{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}

This module contains a heavily optimized solver for the n-queens problems.
Specifically, it uses the following tricks:

  * symmetry breaking to prune redundant solutions

  * unpacked datatypes instead of multiple arguments

  * optimized 'getOpenings'

  * C code for the inner-most loop

  * @INLINE@s in many places in order to create optimized specializations of
    the generic functions

Benchmarks were used to determine that all of these tricks resulted in
performance improvements using GHC 7.4.3.
module LogicGrowsOnTrees.Examples.Queens.Advanced
    -- * Types
    , NQueensSolution
    , NQueensSolutions
    , PositionAndBit
    , PositionAndBitWithReflection
    -- * Main algorithm
    , nqueensGeneric
    -- ** Using List instead of C at bottom
    , nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric
    -- ** Not using anything at bottom
    , nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric
    -- ** Symmetry breaking
    -- $symmetry-breaking
    , nqueensStart
    , NQueensBreak90State(..)
    , nqueensBreak90
    , NQueensBreak180State(..)
    , nqueensBreak180
    -- ** Brute-force search
    -- $brute-force
    , NQueensSearchState(..)
    , nqueensSearch
    , nqueensBruteForceGeneric
    , nqueensBruteForceSolutions
    , nqueensBruteForceCount
    -- ** C inner-loop
    , c_LogicGrowsOnTrees_Queens_count_solutions
    , mkPushValue
    , mkPopValue
    , mkFinalizeValue
    , nqueensCSearch
    , nqueensCGeneric
    , nqueensCSolutions
    , nqueensCCount
    -- * Helper functions
    , allRotationsAndReflectionsOf
    , allRotationsOf
    , convertSolutionToWord
    , extractExteriorFromSolution
    , getOpenings
    , getSymmetricOpenings
    , hasReflectionSymmetry
    , hasRotate90Symmetry
    , hasRotate180Symmetry
    , multiplicityForSymmetry
    , multiplySolution
    , reflectBits
    , reflectSolution
    , rotate180
    , rotateLeft
    , rotateRight
    , symmetryOf
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>),liftA2)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..),(>=>),liftM,liftM2,msum)

import Data.Bits ((.&.),(.|.),bit,rotateL,rotateR,unsafeShiftL,unsafeShiftR)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IORef (modifyIORef,newIORef,readIORef,writeIORef)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..),cast)
import Data.Word (Word,Word64)

import Foreign.C.Types (CUInt(..))
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr,freeHaskellFunPtr,nullFunPtr)

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

import LogicGrowsOnTrees (Tree,between)
import LogicGrowsOnTrees.Utils.WordSum

------------------------------------ Types -------------------------------------

{-| The possible board symmetries. -}
data NQueensSymmetry =
    NoSymmetries {-^ the board has no symmetries at all -}
  | Rotate180Only {-^ the board is symmetric under 180 degree rotations -}
  | AllRotations {-^ the board is symmetric under all rotations -}
  | AllSymmetries {-^ the board is symmetric under all rotations and reflections -}
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)

{-| Type alias for a solution, which takes the form of a list of coordinates. -}
type NQueensSolution = [(Word,Word)]

{-| Type alias for a list of solutions. -}
type NQueensSolutions = [NQueensSolution]

{-| Represents a position and bit at that position. -}
data PositionAndBit = PositionAndBit {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64

{-| Like 'PositionAndBit', but also including the same for the reflection of the
    position (i.e., one less than the board size minus the position).
data PositionAndBitWithReflection = PositionAndBitWithReflection {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64  {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64

-------------------------------- Main algorithm --------------------------------

-- NOTE:  the spaces before 'Typeable' are needed due to a haddock glitch
{-| Interface to the main algorithm;  note that α and β need to be   'Typeable'
    because of an optimization used in the C part of the code. This function
   takes functions for its first two operators that operate on partial solutions
   so that the same algorithm can be used both for generating solutions and
   counting them; the advantage of this approach is that it is much easier to
   find problems in the generated solution than it is in their count, so we can
   test it by looking for problems in the generated solutions, and when we are
   assured that it works we can trust it to obtain the correct counts.
nqueensGeneric ::
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solution -} 
    (Word  NQueensSymmetry  α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes a partial solution with the given board size and symmetry -} 
    α {-^ initial partial solution -} 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value 1 =
    finalizeValueWithSymmetry 1 AllSymmetries . updateValue [(0,0)] $ initial_value
nqueensGeneric _ _ _ 2 = mzero
nqueensGeneric _ _ _ 3 = mzero
nqueensGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value n =
    break90 = nqueensBreak90 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n AllRotations) break90 break180 search
    break180 = nqueensBreak180 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n Rotate180Only) break180 search
    search value size state = nqueensSearch updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n NoSymmetries) value size state
{-# INLINE nqueensGeneric #-}

nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric ::
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solution -} 
    (Word  NQueensSymmetry  α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes a partial solution with the given board size and symmetry -} 
    α {-^ initial partial solution -} 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value 1 =
    finalizeValueWithSymmetry 1 AllSymmetries . updateValue [(0,0)] $ initial_value
nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric _ _ _ 2 = mzero
nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric _ _ _ 3 = mzero
nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value n =
    break90 = nqueensBreak90 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n AllRotations) break90 break180 search
    break180 = nqueensBreak180 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n Rotate180Only) break180 search
    search value size state = nqueensWithListAtBottomSearch updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n NoSymmetries) value size state
{-# INLINE nqueensWithListAtBottomGeneric #-}

nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric ::
    MonadPlus m 
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solution -} 
    (Word  NQueensSymmetry  α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes a partial solution with the given board size and symmetry -} 
    α {-^ initial partial solution -} 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value 1 =
    finalizeValueWithSymmetry 1 AllSymmetries . updateValue [(0,0)] $ initial_value
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric _ _ _ 2 = mzero
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric _ _ _ 3 = mzero
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric updateValue finalizeValueWithSymmetry initial_value n =
    break90 = nqueensBreak90 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n AllRotations) break90 break180 search
    break180 = nqueensBreak180 updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n Rotate180Only) break180 search
    search value size state = nqueensWithNothingAtBottomSearch updateValue (finalizeValueWithSymmetry n NoSymmetries) value size state
{-# INLINE nqueensWithNothingAtBottomGeneric #-}

------------------------------ Symmetry-breaking -------------------------------

{- $symmetry-breaking
A performance gain can be obtained by factoring out symmetries because if, say,
a solution has rotational symmetry, then that means that there are four
configurations that are equivalent, and so we would ideally like to prune three
of these four equivalent solutions.

I call the approach used here "symmetry breaking". The idea is we start with a
perfectly symmetrical board (as it has nothing on it) and then we work our way
from the outside in. We shall use the term /layer/ to refer to a set of board
positions that form a centered (hollow) square on the board, so the outermost
layer is the set of all positions at the boundary of the board, the next layer
in is the square just nested in the outermost layer, and so in. At each step we
either preserve a given symmetry for the current layer or we break it; in the
former case we stay within the current routine to try to break it in the next
layer in, in the latter case we jump to a routine designed to break the new
symmetry in the next layer in. When all symmetries have been broken, we jump to
the brute-force search code. If we place all of the queens while having
preserved one or more symmetries, then either we apply the rotations and
reflections of the symmetry to generate all of the solutions or we multiply the
solution count by the number of equivalent solutions.

This code is unforunately quite complicated because there are many possibilities
for how to break or not break the symmetries and at each step it has to place
between 0 and 4 queens in such a way as to not conflict with any queen that has
already been placed.

Each function takes callbacks for each symmetry rather than directly calling
'nqueensBreak90', etc. in order to ease testing.


-------------------------------- All symmeties ---------------------------------

{-| Break the reflection symmetry. -}
nqueensStart ::
    MonadPlus m 
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  NQueensBreak90State  m β) {-^ function to break the rotational symmetry for the next inner layer -} 
    (α  NQueensBreak180State  m β) {-^ function to break the 180-degree rotational symmetry for the next inner layer -} 
    (α  Int  NQueensSearchState  m β) {-^ function to apply a brute-force search -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
  !n = (preserve90 `mplus` breakTo180) `mplus` (breakAtCorner `mplus` breakAtSides)
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    half_inner_size = fromIntegral $ (n `div` 2) - 1
    last = fromIntegral $ n-1
    inner_last = last-1

    -- break to 90-degree rotational symmetry
    preserve90 = do
        position  between 1 half_inner_size
        let reflected_position = last-position
            occupied_bits = bit position .|. bit reflected_position
                (fromIntegral $ n-2)
                (occupied_bits `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_bits .|. (occupied_bits `unsafeShiftL` last)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_bits .|. (occupied_bits `rotateR` last))

    -- break to 180-degree rotational symmetry
    breakTo180 = do
        top_column  between 1 half_inner_size
            if n .&. 1 == 0
                then between (top_column+1) (last-(top_column+1))
                else between (top_column+1) half_inner_size `mplus`
                     between (half_inner_size+2) (last-(top_column+1))
        let bottom_column = last-top_column
            left_row = last-right_row
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
                (fromIntegral $ n-2)
                ((right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` last)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `rotateR` last))
                 (right_row_bit .|. top_column_bit)

    -- break all symmetries by placing a queen at a corner
    breakAtCorner = do
        left_row  between 1 (inner_last-1)
        bottom_column  between (left_row+1) inner_last
        let left_row_bit = bit left_row
            reflected_left_row_bit = bit (last-left_row)
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            (fromIntegral $ n-2)
                (left_row_bit `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (bottom_column_bit `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((left_row_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftL` (last-2))
                (1 .|. reflected_left_row_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` last))

    -- break all symmetries without placing a queen at a corner
    breakAtSides = do
        top_column  between 1 half_inner_size
        let reflected_top_column = last-top_column
            after_top_column = top_column+1
            reflected_after_top_column = reflected_top_column-1
        right_row  between after_top_column reflected_after_top_column
        let reflected_right_row = last-right_row
            between after_top_column (reflected_right_row-1) `mplus`
            between (reflected_right_row+1) reflected_top_column
            if bottom_column == reflected_top_column
                then if reflected_right_row < right_row
                        then between top_column (reflected_right_row-1)
                        else between top_column (right_row-1) `mplus`
                             between (right_row+1) (reflected_right_row-1)
                else let (first,second)
                           | right_row < bottom_column = (right_row,bottom_column)
                           | otherwise                 = (bottom_column,right_row)
                     in  between top_column (first-1) `mplus`
                         between (first+1) (second-1) `mplus`
                         between (second+1) reflected_after_top_column
        let top_column_bit = bit top_column
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
            (fromIntegral $ n-2)
                ((left_row_bit .|. right_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` last)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (top_column_bit .|. bit (last-left_row) .|. (1 `rotateR` right_row) .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` last))

------------------------ 90-degree rotational symmetry -------------------------

{-| The state type while the 90-degree rotational symmetry is being broken. -}
data NQueensBreak90State = NQueensBreak90State
    {   b90_number_of_queens_remaining :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
    ,   b90_window_start :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    ,   b90_window_size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    ,   b90_occupied_rows_and_columns :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b90_occupied_negative_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b90_occupied_positive_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64

{-| Break the 90-degree rotational symmetry at the current layer. -}
nqueensBreak90 ::
    MonadPlus m 
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    (α  NQueensBreak90State  m β) {-^ function to break the rotational symmetry for the next inner layer -} 
    (α  NQueensBreak180State  m β) {-^ function to break the 180-degree rotational symmetry for the next inner layer -} 
    (α  Int  NQueensSearchState  m β) {-^ function to apply a brute-force search -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    NQueensBreak90State {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
  | number_of_queens_remaining == 0 = finalizeValue value
  | window_size > 3 =
     if occupied_rows_and_columns .&. 1 == 0
        then keep90 `mplus` breakTo180 `mplus`
                if occupied_negative_diagonals .&. 1 == 0
                    then breakAtCorner `mplus` breakAtSides
                    else breakAtSides
        else nextWindow
  | number_of_queens_remaining == 1 && occupied_rows_and_columns .&. 2 == 0 =
     finalizeValue ([(window_start+1,window_start+1)] `updateValue` value)
  | otherwise = mzero
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    window_end = window_start+window_size-1
    end = window_size-1
    inner_size = window_size-2
    inner_end = window_size-3
    blocked = occupied_rows_and_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
    inner_blocked = blocked `unsafeShiftR` 1
      | window_size .&. 1 == 0 = inner_blocked
      | otherwise = inner_blocked .|. bit (inner_size `div` 2)

    -- place queens to preserve all rotational symmetries
    keep90 = do
        PositionAndBitWithReflection offset offset_bit reflected_offset reflected_offset_bit 
            getSymmetricOpenings inner_size inner_blocked_excluding_middle
        let position = window_start+offset+1
            reflected_position = window_start+reflected_offset+1
            occupied_bits = (offset_bit .|. reflected_offset_bit) `unsafeShiftL` 1
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. occupied_bits) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_bits .|. (occupied_bits `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. occupied_bits .|. (occupied_bits `rotateR` end))

    -- place queens to break down to 180-degree rotational symmetry
    breakTo180 = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column inner_top_column_bit 
            getOpenings (inner_size-1) inner_blocked_excluding_middle
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row _ 
            getOpenings (inner_end-inner_top_column) (inner_blocked_excluding_middle .|. inner_top_column_bit)
        let top_column = inner_top_column+1
            bottom_column = end-top_column
            right_row = inner_right_row+1
            left_row = end-right_row
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
            new_occupied_positive_diagonals = occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `rotateR` end)
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (reflectBits new_occupied_positive_diagonals)

    -- fully break all symmetries by placing a queen at a corner
    breakAtCorner = do
        PositionAndBit inner_left_row inner_left_row_bit 
            getOpenings inner_size inner_blocked
        PositionAndBit inner_bottom_column _ 
            getOpenings inner_size (inner_blocked .|. inner_left_row_bit)
        let left_row = inner_left_row+1
            bottom_column = inner_bottom_column+1                
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
            reflected_left_row_bit = bit (end-left_row)
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. ((left_row_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. 1 .|. reflected_left_row_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` end))

    -- fully break all symmetries placing no queens at a corner
    breakAtSides = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column _ 
            getOpenings (inner_size-1) inner_blocked
        let inner_reflected_top_column = inner_end-inner_top_column
            inner_reflected_top_column_bit = bit inner_reflected_top_column
            size_of_space_above_inner_top_column = inner_end-inner_top_column
            size_of_space_above_and_including_inner_top_column = size_of_space_above_inner_top_column + 1
            shift_to_inner_top_column = inner_top_column
            shift_to_just_past_inner_top_column = inner_top_column+1
        PositionAndBit inner_right_offset _ 
                ((inner_blocked .|. bit inner_reflected_top_column) `unsafeShiftR` shift_to_just_past_inner_top_column)
        let inner_reflected_right_row = inner_right_offset + inner_top_column + 1
            inner_right_row = inner_end - inner_reflected_right_row 
        PositionAndBit inner_bottom_offset _ 
                ((inner_blocked .|. inner_reflected_top_column_bit .|. bit inner_right_row) `unsafeShiftR` shift_to_inner_top_column)
        let inner_bottom_column = inner_end - (inner_bottom_offset + inner_top_column)
        PositionAndBit inner_left_row_offset _ 
                (if inner_bottom_offset > 0
                    then size_of_space_above_and_including_inner_top_column
                    else inner_reflected_right_row-inner_top_column
                ((inner_blocked .|. bit inner_right_row .|. bit inner_bottom_column .|. inner_reflected_top_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` shift_to_inner_top_column)
        let top_column = inner_top_column + 1
            right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            bottom_column = inner_bottom_column + 1
            left_row = inner_left_row_offset + inner_top_column + 1
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. left_row_bit .|. right_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_rows_and_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. bit (end-left_row) .|. (1 `rotateR` right_row) .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` end))

    -- all squares in this layer are occupied, go to the next one
    nextWindow = break90 value $
            (occupied_rows_and_columns `unsafeShiftR` 1)
            (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 2)

----------------------- 180-degree rotational symmetry -------------------------

{-| The state while the 180-degree rotational symmetry is being broken. -}
data NQueensBreak180State = NQueensBreak180State
    {   b180_number_of_queens_remaining :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
    ,   b180_window_start :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    ,   b180_window_size :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    ,   b180_occupied_rows :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b180_occupied_columns :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b180_occupied_negative_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b180_occupied_positive_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   b180_occupied_right_positive_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64

{-| Break the 180-degree rotational symmetry at the current layer. -}
nqueensBreak180 ::
    MonadPlus m 
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    (α  NQueensBreak180State  m β) {-^ function to break the 180-degree rotational symmetry for the next inner layer -} 
    (α  Int  NQueensSearchState  m β) {-^ function to apply a brute-force search -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    NQueensBreak180State {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
  | number_of_queens_remaining == 0 = finalizeValue value
  | window_size > 3 =
     if occupied_rows .&. 1 == 0
        then if occupied_columns .&. 1 == 0
                then mplus preserve180 $
                    if occupied_negative_diagonals .&. end_bit .|. occupied_positive_diagonals .&. end_bit == 0
                        then if occupied_negative_diagonals .&. bit (2*end) .|. occupied_positive_diagonals .&. 1 == 0
                                then breakAtBottomLeftCorner `mplus` breakAtTopLeftCorner `mplus` breakAtSides
                                else breakAtTopLeftCorner `mplus` breakAtSides
                        else if occupied_negative_diagonals .&. bit (2*end) .|. occupied_positive_diagonals .&. 1 == 0
                                then breakAtBottomLeftCorner `mplus` breakAtSides
                                else breakAtSides
                else preserve180Horizontal `mplus` breakAtHorizontalSides
        else if occupied_columns .&. 1 == 0
                then preserve180Vertical `mplus` breakAtVerticalSides
                else nextWindow
  | number_of_queens_remaining == 1 && (occupied_rows .|. occupied_columns) .&. 2 == 0 =
     finalizeValue ([(window_start+1,window_start+1)] `updateValue` value)
  | otherwise = mzero
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    end = window_size-1
    end_bit = bit end
    window_end = window_start+end
    inner_size = window_size-2
    inner_end = window_size-3
    horizontal_blocked = occupied_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
    inner_horizontal_blocked = horizontal_blocked `unsafeShiftR` 1
      | window_size .&. 1 == 0 = inner_horizontal_blocked
      | otherwise = inner_horizontal_blocked .|. bit (window_size `div` 2 - 1)
    vertical_blocked = occupied_rows .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_right_positive_diagonals
    inner_vertical_blocked = vertical_blocked `unsafeShiftR` 1
      | window_size .&. 1 == 0 = inner_vertical_blocked
      | otherwise = inner_vertical_blocked .|. bit (window_size `div` 2 - 1)

    -- break the symmetry without placing a queen at a corner
    breakAtSides = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column inner_top_column_bit 
        let inner_reflected_top_column_bit = bit (inner_end - inner_top_column)
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row inner_right_row_bit 
               (inner_vertical_blocked .|. inner_top_column_bit)
        PositionAndBit inner_reflected_bottom_column_offset _ 
              ((inner_horizontal_blocked .|. inner_reflected_top_column_bit .|. inner_right_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` inner_top_column)
        let inner_reflected_bottom_column = inner_top_column + inner_reflected_bottom_column_offset
            inner_reflected_bottom_column_bit = bit inner_reflected_bottom_column
        PositionAndBit inner_reflected_left_row _ 
                (if inner_reflected_bottom_column_offset > 0
                    then inner_size
                    else inner_right_row
                (inner_vertical_blocked .|. bit (inner_end - inner_right_row) .|. inner_reflected_bottom_column_bit .|. inner_top_column_bit)
        let top_column = inner_top_column + 1
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            reflected_right_row_bit = bit (end-right_row)
            bottom_column = inner_end - inner_reflected_bottom_column + 1
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
            left_row = inner_end - inner_reflected_left_row + 1
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
            reflected_left_row_bit = bit (end-left_row)
               ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. reflected_left_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. reflected_right_row_bit) `rotateR` end))

    -- break the symmetry by placing queens only on the horizontal sides
    breakAtHorizontalSides = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column _ 
        PositionAndBit inner_reflected_bottom_column_offset _ 
              ((inner_horizontal_blocked .|. bit (inner_end - inner_top_column)) `unsafeShiftR` (inner_top_column+1))
        let top_column = inner_top_column + 1
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            bottom_column = inner_end - (inner_top_column + inner_reflected_bottom_column_offset + 1) + 1
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` end))

    -- break the symmetry by placing queens only on the vertical sides
    breakAtVerticalSides = do
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row _ 
        PositionAndBit inner_reflected_left_row_offset _ 
              ((inner_vertical_blocked .|. bit (inner_end - inner_right_row)) `unsafeShiftR` (inner_right_row+1))
        let right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            reflected_right_row_bit = bit (end-right_row)
            left_row = inner_end - (inner_right_row + inner_reflected_left_row_offset + 1) + 1
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
            reflected_left_row_bit = bit (end-left_row)
               ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. right_row_bit .|. (left_row_bit `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. reflected_left_row_bit .|. (reflected_right_row_bit `rotateR` end))

    -- break by placing a queen at the bottom-left corner
    breakAtBottomLeftCorner = do
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row inner_right_row_bit 
            getOpenings inner_size inner_vertical_blocked
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column _ 
            getOpenings inner_size (inner_horizontal_blocked .|. inner_right_row_bit)
        let right_row = inner_right_row+1
            top_column = inner_top_column+1                
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            reflected_right_row_bit = bit (end-right_row)
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
                ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_columns .|. top_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. right_row_bit .|. top_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. 1 .|. top_column_bit .|. (reflected_right_row_bit `rotateR` end))

    -- break by placing a queen at the top-left corner
    breakAtTopLeftCorner = do
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row inner_right_row_bit 
            getOpenings inner_size inner_vertical_blocked
        PositionAndBit inner_reflected_bottom_column _ 
            getOpenings inner_size (inner_horizontal_blocked .|. inner_right_row_bit)
        let right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            bottom_column = inner_end - inner_reflected_bottom_column + 1                
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            reflected_right_row_bit = bit (end-right_row)
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
                ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_columns .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. end_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                 (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. ((reflected_right_row_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `rotateR` end))

    -- preserve the 180-degree rotational symmetry
    preserve180 = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column inner_top_column_bit 
        let top_column = inner_top_column + 1
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            bottom_column = inner_end - inner_top_column + 1
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row _ 
               (inner_vertical_blocked_excluding_middle .|. inner_top_column_bit)
        let right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            left_row = inner_end - inner_right_row + 1
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
               ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit .|. ((bottom_column_bit .|. left_row_bit) `rotateR` end))
                (occupied_right_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. right_row_bit)

    -- preserve the 180-degree symmetry for the horizontal sides
    preserve180Horizontal = do
        PositionAndBit inner_top_column _ 
        let top_column = inner_top_column + 1
            top_column_bit = bit top_column
            bottom_column = inner_end - inner_top_column + 1
            bottom_column_bit = bit bottom_column
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_columns .|. top_column_bit .|. bottom_column_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit .|. (bottom_column_bit `rotateR` end))
                (occupied_right_positive_diagonals .|. top_column_bit)

    -- preserve the 180-degree symmetry for the vertical sides
    preserve180Vertical = do
        PositionAndBit inner_right_row _ 
        let right_row = inner_right_row + 1
            right_row_bit = bit right_row
            left_row = inner_end - inner_right_row + 1
            left_row_bit = bit left_row
               ((occupied_rows .|. right_row_bit .|. left_row_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns `unsafeShiftR` 1)
               ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. right_row_bit .|. (left_row_bit `unsafeShiftL` end)) `unsafeShiftR` 2)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals .|. right_row_bit .|. (left_row_bit `rotateR` end))
                (occupied_right_positive_diagonals .|. right_row_bit)

    -- all sides are occupied, so go to the next layer in
    nextWindow = break180 value $
            (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
            (occupied_columns `unsafeShiftR` 1)
            (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 2)

---------------------------- Brute-force searching -----------------------------

{- $brute-force
After the symmetry has been fully broken, the brute-force approach attempts to
place queens in the remaining inner sub-board.  When the number of queens falls
to 10 or less, it farms the rest of the search out to a routine written in C.

{-| The state during the brute-force search. -}
data NQueensSearchState = NQueensSearchState
    {   s_number_of_queens_remaining :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word
    ,   s_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
    ,   s_occupied_rows :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   s_occupied_columns :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   s_occupied_negative_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
    ,   s_occupied_positive_diagonals :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64

{-| Using brute-force to find placements for all of the remaining queens. -}
nqueensSearch ::
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSearchState {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensSearch updateValue_ finalizeValue initial_value size initial_search_state@(NQueensSearchState _ window_start _ _ _ _) =
    go initial_value initial_search_state
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    go !value !s@(NQueensSearchState
      | number_of_queens_remaining <= 10 =
      | occupied_rows .&. 1 == 0 =
         (getOpenings size $
            occupied_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
         \(PositionAndBit offset offset_bit)  go
            ([(row,window_start+offset)] `updateValue` value)
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns .|. offset_bit)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_positive_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `rotateL` 1)
      | otherwise =
         go value
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals `rotateL` 1)
{-# INLINE nqueensSearch #-}

{-| Using brute-force to find placements for all of the remaining queens, using
    the List monad instead of C for the bottom of the tree.
nqueensWithListAtBottomSearch ::  m α β.
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSearchState {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensWithListAtBottomSearch updateValue_ finalizeValue initial_value size initial_search_state@(NQueensSearchState _ window_start _ _ _ _) =
    go initial_value initial_search_state
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    go !value !s@(NQueensSearchState
      | number_of_queens_remaining <= 10 = msum $ go2 value s
      | occupied_rows .&. 1 == 0 =
         (getOpenings size $
            occupied_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
         \(PositionAndBit offset offset_bit)  go
            ([(row,window_start+offset)] `updateValue` value)
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns .|. offset_bit)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_positive_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `rotateL` 1)
      | otherwise =
         go value
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals `rotateL` 1)
    go2 :: α  NQueensSearchState  [m β]
    go2 !value !(NQueensSearchState
      | number_of_queens_remaining == 0 = return $ finalizeValue value
      | occupied_rows .&. 1 == 0 =
         (getOpenings size $
            occupied_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
         \(PositionAndBit offset offset_bit)  go2
            ([(row,window_start+offset)] `updateValue` value)
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns .|. offset_bit)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_positive_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `rotateL` 1)
      | otherwise =
         go2 value
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals `rotateL` 1)
{-# INLINE nqueensWithListAtBottomSearch #-}

{-| Using brute-force to find placements for all of the remaining queens, using
    nothing different for the bottom of the tree.
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomSearch ::
    MonadPlus m 
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSearchState {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensWithNothingAtBottomSearch updateValue_ finalizeValue initial_value size initial_search_state@(NQueensSearchState _ window_start _ _ _ _) =
    go initial_value initial_search_state
    updateValue = updateValue_ . convertSolutionToWord
    go !value !(NQueensSearchState
      | number_of_queens_remaining == 0 = finalizeValue value
      | occupied_rows .&. 1 == 0 =
         (getOpenings size $
            occupied_columns .|. occupied_negative_diagonals .|. occupied_positive_diagonals
         \(PositionAndBit offset offset_bit)  go
            ([(row,window_start+offset)] `updateValue` value)
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_columns .|. offset_bit)
                ((occupied_negative_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                ((occupied_positive_diagonals .|. offset_bit) `rotateL` 1)
      | otherwise =
         go value
                (occupied_rows `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_negative_diagonals `unsafeShiftR` 1)
                (occupied_positive_diagonals `rotateL` 1)
{-# INLINE nqueensWithNothingAtBottomSearch #-}

{-| Interface for directly using the brute-force search approach -} 
nqueensBruteForceGeneric ::
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ initial solution -} 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensBruteForceGeneric updateValue finalizeValue initial_value 1 = finalizeValue . updateValue [(0,0)] $ initial_value
nqueensBruteForceGeneric _ _ _ 2 = mzero
nqueensBruteForceGeneric _ _ _ 3 = mzero
nqueensBruteForceGeneric updateValue finalizeValue initial_value n = nqueensSearch updateValue finalizeValue initial_value (fromIntegral n) $ NQueensSearchState n 0 0 0 0 0
{-# INLINE nqueensBruteForceGeneric #-}

{-| Generates the solutions to the n-queens problem with the given board size. -}
nqueensBruteForceSolutions :: MonadPlus m  Word  m NQueensSolution
nqueensBruteForceSolutions = nqueensBruteForceGeneric (++) return []
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensBruteForceSolutions :: Word → NQueensSolutions #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensBruteForceSolutions :: Word → Tree NQueensSolution #-}

{-| Generates the solution count to the n-queens problem with the given board size. -}
nqueensBruteForceCount :: MonadPlus m  Word  m WordSum
nqueensBruteForceCount = nqueensBruteForceGeneric (const id) (const . return $ WordSum 1) ()
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensBruteForceCount :: Word → [WordSum] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensBruteForceCount :: Word → Tree WordSum #-}

--------------------------------- C inner-loop ---------------------------------

{-| C code that performs a brute-force search for the remaining queens.  The
    last three arguments are allowed to be NULL, in which case they are ignored
    and only the count is returned.
foreign import ccall safe "queens.h LogicGrowsOnTrees_Queens_count_solutions" c_LogicGrowsOnTrees_Queens_count_solutions ::
    CUInt {-^ board size -} 
    CUInt {-^ number of queens remaining -} 
    CUInt {-^ row number -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied rows -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied columns -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied negative diagonals -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied positive diagonals -} 
    FunPtr (CUInt -> CUInt  IO ()) {-^ function to push a coordinate on the partial solution;  may be NULL ^-} 
    FunPtr (IO ()) {-^ function to pop a coordinate from partial solution;  may be NULL ^-}  
    FunPtr (IO ()) {-^ function to finalize a solution;  may be NULL ^-}  
    IO CUInt

{-| wrapper stub for the push value function pointer -}
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkPushValue :: (CUInt  CUInt  IO ())  IO (FunPtr (CUInt  CUInt  IO ()))

{-| wrapper stub for the pop value function pointer -}
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkPopValue :: IO ()  IO (FunPtr (IO ()))

{-| wrapper stub for the finalize value function pointer -}
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkFinalizeValue :: IO ()  IO (FunPtr (IO ()))

{-| Calls C code to perform a brute-force search for the remaining queens.  The
    types α and β must be   'Typeable' because this function actually optimizes
    for the case where only counting is being done by providing null values for
    the function pointer inputs.
nqueensCSearch ::
     α m β.
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ partial solution -} 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    Int {-^ window start -} 
    NQueensSearchState {-^ current state -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensCSearch _ finalizeValue value _ _ NQueensSearchState{s_number_of_queens_remaining=0} = finalizeValue value
nqueensCSearch updateValue finalizeValue value size window_start NQueensSearchState{..}
  | typeOf value == typeOf () && typeOf (undefined :: β) == typeOf (undefined :: WordSum) = do
        Just (WordSum multiplier)  liftM cast (finalizeValue value)
        let number_found =
                    (fromIntegral size)
                    (fromIntegral s_number_of_queens_remaining)
                    (fromIntegral s_row)
        return . fromJust . cast $ WordSum (multiplier * number_found)
  | otherwise = unsafePerformIO $ do
        value_stack_ref  newIORef [value]
        finalized_values  newIORef mzero
        push_value_funptr  mkPushValue $ \row offset  modifyIORef value_stack_ref (\stack@(value:_)  updateValue [(fromIntegral row, fromIntegral window_start + fromIntegral offset)] value:stack)
        pop_value_funptr  mkPopValue $ modifyIORef value_stack_ref tail
        finalize_value_funptr  mkFinalizeValue $ do
            value  head <$> readIORef value_stack_ref
            let finalized_value = finalizeValue value
            old_value  readIORef finalized_values
            new_value  evaluate $ old_value `mplus` finalized_value
            writeIORef finalized_values new_value
        _  c_LogicGrowsOnTrees_Queens_count_solutions
                (fromIntegral size)
                (fromIntegral s_number_of_queens_remaining)
                (fromIntegral s_row)
        freeHaskellFunPtr push_value_funptr
        freeHaskellFunPtr pop_value_funptr
        freeHaskellFunPtr finalize_value_funptr
        readIORef finalized_values

{-| Interface for directly using the C search approach -} 
nqueensCGeneric ::
    (MonadPlus m
    ,Typeable α
    ,Typeable β
    ([(Word,Word)]  α  α) {-^ function that adds a list of coordinates to the partial solutions -} 
    (α  m β) {-^ function that finalizes the partial solution -} 
    α {-^ initial value -} 
    Word {-^ the board size -} 
    m β {-^ the final result -}
nqueensCGeneric updateValue finalizeValue initial_value 1 =
    finalizeValue . updateValue [(0,0)] $ initial_value
nqueensCGeneric _ _ _ 2 = mzero
nqueensCGeneric _ _ _ 3 = mzero
nqueensCGeneric updateValue finalizeValue initial_value n =
    nqueensCSearch updateValue finalizeValue initial_value (fromIntegral n) 0 $
        NQueensSearchState n 0 0 0 0 0
{-# INLINE nqueensCGeneric #-}

{-| Generates the solutions to the n-queens problem with the given board size. -}
nqueensCSolutions :: MonadPlus m  Word  m NQueensSolution
nqueensCSolutions = nqueensCGeneric (++) return []
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensCSolutions :: Word → NQueensSolutions #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensCSolutions :: Word → Tree NQueensSolution #-}

{-| Generates the solution count to the n-queens problem with the given board size. -}
nqueensCCount :: MonadPlus m  Word  m WordSum
nqueensCCount = nqueensCGeneric (const id) (const . return $ WordSum 1) ()
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensCCount :: Word → [WordSum] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE nqueensCCount :: Word → Tree WordSum #-}

------------------------------ Utility functions -------------------------------

{-| Computes all rotations and reflections of the given solution. -}
allRotationsAndReflectionsOf ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolutions {-^ all rotations and reflections of the given solution -}
allRotationsAndReflectionsOf = flip multiplySolution NoSymmetries

{-| Computes all rotations of the given solution. -}
allRotationsOf ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolutions {-^ all rotations of the given solution -}
allRotationsOf n = take 4 . iterate (rotateLeft n)

{-| Converts coordinates of type 'Int' to type 'Word'. -}
convertSolutionToWord :: [(Int,Int)]  [(Word,Word)]
convertSolutionToWord = map (fromIntegral *** fromIntegral)

{-| Extracts the outermost layers of a solution. -}
extractExteriorFromSolution ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    Word {-^ number of outer layers to extract -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ the outermost layers of the solution -}
extractExteriorFromSolution size layers = filter . uncurry $ ((||) `on` (liftA2 (||) (< threshold_1) (> threshold_2)))
    threshold_1 = layers
    threshold_2 = size-layers-1

{-| Get the openings for a queen -}
getOpenings ::
    MonadPlus m 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied positions -} 
    m PositionAndBit {-^ open positions and their corresponding bits -}
getOpenings size blocked
    | blocked .&. mask == mask = mzero
    | otherwise = go (PositionAndBit 0 1)
    mask = bit size - 1
    go !x@(PositionAndBit i b)
     | i >= size          = mzero
     | b .&. blocked == 0 = return x `mplus` go next_x
     | otherwise          = go next_x
       next_x = PositionAndBit (i+1) (b `unsafeShiftL` 1)
{-# INLINE getOpenings #-}

{-| Get the symmetric openings for a queen -}
getSymmetricOpenings ::
    MonadPlus m 
    Int {-^ board size -} 
    Word64 {-^ occupied positions -} 
    m PositionAndBitWithReflection {-^ open positions and their corresponding bits and reflections -}
getSymmetricOpenings size blocked
    | blocked .&. mask == mask = mzero
    | otherwise = go (PositionAndBitWithReflection 0 1 end end_bit)
    end = size-1
    end_bit = bit end
    mask = bit size - 1
    go x@(PositionAndBitWithReflection i b ri rb)
     | i >= ri            = mzero
     | b .&. blocked == 0 = return x `mplus` return (PositionAndBitWithReflection ri rb i b) `mplus` go next_bit
     | otherwise          = go next_bit
       next_bit = PositionAndBitWithReflection (i+1) (b `unsafeShiftL` 1) (ri-1) (rb `unsafeShiftR` 1)
{-# INLINE getSymmetricOpenings #-}

{-| Checks if a solution has reflection symmetry. -}
hasReflectionSymmetry ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    Bool {-^ true if the given solution has reflection symmetry -}
hasReflectionSymmetry n = liftA2 ((==) `on` sort) id (reflectSolution n)

{-| Checks if a solution has 90-degree rotation symmetry. -}
hasRotate90Symmetry ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    Bool {-^ true if the given solution has 90-degree rotation symmetry -}
hasRotate90Symmetry n = liftA2 ((==) `on` sort) id (rotateLeft n)

{-| Checks if a solution has 180-degree rotation symmetry. -}
hasRotate180Symmetry ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    Bool {-^ true if the given solution has 180-degree rotation symmetry -}
hasRotate180Symmetry n = liftA2 ((==) `on` sort) id (rotate180 n)

{-| Returns the number of equivalent solutions for a solution with a given symmetry. -}
multiplicityForSymmetry :: NQueensSymmetry  Word
multiplicityForSymmetry AllSymmetries = 1
multiplicityForSymmetry AllRotations = 2
multiplicityForSymmetry Rotate180Only = 4
multiplicityForSymmetry NoSymmetries = 8
{-# INLINE multiplicityForSymmetry #-}

{-| Gets all of the equivalent solutions with an equivalent symmetry. -}
multiplySolution :: MonadPlus m 
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSymmetry {-^ the symmetry of the solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ a solution with the given symmetry -} 
    m NQueensSolution {-^ the equivalent solutions of the given solution -}
multiplySolution n = go
    go AllSymmetries = return
    go AllRotations = liftM2 (mplus `on` return) id (reflectSolution n) >=> go AllSymmetries
    go Rotate180Only = liftM2 (mplus `on` return) id (rotateLeft n) >=> go AllRotations
    go NoSymmetries = liftM2 (mplus `on` return) id (rotate180 n) >=> go Rotate180Only
{-# INLINE multiplySolution #-}

{-| Reflects the bits in a number so that each bit at position i is moved to
    position -i (i.e., what you get when you take a bit at position 0 and rotate
    it i positions to the right)
reflectBits :: Word64  Word64
reflectBits = go 0 (0::Int) 1
    go !accum 64 _ _ = accum
    go !accum !column !column_bit !bits =
        go (accum + column_bit * (bits .&. 1))
           (column + 1)
           (column_bit `unsafeShiftL` 1)
           (bits `rotateL` 1)

{-| Reflects the columns of a solution -}
reflectSolution ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ the solution with its columns reflected -}
reflectSolution n old_solution = map (\(row,col)  (row,last-col)) old_solution
    last = n - 1

{-| Rotate a solution left by 180 degrees. -}
rotate180 ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ the given solution rotated by 180 degrees -}
rotate180 n = map (\(row,col)  (last-row,last-col))
    last = n - 1

{-| Rotate a solution left by 90 degrees. -}
rotateLeft ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ the given solution rotated left by 90 degrees -}
rotateLeft n = map (\(row,col)  (col,last-row))
    last = n - 1

{-| Rotate a solution right by 90 degrees. -}
rotateRight ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ the given solution rotated right by 90 degrees -}
rotateRight n = map (\(row,col)  (last-col,row))
    last = n - 1

{-| Computes the symmetry class of the given solution -}
symmetryOf ::
    Word {-^ board size -} 
    NQueensSolution {-^ given solution -} 
    NQueensSymmetry {-^ the symmetry of the given solution -}
symmetryOf n solution
  | hasReflectionSymmetry n solution = AllSymmetries
  | hasRotate90Symmetry n solution = AllRotations
  | hasRotate180Symmetry n solution = Rotate180Only
  | otherwise = NoSymmetries