-- | A module for performing operations on directories.
module Lastik.Directory(
                        ) where

import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Find
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception

-- | Change to the given directory, then execute the given action, then change back to the original directory.
chdir :: FilePath -- ^ The directory to change to.
         -> IO a  -- ^ The action to execute in the given directory.
         -> IO a  -- ^ The result of executing the given action.
chdir d a = bracket getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory (\_ -> setCurrentDirectory d >> a)

-- | Create a zip archive by changing into directories and archiving the contents.
archiveDirectories :: [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^ A list of base directory to change to and contents of that directory to archive.
                      -> RecursionPredicate  -- ^ The recursion predicate to search for files to archive.
                      -> FilterPredicate     -- ^ The filter predicate to search for files to archive.
                      -> [ZipOption]         -- ^ The options during the creation of the archive.
                      -> IO Archive          -- ^ The constructed archive.
archiveDirectories dirs rp fp opts = foldM (\a (d, f) -> chdir d $ do j <- find rp fp f
                                                                      addFilesToArchive opts a j) emptyArchive dirs

-- | Writes a zip archive to a file.
writeArchive :: [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^ A list of base directory to change to and contents of that directory to archive.
                -> RecursionPredicate  -- ^ The recursion predicate to search for files to archive.
                -> FilterPredicate     -- ^ The filter predicate to search for files to archive.
                -> [ZipOption]         -- ^ The options during the creation of the archive.
                -> FilePath            -- ^ The file to write the archive to.
                -> IO ()
writeArchive dirs rp fp opts f = do a <- archiveDirectories dirs rp fp opts
                                    B.writeFile f (fromArchive a)

-- | Copy the contents of a directory to another, perhaps trimming parent directories.
copyDir :: RecursionPredicate -- ^ The recursion predicate to search for files in the source directory.
           -> FilterPredicate -- ^ The filter predicate to search for files in the source directory.
           -> Int             -- ^ The number of parent directories to drop before copying to the target directory.
           -> FilePath        -- ^ The source directory.
           -> FilePath        -- ^ The target directory.
           -> IO ()
copyDir rp fp levels from to = do s <- find rp fp from
                                  forM_ s (\f -> let d = dropRoot' levels f
                                                 in do mkdir (to </> dropFileName d)
                                                       copyFile f (to </> d))

-- | Drops the parent directory of a given file path.
-- > dropRoot "/foo/bar" == "/bar"
-- > dropRoot "foo/bar" == "bar"
-- > dropRoot "foo" == ""
-- > dropRoot "" == ""
dropRoot :: FilePath  -- ^ The file path to drop the parent directory from.
            -> String -- ^ The file path without a parent directory.
dropRoot [] = []
dropRoot (x:xs) = (if x == pathSeparator then id else drop 1) (dropWhile (/= pathSeparator) xs)

-- | Drops the parent directory ('dropRoot') of a given file path multiple times.
-- > dropRoot' 0 "/foo/bar" == "/foo/bar"
-- > dropRoot' 1 "/foo/bar" == "/bar"
-- > dropRoot' 1 "foo/bar" == "bar"
-- > dropRoot' 2 "foo/bar" == ""
-- > dropRoot' 10 "foo/bar" == ""
dropRoot' :: Int         -- ^ The number of times to drop the parent directory.
             -> FilePath -- ^ The file path to drop parent directories from.
             -> FilePath -- ^ Te file path without parent directories.
dropRoot' n k = (iterate dropRoot k) !! (if n < 0 then 0 else n)

-- | Creates the given directory and its parents if it doesn't exist.
mkdir :: FilePath -- ^ The directory to create.
         -> IO ()
mkdir = createDirectoryIfMissing True

-- | Removes the given directory recursively if it exists.
rmdir :: FilePath -- ^ The directory to remove.
         -> IO ()
rmdir d = doesDirectoryExist d >>= flip when (removeDirectoryRecursive d)