import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Types
import           Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind (ItemKind)
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind as IK
import           Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Ability as Ability
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color as Color
import           Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs

-- | All factions in the game, indexed by faction identifier.
type FactionDict = EM.EnumMap FactionId Faction

-- | The faction datatype.
data Faction = Faction
  { gname     :: Text            -- ^ individual name
  , gcolor    :: Color.Color     -- ^ color of actors or their frames
  , gplayer   :: Player          -- ^ the player spec for this faction
  , ginitial  :: [(Int, Int, GroupName ItemKind)]  -- ^ initial actors
  , gdipl     :: Dipl            -- ^ diplomatic standing
  , gquit     :: Maybe Status    -- ^ cause of game end/exit
  , _gleader  :: Maybe ActorId   -- ^ the leader of the faction; don't use
                                 --   in place of sleader on clients
  , gsha      :: ItemBag         -- ^ faction's shared inventory
  , gvictims  :: EM.EnumMap (ContentId ItemKind) Int  -- ^ members killed
  , gvictimsD :: EM.EnumMap (ContentId ModeKind)
                            (IM.IntMap (EM.EnumMap (ContentId ItemKind) Int))
      -- ^ members killed in the past, by game mode and difficulty level
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Binary Faction

-- | Diplomacy states. Higher overwrite lower in case of asymmetric content.
data Diplomacy =
  | Neutral
  | Alliance
  | War
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic)

instance Binary Diplomacy

type Dipl = EM.EnumMap FactionId Diplomacy

-- | Current game status.
data Status = Status
  { stOutcome :: Outcome  -- ^ current game outcome
  , stDepth   :: Int      -- ^ depth of the final encounter
  , stNewGame :: Maybe (GroupName ModeKind)
                          -- ^ new game group to start, if any
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Binary Status

data Challenge = Challenge
  { cdiff :: Int   -- ^ game difficulty level (HP bonus or malus)
  , cwolf :: Bool  -- ^ lone wolf challenge (only one starting character)
  , cfish :: Bool  -- ^ cold fish challenge (no healing from enemies)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Binary Challenge

gleader :: Faction -> Maybe ActorId
gleader = _gleader

-- | Tell whether the faction consists of summoned horrors only.
-- Horror player is special, for summoned actors that don't belong to any
-- of the main players of a given game. E.g., animals summoned during
-- a skirmish game between two hero factions land in the horror faction.
-- In every game, either all factions for which summoning items exist
-- should be present or a horror player should be added to host them.
isHorrorFact :: Faction -> Bool
isHorrorFact fact = horrorGroup `elem` fgroups (gplayer fact)

-- A faction where other actors move at once or where some of leader change
-- is automatic can't run with multiple actors at once. That would be
-- overpowered or too complex to keep correct.
-- Note that this doesn't take into account individual actor skills,
-- so this is overly restrictive and, OTOH, sometimes running will fail
-- or behave wierdly regardless. But it's simple and easy to understand
-- by the UI user.
noRunWithMulti :: Faction -> Bool
noRunWithMulti fact =
  let skillsOther = fskillsOther $ gplayer fact
  in Ability.getSk Ability.SkMove skillsOther >= 0
     || case fleaderMode (gplayer fact) of
          LeaderNull -> True
          LeaderAI AutoLeader{} -> True
          LeaderUI AutoLeader{..} -> autoDungeon || autoLevel

isAIFact :: Faction -> Bool
isAIFact fact =
  case fleaderMode (gplayer fact) of
    LeaderNull -> True
    LeaderAI _ -> True
    LeaderUI _ -> False

autoDungeonLevel :: Faction -> (Bool, Bool)
autoDungeonLevel fact = case fleaderMode (gplayer fact) of
                          LeaderNull -> (False, False)
                          LeaderAI AutoLeader{..} -> (autoDungeon, autoLevel)
                          LeaderUI AutoLeader{..} -> (autoDungeon, autoLevel)

automatePlayer :: Bool -> Player -> Player
automatePlayer st pl =
  let autoLeader False Player{fleaderMode=LeaderAI auto} = LeaderUI auto
      autoLeader True Player{fleaderMode=LeaderUI auto} = LeaderAI auto
      autoLeader _ Player{fleaderMode} = fleaderMode
  in pl {fleaderMode = autoLeader st pl}

-- | Check if factions are at war. Assumes symmetry.
isFoe :: FactionId -> Faction -> FactionId -> Bool
isFoe fid1 fact1 fid2 =
  fid1 /= fid2  -- shortcut
  && War == EM.findWithDefault Unknown fid2 (gdipl fact1)

-- | Check if factions are allied. Assumes symmetry.
isAlly :: Faction -> FactionId -> Bool
{-# INLINE isAlly #-}
isAlly fact1 fid2 = Alliance == EM.findWithDefault Unknown fid2 (gdipl fact1)

-- | Check if factions are allied or are the same faction. Assumes symmetry.
isFriend :: FactionId -> Faction -> FactionId -> Bool
isFriend fid1 fact1 fid2 = fid1 == fid2 || isAlly fact1 fid2

difficultyBound :: Int
difficultyBound = 9

difficultyDefault :: Int
difficultyDefault = (1 + difficultyBound) `div` 2

-- The function is its own inverse.
difficultyCoeff :: Int -> Int
difficultyCoeff n = difficultyDefault - n

-- The function is its own inverse.
difficultyInverse :: Int -> Int
difficultyInverse n = difficultyBound + 1 - n

defaultChallenge :: Challenge
defaultChallenge = Challenge { cdiff = difficultyDefault
                             , cwolf = False
                             , cfish = False }

possibleActorFactions :: ItemKind -> FactionDict -> [(FactionId, Faction)]
possibleActorFactions itemKind factionD =
  let freqNames = map fst $ IK.ifreq itemKind
      f (_, fact) = any (`elem` fgroups (gplayer fact)) freqNames
      fidFactsRaw = filter f $ EM.assocs factionD
  in if null fidFactsRaw
     then filter (isHorrorFact . snd) $ EM.assocs factionD  -- fall back
     else fidFactsRaw