The main program for Lambdascope > {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo,CPP #-} > module Main where > import INet > import Diagram hiding (S) > import Lambda > import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL (($=), GLfloat) > import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL > import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW > import Control.Monad.Fix > import Control.Monad (when, unless) > import Data.IORef > import Data.IntMap hiding (lookup, mapMaybe) > import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe) > import Prelude hiding (map) > import System.IO.Unsafe An interactive net is a mapping from node IDs to their connected (node ID, port No) pairs. Main Program #ifdef _EnableGUI_ > import EnableGUI > main = enableGUI >> do #else > main = do #endif > GLFW.initialize > initWindow w h > showHelp <- newIORef False > GLFW.charCallback $= \c b -> when ((c == 'H' || c == 'h') && b == GLFW.Release) > (modifyIORef showHelp not) > factor <- newIORef (0, 0, 1.0) > netRef <- newIORef net > loop showHelp factor (handleUserAction factor (keyHandle netRef) (reduce netRef) d) > GLFW.closeWindow > GLFW.terminate > where > -- prepare an initial diagram to load > net = nodeToNet (mkNode (termToNode t2')) --(App cube (VInt 3)))) > d = netToDiagram net > w = 800 > h = 600 > loop showHelp factor handle = do > (UserAction handle', render) <- handle > GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer] > (cx, cy, s) <- readIORef factor > GL.preservingMatrix (do > GL.translate (vector3 (cx / unit) (cy / unit) 0) > GL.scale s s 1 > render) > help <- readIORef showHelp > GL.preservingMatrix (do > GL.color $ color3 0.2 0.3 0.8 > GL.translate (vector3 (- fromIntegral w / unit / 2) (fromIntegral h / unit / 2 - 1.25) 0) > GL.scale 0.8 0.8 (1::GLfloat) > renderString "H toggles help, ESC quits" > GL.translate $ vector3 0 (-1.25) 0 > when help $ renderText helpText) > GLFW.swapBuffers > GLFW.sleep 0.01 > exit <- GLFW.getKey GLFW.ESC > unless (exit == GLFW.Press) $ loop showHelp factor handle' > helpText = unlines > [ "CTRL+ mouse pan" > , "ALT + mouse zoom" > , "Left click rotate node" > , "Right click apply any rule to node" > , "Drag mouse move node" > , "1 .. 9 load presets" > , "Space auto zoom" > , "L auto layout all nodes" > , "R reduce to head normal form" > , "X repeat outermost cross rule" > , "B repeat beta rule everywhere" > , "E repeat erase rule everywhere" > , "U apply unwind rule everywhere" > , "S apply scope rule everywhere" > , "C apply loopcut rule everywhere" > , "T unwind, cross, scope, cross, loopcut, cross" > , "M repeat meta rule everywhere" > , "P prune all none root tree" > , "O apply outermost reduction rules once" > , "V print beta, meta, size couter on console" > , "D zap duplicator's value (become call-by-need)"] > > > keyHandle netRef = (fst $ unzip ks, handle) > where > -- change the following line to load different programs for 1..9 > -- It currently loads the (opt N) lambda expression. > ks = [(c, load $ opt $ fromEnum c - 48) | c <- ['1'..'9']] ++ > [('R', reduceAll), > ('X', crossAll), > ('B', betaAll), > ('E', eraseAll), > ('U', unwindAll), > ('S', scopeAll), > ('C', loopcutAll), > ('T', toTerm), > ('M', metaAll), > ('P', pruneAll), > ('O', outer), > ('V', viewCounter), > ('L', reLayout), > ('D', demoteDup)] > handle k d r = do > net <- readIORef netRef > let (net', d', r') = maybe (net, d, r) (\f -> f net d r) (lookup k ks) > writeIORef netRef net' > return (d', r') > demoteDup net d r@((posMap, _), _) = > let net' = map (\a -> case a of > (Duplicator, cp, cv) -> (Duplicator, cp, Nothing) > _ -> a) net > d' = netToDiagram net' > ids = keys net' > posMap' = filterWithKey (\i _ -> elem i ids) posMap > r' = renderDiagram posMap' d' > in (net', d', r') > load x n _ _ = > let net = nodeToNet (mkNode (termToNode x)) > d = netToDiagram net > in resetCounters n `seq` (net, d, renderDiagram empty d) > reLayout net d r@((posMap, _), _) = (net, d, renderDiagram empty d) activates a local rule to a node, and apply it once. > reduce :: IORef INet -> Int -> IO ([Int], Diagram) > reduce netRef i = do > net <- readIORef netRef > let a@(at, ap, av) = net ! i > (j, n) = head ap > b@(bt, bp, bv) = net ! j > net' = debug1 ("reduced from\n " ++ show net ++ "\nto ") $ if ap == [] > then error "here!" -- delete i net > else fromMaybe net $ localAll net (i, a) (j, b) > ids = keys net' > writeIORef netRef net' > return (ids, netToDiagram net') > localAll = meta_ ->- beta_ ->- cross_ ->- erase Note that in optimal reduction, the erase is a global rule rather than an outermost one because it'll otherwise results in redudant beta or meta reduction. > reduceAll = wrapRule (repeatRule (outermost localAll +>+ applyRule erase_)) > crossAll = wrapRule (repeatRule (outermost cross)) > betaAll = wrapRule (repeatRule (applyRule beta_)) > eraseAll = wrapRule (repeatRule (applyRule erase)) > unwindAll = wrapRule (applyRule unwind) > scopeAll = wrapRule (applyRule scope) > loopcutAll = wrapRule (applyRule loopcut) > metaAll = wrapRule (repeatRule (applyRule meta_)) > outer = wrapRule (outermost localAll) > pruneAll = wrapRule prune > toTerm net = > let r@(net', d') = readback net > t = netToTerm net' > in debug ("toTerm=" ++ show t) $ wrapRule (const r) net > wrapRule f net d r@((posMap, _), _) = > let (net', _) = f net > d' = netToDiagram net' > ids = keys net' > posMap' = filterWithKey (\i _ -> elem i ids) posMap > r' = renderDiagram posMap' d' > in (net', d', r') Counters are hacks. Though our rules are already return the counting, they are not used. > crossCounter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0) > betaCounter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0) > metaCounter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0) > sizeTracker = unsafePerformIO (newIORef (1000000,0)) > trackSize net = unsafePerformIO $ do > m <- readIORef sizeTracker > let s = size net > m' = (min (fst m) s, max (snd m) s) > s `seq` fst m' `seq` snd m' `seq` writeIORef sizeTracker m' > --putStrLn $ show m' > return net > resetCounters n = unsafePerformIO $ do > writeIORef crossCounter 0 > writeIORef betaCounter 0 > writeIORef metaCounter 0 > writeIORef sizeTracker (1000000, 0) > viewCounter n d r = > let view n c = do > m <- readIORef c > putStrLn $ n ++ " = " ++ show m > viewAll n = do > view "cross" crossCounter > view "beta" betaCounter > view "meta" metaCounter > view "size" sizeTracker > in unsafePerformIO (viewAll n) `seq` (n, d, r) > incCounter c x y z = do > m <- readIORef c > let m' = m + 1 > m' `seq` writeIORef c m' > mkCounter c f x y z = > let r = f x y z > in if r == Nothing > then r > else unsafePerformIO (incCounter c x y z) `seq` r > mkCounter' c f x y@(_, (t,_,_)) z@(_, (t', _, _)) = > let r = f x y z > tup = case (t, t') of > (Constructor _, _) -> True > (_, Constructor _) -> True > _ -> False > in if r == Nothing || tup > then r > else unsafePerformIO (incCounter c x y z) `seq` r Customizd beta, meta and erase rules that track statistics. > cross_ = mkCounter crossCounter cross > beta_ = mkCounter betaCounter beta > meta_ = mkCounter metaCounter meta -- don't track tuple projection > erase_ net a b = > let net' = trackSize net > in (trackSize net `seq`) $ > maybe Nothing (Just . (\net -> trackSize net `seq` net)) $ > erase net' a b Testing ======= We can compose INet nodes by wiring them > two s = mdo > a <- abstractor s b e > b <- abstractor a c m > c <- applicator d f b > d <- delimiter e c 0 > e <- duplicator a k d 0 > f <- applicator g l c > g <- delimiter k f 0 > h <- eraser m > i <- eraser l > j <- eraser k > k <- duplicator e g j 0 > l <- duplicator m i f 0 > m <- duplicator b l h 0 > return a > four = mdo > s <- eraser a > a <- applicator b b s > b <- duplicator t a a 0 > t <- two b > return s or we can write a Generalized Lambda term, and convert it to INet. > x = VStr "x" > f = Abs (VFunc 1 "f" Z) > t2 = church 2 > t2' = App (App (church 2) f) x --App (App (Abs (Abs (App (S Z) (App (S Z) Z)))) f) x > t4 = App (Abs (App Z Z)) t2 > t4' = App (App t4 f) x > church n = Abs (Abs (app n (S Z) Z)) > app 0 f x = x > app n f x = App f (app (n - 1) f x) > double = Abs (App (VFunc 2 "+" (App id Z)) Z) > where id = Abs Z > testDouble n = app n double (VInt 1) Test substitution > testSub = App f (VInt 7) > where > s = Abs (App (VFunc 2 "*" Z) Z) > f = Abs (App (Abs (App (VFunc 2 ":" Z) (App (VFunc 2 "*" Z) (S Z)))) > (App (VFunc 2 "*" Z) Z)) Test for meta level fuction with arity > d1 = App (Abs (App (VFunc 2 "g" Z) Z)) t2' Test for handling disconnected graph, rather than tree > test :: INet > test = fromList [ > (0, (Eraser, [(1, 0)], Nothing)), > (1, (Eraser, [(0, 0)], Nothing)), > (2, (Eraser, [(3, 0)], Nothing)), > (3, (Eraser, [(2, 0)], Nothing)) ] Test for tuples > p0 = App (Abs (Fst Z)) (Tup t0 t1) > t0 = Abs (Abs Z) > t1 = Abs (Abs (App (S Z) Z)) > ones = Y (Abs (Tup (VInt 1) Z)) > one = Fst ones Tests for cross rule with self-loop for annihilate: two duplicators wiring to each other on one side > testL0 :: INet > testL0 = fromList [ > (0, (Eraser, [(2, 1)], Nothing)), > (1, (Eraser, [(2, 2)], Nothing)), > (2, (Duplicator, [(3, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0)], Just 0)), > (3, (Duplicator, [(2, 0), (3, 2), (3, 1)], Just 0))] two duplicators wiring to each other on both sides > testL1 :: INet > testL1 = fromList [ > (2, (Duplicator, [(3, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1)], Just 0)), > (3, (Duplicator, [(2, 0), (3, 2), (3, 1)], Just 0))] for commute: similar to testL0 > testL2 :: INet > testL2 = fromList [ > (0, (Eraser, [(2, 1)], Nothing)), > (1, (Eraser, [(2, 2)], Nothing)), > (2, (Duplicator, [(3, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0)], Just 1)), > (3, (Duplicator, [(2, 0), (3, 2), (3, 1)], Just 0))] similar to testL1 > testL3 :: INet > testL3 = fromList [ > (2, (Duplicator, [(3, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1)], Just 1)), > (3, (Duplicator, [(2, 0), (3, 2), (3, 1)], Just 0))] when a single duplicator loops its two ports > testL4 :: INet > testL4 = fromList [ > (0, (Eraser, [(1, 1)], Nothing)), > (1, (Delimiter, [(2, 0), (0,0)], Just 0)), > (2, (Duplicator, [(1, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1)], Just 0))] These are tests for optimality. With church numbers, (n 2 i x) takes exponential time in call-by-need, but only linear to n in optimal reduction. > i = Abs Z > opt n = App (App (App (church n) (church 2)) i) i Chart for opt 1 .. 7 Optimal cross, beta, size(min, max) 47 6 (2, 27) 84 9 (2, 40) 128 12 (2, 54) 179 15 (2, 69) 237 18 (2, 85) 302 21 (2, 102) 374 24 (2, 120) Lazy beta, size(min, max) 6 (2, 14) 11 (2, 18) 20 (2, 32) 37 (2, 52) 70 (2, 84) 135 (2, 152) 264 (2, 284) 392 Compare Lazy, Completely Lazy (M. J. Thyer's thesis: and Optimal using number of beta reduction, steps, interactions (excluding garbage collection) as metrics respectively. n Lazy C.Lazy Optimal -------------------------- 1 6 8 53 2 11 15 93 3 20 25 140 4 37 40 194 5 70 66 255 6 135 114 323 7 264 204 398 8 392 377 453 9 644 719 539 It's easy to tell that they are of O(n * 2^n), O(n^7) and O(n^2) respectively. It's also worth mentioning that if we only count the number of betas, optimal is O(n), and completely lazy is O(n^3), lazy is O(n^4). Test for integral function ========================== integral i x = (i, \dt -> integral (next dt i (fst x)) (snd x dt)) also make tuple construction involve beta reduction. > tup x y = App (App (Abs (Abs (Tup (S Z) Z))) x) y > next = VFunc 3 "next" > integral = > Y (Abs -- \integral -> > (Abs -- \i -> > (Abs -- \s -> > (tup (S Z) -- i, > (Abs -- \dt -> > (App (App (S (S (S Z))) -- integral > (App (App (next Z) -- next dt > (S (S Z))) -- i > (Fst (S Z)))) -- fst x > (App (Snd (S Z)) Z))))))) -- snd x dt > e = Y (App integral (VInt 1)) > unfold = Abs (App (Snd Z) (VStr "dt")) > expN n = Fst (app n unfold e) Chart of computing expN 1 to expN 7 Optimal cross, beta, meta (total, include projection), meta (arith), size (min, max) 199 11 6 3 (41, 104) 472 16 12 6 (44, 155) 820 21 18 9 (47, 211) 1254 26 24 12 (50, 272) 1818 31 30 15 (53, 338) 2570 36 36 18 (56, 409) 3580 41 42 21 (59, 485) Call-by-need 13 3 (41, 134) 28 9 (44, 277) 50 18 (47, 516) 79 30 (50, 843) 115 45 (53, 1267) 158 63 (56, 2800) 208 84 (59, 2454) It indeed shows that call-by-need incurs recomputation at the meta arithmetic level: cbn(n) = optimal(n) + cbn(n - 1) Tests for traversing circular structure using cursor. A cursor is a tuple Data Cursor a = (a, List a -> List a) List is nested tuple, a circular structure Data List a = (a, List a) > c1 = tup (VInt 1) (Abs Z) -- c1 = (1, \x -> (2, (3, x))) > c2 = tup (VInt 1) (Abs (tup (VInt 2) Z)) -- c2 = (1, \x -> (2, (3, x))) > c3 = tup (VInt 1) (Abs (tup (VInt 2) (tup (VInt 3) Z))) -- c3 = (1, \x -> (2, (3, x))) adv (Cursor u@(Elem i v) f) = let f' x = next (f (Cons u x)) u' = this (fix (f . Cons u)) in Cursor u' f' (u', f' > nextc = > Abs > (tup > (Fst (Y (Abs (App (Snd (S Z)) (tup (Fst (S Z)) Z))))) > (Abs (Snd (App (Snd (S Z)) (tup (Fst (S Z)) Z)))) > ) > c n = Fst (app n nextc c2) 3 0 (31, 50) 5 0 (53, 93) 7 0 (77,130) 11 0 (..) 13 15 19 9 3 15 5 21 8 29 12 35 14 41 17 49 21 9 3 15 6 23 10 29 13 37 17 43 20 51 24 9 3 15 6 25 10 34 15 47 21 59 28 75 36 Power Cube Example ================== > cons x xs = App (VFunc 2 ":" x) xs > cond c t f = App (App (VFunc 3 "cond" c) t) f > eq x y = App (VFunc 2 "==" x) y > times x y = App (VFunc 2 "*" x) y > minus x y = App (VFunc 2 "-" x) y > power = Y (Abs (Abs (Abs ( > cond (eq (S Z) (VInt 1)) > (VInt 1) > (times Z (App (S (S Z)) (minus (S Z) (VInt 1)))))))) > cube = App power (VInt 3) > powerCube = cons power (cons cube (App cube (VInt 5)))