-- Module      :  MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All
-- Copyright   :
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  agocorona@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :
-- |

module MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Html.All (
 module Data.TCache
,module MFlow
,module MFlow.Wai
,module MFlow.Forms
,module MFlow.Forms.Widgets
,module MFlow.Forms.Blaze.Html
,module MFlow.Forms.Admin
,module Network.Wai
,module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
,module Control.Applicative
--,module Text.Blaze.Internal
,module Text.Blaze.Html5
,module Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes
,module Control.Monad.IO.Class
) where

import MFlow
import MFlow.Wai
import MFlow.Forms
import MFlow.Forms.Widgets
import MFlow.Forms.XHtml
import MFlow.Forms.Admin
import MFlow.Forms.Blaze.Html
import Text.Blaze.Html5 hiding (map)
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes  hiding (label,span,style,cite,title,summary,step,form)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Data.TCache
import Text.Blaze.Internal(text)

import Control.Workflow (Workflow, unsafeIOtoWF)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Environment
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Char(isNumber)

---- | run a transient flow (see 'transient'). The port is read from the first exectution parameter
---- if no parameter, it is read from the PORT environment variable.
---- if this does not exist, the port 80 is used.
--runServerTransient :: FormInput view => FlowM view IO () -> IO Bool
--runServerTransient f= do
--    addMessageFlows[("", transient $ runFlow f)]
--    porti <- getPort
--    wait $ run porti waiMessageFlow
---- | a more grandiloquent name for runServerTransient
---- > runNavigation= runServerTransient
--runNavigation :: FormInput view => FlowM view IO () -> IO Bool
--runNavigation= runServerTransient

-- The port is read from the first exectution parameter
-- if no parameter, it is read from the PORT environment variable.
-- if this does not exist, the port 80 is used.
getPort= do
    args <- getArgs
    port <- case args of
           port:xs -> return port
           _  -> do
               env <- getEnvironment
               return $ fromMaybe "80" $ lookup "PORT" env
    let porti= if and $ map isNumber port then fromIntegral $ read port
                                          else 80
    putStr "using port "
    print porti
    return porti

-- | run a persistent flow. The port is read from the first exectution parameter
-- if no parameter, it is read from the PORT environment variable.
-- if this does not exist, the port 80 is used.
runNavigation :: String -> FlowM Html (Workflow IO) () -> IO Bool
runNavigation n f= do
    addMessageFlows[(n, runFlow f)]
    porti <- getPort
    wait $ run porti waiMessageFlow

---- | a more grandiloquent synonym of runServerTransient
---- > runPersNavigation= runServer
--runPersistentNavigation :: FormInput view => FlowM view (Workflow IO) () -> IO Bool
--runPersistentNavigation= runServer