-- |Yet another parser combinator. This is mostly a subset of -- "Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec" but there are some differences: -- -- * This parser works on 'Data.ByteString.Base.LazyByteString' -- instead of 'Prelude.String'. -- -- * Backtracking is the only possible behavior so there is no \"try\" -- action. -- -- * On success, the remaining string is returned as well as the -- parser result. -- -- * You can choose whether to treat reaching EOF (trying to eat one -- more letter at the end of string) a fatal error or to treat it a -- normal failure. If a fatal error occurs, the entire parsing -- process immediately fails without trying any backtracks. The -- default behavior is to treat EOF fatal. -- -- In general, you don't have to use this module directly. module Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser ( Parser , ParserResult(..) , failP , parse , parseStr , anyChar , eof , allowEOF , satisfy , char , string , (<|>) , choice , oneOf , digit , hexDigit , notFollowedBy , many , many1 , count , option , sepBy , sepBy1 , sp , ht , crlf ) where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B hiding (ByteString) -- |@'Parser' a@ is obviously a parser which parses and returns @a@. newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: State ParserState (ParserResult a) } data ParserState = PST { pstInput :: Lazy.ByteString , pstIsEOFFatal :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) data ParserResult a = Success !a | IllegalInput -- 受理出來ない入力があった | ReachedEOF -- 限界を越えて讀まうとした deriving (Eq, Show) -- (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b instance Monad Parser where p >>= f = Parser $! do saved <- get -- 失敗した時の爲に状態を保存 result <- runParser p case result of Success a -> runParser (f a) IllegalInput -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 return IllegalInput ReachedEOF -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 return ReachedEOF return x = x `seq` Parser $! return $! Success x fail _ = Parser $! return $! IllegalInput -- |@'failP'@ is just a synonym for @'Prelude.fail' -- 'Prelude.undefined'@. failP :: Parser a failP = fail undefined -- |@'parse' p bstr@ parses @bstr@ with @p@ and returns @(# result, -- remaining #)@. parse :: Parser a -> Lazy.ByteString -> (# ParserResult a, Lazy.ByteString #) parse p input -- input は lazy である必要有り。 = p `seq` let (result, state') = runState (runParser p) (PST input True) in result `seq` (# result, pstInput state' #) -- pstInput state' も lazy である必要有り。 -- |@'parseStr' p str@ packs @str@ and parses it. parseStr :: Parser a -> String -> (# ParserResult a, Lazy.ByteString #) parseStr p input = p `seq` -- input は lazy である必要有り。 parse p (B.pack input) anyChar :: Parser Char anyChar = Parser $! do state@(PST input _) <- get if B.null input then return ReachedEOF else do put $! state { pstInput = B.tail input } return (Success $! B.head input) eof :: Parser () eof = Parser $! do PST input _ <- get if B.null input then return $! Success () else return IllegalInput -- |@'allowEOF' p@ makes @p@ treat reaching EOF a normal failure. allowEOF :: Parser a -> Parser a allowEOF f = f `seq` Parser $! do saved@(PST _ isEOFFatal) <- get put $! saved { pstIsEOFFatal = False } result <- runParser f state <- get put $! state { pstIsEOFFatal = isEOFFatal } return result satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char satisfy f = f `seq` do c <- anyChar if f $! c then return c else failP char :: Char -> Parser Char char c = c `seq` satisfy (== c) string :: String -> Parser String string str = str `seq` do mapM_ char str return str infixr 0 <|> -- |This is the backtracking alternation. There is no non-backtracking -- equivalent. (<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a f <|> g = f `seq` g `seq` Parser $! do saved <- get -- 状態を保存 result <- runParser f case result of Success a -> return $! Success a IllegalInput -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 runParser g ReachedEOF -> if pstIsEOFFatal saved then return ReachedEOF else do put saved runParser g choice :: [Parser a] -> Parser a choice = foldl (<|>) failP oneOf :: [Char] -> Parser Char oneOf = foldl (<|>) failP . map char notFollowedBy :: Parser a -> Parser () notFollowedBy p = p `seq` Parser $! do saved <- get -- 状態を保存 result <- runParser p case result of Success _ -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 return IllegalInput IllegalInput -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 return $! Success () ReachedEOF -> do put saved -- 状態を復歸 return $! Success () digit :: Parser Char digit = do c <- anyChar if c >= '0' && c <= '9' then return c else failP hexDigit :: Parser Char hexDigit = do c <- anyChar if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') then return c else failP many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many p = p `seq` do x <- p xs <- many p return (x:xs) <|> return [] many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many1 p = p `seq` do x <- p xs <- many p return (x:xs) count :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser [a] count 0 _ = return [] count n p = n `seq` p `seq` do x <- p xs <- count (n-1) p return (x:xs) -- def may be a _|_ option :: a -> Parser a -> Parser a option def p = p `seq` p <|> return def sepBy :: Parser a -> Parser sep -> Parser [a] sepBy p sep = p `seq` sep `seq` sepBy1 p sep <|> return [] sepBy1 :: Parser a -> Parser sep -> Parser [a] sepBy1 p sep = p `seq` sep `seq` do x <- p xs <- many $! sep >> p return (x:xs) sp :: Parser Char sp = char ' ' ht :: Parser Char ht = char '\t' crlf :: Parser String crlf = string "\x0d\x0a"