[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ddssff/ListLike.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/ddssff/ListLike) ListLike ======== The `ListLike` package provides typeclasses and instances to allow polymorphism over many common datatypes. CHANGES ======= Version 4.7 ----------- * Make `GHC.Exts.IsList` a superclass of `ListLike` and use its `fromList` and `toList` methods * make `Data.String.IsString` a superclass of `Stringlike` and use its `fromString` method * Add methods to `StringLike`: `show`, `fromText`, `fromLazyText` * Add a class `ListOps`, alternative to `ListLike`, that uses the `GHC.Exts.Item` instead of the `item` type parameter. * Supply `instance IsString Seq` for old versions of container