-- | -- = Machine learning utilities -- -- A micro library containing the most common machine learning tools. -- Check also the mltool package https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mltool. {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} module Learning ( -- * Datasets Dataset (..) , Learning.fromList -- * Principal components analysis , PCA (..) , pca , pca' , pcaVariance -- * Supervised learning , Teacher , teacher , Classifier (..) , Regressor (..) , Readout , learnClassifier , learnRegressor , learn' , scores , winnerTakesAll -- * Evaluation -- ** Classification , accuracy , errorRate , errors , showConfusion , confusion , Normalize (..) , confusion' -- ** Regression , nrmse ) where import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List ( nub, sort ) import Text.Printf ( printf ) -- | A dataset representation for supervised learning data Dataset a b = Dataset { _samples :: [a] , _labels :: [b] , toList :: [(a, b)] } -- | Create a `Dataset` from list of samples (first) and labels (second) fromList :: [(a, b)] -> Dataset a b fromList xs = let (samples', labels') = unzip xs in Dataset { Learning.toList = xs , _samples = samples' , _labels = labels' } -- The snippet below computes "covariance matrix", alternative to (snd. meanCov). -- Source: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mltool- -- -- > covarianceMatrix :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -- > covarianceMatrix x = ((tr x) <> x) / (fromIntegral $ rows x) -- | Compute the covariance matrix @sigma@ -- and return its eigenvectors @u'@ and eigenvalues @s@ pca' :: [Vector Double] -- ^ Data samples -> (Matrix Double, Vector Double) pca' xs = (u', s) where -- Covariance matrix sigma = snd $ meanCov $ fromRows xs -- Eigenvectors matrix u' and eigenvalues vector s (u', s, _) = svd $ unSym sigma -- | Principal components analysis tools data PCA = PCA { _u :: Matrix Double -- ^ Compression matrix U , _compress :: Vector Double -> Matrix Double -- ^ Compression function , _decompress :: Matrix Double -> Vector Double -- ^ Inverse to compression function } -- | Principal components analysis resulting in `PCA` tools pca :: Int -- ^ Number of principal components to preserve -> [Vector Double] -- ^ Observations -> PCA pca maxDim xs = let (u', _) = pca' xs in _pca maxDim u' -- | Perform PCA using the minimal number of principal -- components required to retain given variance pcaVariance :: Double -- ^ Retained variance, % -> [Vector Double] -- ^ Observations -> PCA pcaVariance var xs = let (u', eig) = pca' xs cumul = V.drop 1 $ V.scanl' (+) 0 eig var' = var / 100 -- Scale 100% -> 1.0 total = V.last cumul isRetained = map (\v -> let retained = v / total in retained >= var') $ V.toList cumul dim = fst $ head $ filter snd $ zip [1..] isRetained in _pca dim u' _pca :: Int -> Matrix Double -> PCA _pca maxDim u' = let u = takeColumns maxDim u' in PCA { _u = u , _compress = (tr u <>). reshape 1 , _decompress = flatten. (u <>) } -- | Classifier function that maps some measurements as matrix columns -- and corresponding features as rows, into a categorical output. newtype Classifier a = Classifier { classify :: Matrix Double -> a } -- | Regressor function that maps some feature matrix -- into a continuous multidimensional output. The feature matrix is expected -- to have columns corresponding to measurements (data points) and rows, features. newtype Regressor = Regressor { predict :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double } -- | Linear readout (matrix) type Readout = Matrix Double -- | Teacher matrix -- -- > 0 0 0 0 0 -- > 0 0 0 0 0 -- > 1 1 1 1 1 <- Desired class index is 2 -- > 0 0 0 0 0 <- Number of classes is 4 -- > ^ -- > 5 repetitions type Teacher = Matrix Double -- | Perform supervised learning (ridge regression) and create -- a linear `Classifier` function. -- The regression is run with regularization parameter μ = 1e-4. learnClassifier :: (V.Storable a, Eq a) => Vector a -- ^ All possible outcomes (classes) list -> Matrix Double -- ^ Network state (nonlinear response) where each matrix column corresponds to a measurement (data point) -- and each row corresponds to a feature -> Matrix Double -- ^ Horizontally concatenated `Teacher` matrices where each row corresponds to a desired class -> Either String (Classifier a) learnClassifier klasses xs teacher' = case learn' xs teacher' of Just readout -> Right (classify' readout klasses) Nothing -> Left "Couldn't learn: check `xs` matrix properties" {-# SPECIALIZE learnClassifier :: Vector Int -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Either String (Classifier Int) #-} -- | Perform supervised learning (ridge regression) and create -- a linear `Regressor` function. learnRegressor :: Matrix Double -- ^ Feature matrix with data points (measurements) as colums and features as rows -> Matrix Double -- ^ Desired outputs matrix corresponding to data point columns. -- In case of scalar (one-dimensional) prediction output, it should be a single row matrix. -> Either String Regressor learnRegressor xs target = case learn' xs target of Just readout -> let rgr = Regressor (readout <>) in Right rgr Nothing -> Left "Couldn't learn: check `xs` matrix properties" -- | Create a linear `Readout` using the ridge regression. -- Similar to `learnRegressor`, but instead of a `Regressor` function -- a (already transposed) `Readout` matrix may be returned. learn' :: Matrix Double -- ^ Measurements (feature matrix) -> Matrix Double -- ^ Horizontally concatenated `Teacher` matrices -> Maybe Readout learn' a b = case ridgeRegression 1e-4 a b of (Just x) -> Just (tr x) _ -> Nothing -- | Create a binary `Teacher` matrix with ones row corresponding to -- the desired class index teacher :: Int -- ^ Number of classes (labels) -> Int -- ^ Desired class index (starting from zero) -> Int -- ^ Number of repeated columns in teacher matrix -> Teacher teacher nLabels correctIndex repeatNo = fromBlocks. map f $ [0..nLabels-1] where ones = konst 1.0 (1, repeatNo) zeros = konst 0.0 (1, repeatNo) f i | i == correctIndex = [ones] | otherwise = [zeros] -- | Performs a supervised training that results in a linear readout. -- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikhonov_regularization ridgeRegression :: Double -- ^ Regularization constant -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Maybe Readout ridgeRegression μ tA tB = linearSolve oA oB where oA = (tA <> tr tA) + (scalar μ * ident (rows tA)) oB = tA <> tr tB _f Nothing = Nothing _f (Just x) = Just (tr x) -- | Winner-takes-all classification method winnerTakesAll :: (V.Storable a, Eq a) => Readout -- ^ `Readout` matrix -> Vector a -- ^ Vector of possible classes (labels) -> Matrix Double -- ^ Input matrix -> a -- ^ Label winnerTakesAll readout klasses = clf where clf x = let klass = maxIndex $ scores readout x in klasses V.! klass -- | Evaluate the network state (nonlinear response) according -- to some `Readout` matrix. Used by classification strategies -- such as `winnerTakesAll`. scores :: Readout -- ^ `Readout` matrix -> Matrix Double -- ^ Network state -> Vector Double scores trW response = evalScores where w = trW <> response -- Sum the elements in each row evalScores = w #> vector (replicate (cols w) 1.0) classify' :: (V.Storable a, Eq a) => Matrix Double -> Vector a -> Classifier a classify' w kl = Classifier (winnerTakesAll w kl) {-# SPECIALIZE classify' :: Matrix Double -> Vector Int -> Classifier Int #-} -- | Error rate in %, an error measure for classification tasks -- -- >>> errorRate [1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,7] -- 25.0 errorRate :: (Eq a, Fractional err) => [a] -> [a] -> err errorRate tgtLbls cLbls = 100 * fromIntegral errNo / fromIntegral (length tgtLbls) where errNo = length $ errors $ zip tgtLbls cLbls {-# SPECIALIZE errorRate :: [Int] → [Int] → Double #-} -- | Accuracy of classification, @100% - `errorRate`@ -- -- >>> accuracy [1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,7] -- 75.0 accuracy :: (Eq lab, Fractional acc) => [lab] -> [lab] -> acc accuracy tgt clf = let erate = errorRate tgt clf in 100 - erate {-# SPECIALIZE accuracy :: [Int] → [Int] → Double #-} -- | Confusion matrix for arbitrary number of classes (not normalized) confusion' :: (Ord lab, Eq lab) => [lab] -- ^ Target labels -> [lab] -- ^ Predicted labels -> M.Map (lab, lab) Int -- ^ Map keys: (target, predicted), values: confusion count confusion' tgtlab lab = mp where -- Count all possible pairs of labels mp = foldr (M.alter f) M.empty $ zip tgtlab lab f Nothing = Just 1 f (Just x) = Just (x + 1) -- | Normalization strategies for `confusion` matrix data Normalize = ByRow | ByColumn deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Normalized confusion matrix for arbitrary number of classes confusion :: (Ord lab, Eq lab) => Normalize -- ^ Normalize `ByRow` or `ByColumn` -> [lab] -- ^ Target labels -> [lab] -- ^ Predicted labels -> M.Map (lab, lab) Double -- ^ Map keys: (target, predicted), values: normalized confusion confusion by tgtlab lab = res where allLabels = sort $ nub tgtlab mp = confusion' tgtlab lab lookup2 k' mp' = case M.lookup k' mp' of Just x -> x _ -> 0 res = foldr (\i mp' -> let key j = if by == ByRow then (i, j) else (j, i) -- Find sum grp = map (\j -> let k = key j in (k, lookup2 k mp)) allLabels total = fromIntegral $ sum $ map snd grp -- Normalize in foldr (\(k, v) mp'' -> M.insert k (fromIntegral v / total * 100) mp'') mp' grp ) M.empty allLabels -- | Confusion matrix normalized by row: ASCII representation. -- -- Note: it is assumed that target (true) labels list contains -- all possible labels. -- -- @ -- | Predicted -- ---+------------ -- | \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ -- True | \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ -- | \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ -- label | \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ -- | \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ -- @ -- -- >>> putStr $ showConfusion [1, 2, 3, 1] [1, 2, 3, 2] -- 1 2 3 -- 1 50.0 50.0 0.0 -- 2 0.0 100.0 0.0 -- 3 0.0 0.0 100.0 showConfusion :: (Ord lab, Eq lab, Show lab) => [lab] -- ^ Target labels -> [lab] -- ^ Predicted labels -> String showConfusion tgtlab lab = unlines $ predictedLabels: "": table where allLabels = sort $ nub tgtlab mp = confusion ByRow tgtlab lab table = map (fmtRow mp) allLabels predictedLabels = let spc1 = replicate 2 ' ' spc2 = replicate 4 ' ' in spc1 ++ unwords (map ((spc2 ++). show) allLabels) -- Tabulate row fmtRow mp i = unwords (show i: "": line) where fmt x = let s = printf "%.1f" x l = length s in replicate (5 - l) ' ' ++ s line = map (\j -> fmt $ mp M.! (i, j)) allLabels -- | Pairs of misclassified and correct values -- -- >>> errors $ zip ['x','y','z'] ['x','b','a'] -- [('y','b'),('z','a')] errors :: Eq lab => [(lab, lab)] -> [(lab, lab)] errors = filter (uncurry (/=)) {-# SPECIALIZE errors :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] #-} mean :: (V.Storable a, Fractional a) => Vector a -> a mean xs = V.sum xs / fromIntegral (V.length xs) {-# SPECIALISE mean :: Vector Double -> Double #-} cov :: (V.Storable a, Fractional a) => Vector a -> Vector a -> a cov xs ys = V.sum (V.zipWith (*) xs' ys') / fromIntegral (V.length xs') where xs' = V.map (`subtract` mean xs) xs ys' = V.map (`subtract` mean ys) ys {-# SPECIALISE cov :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Double #-} var :: (V.Storable a, Fractional a) => Vector a -> a var x = cov x x {-# SPECIALISE var :: Vector Double -> Double #-} -- | Normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), -- one of the most common error measures for regression tasks nrmse :: (V.Storable a, Floating a) => Vector a -- ^ Target signal -> Vector a -- ^ Predicted signal -> a -- ^ NRMSE nrmse target estimated = sqrt (meanerr / targetVariance) where meanerr = mean. V.map (^2) $ V.zipWith (-) estimated target targetVariance = var target {-# SPECIALIZE nrmse :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Double #-}