{-# OPTIONS  -XOverloadedStrings -XFlexibleInstances -XTypeSynonymInstances
{- |
Instantiation of the 'FormInput' class for blaze-html <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/blaze-html>

This package is included in "MFlow.Wai.Blaze.Hml.All".

Use it to create applicaitons with this kind of formatting.
module MFlow.Forms.Blaze.Html where
import MFlow
import MFlow.Forms
import MFlow.Cookies(contentHtml)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8

import Text.Blaze.Html
import qualified Text.Blaze.Internal as I
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as St
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as At
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Typeable
import Data.String
import Data.Monoid
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | used to insert html elements within a tag with the appropriate infix priority for the
-- other operators used in MFlow. Also it can be used for adding markup to
-- widgets with this signature such are 'wlink' ad 'setOption'
(<<) :: ToMarkup a => (Markup -> t) -> a -> t
(<<) tag v= tag $ toMarkup v

infixr 7 <<

instance FormInput Html where
    toByteString  =  renderHtml
    toHttpData = HttpData [contentHtml ] [] . toByteString
    ftag x=  I.Parent (fromString x) (fromString $ "<"++x) (fromString $ "</"++ x ++">")
              -- (mempty :: I.MarkupM () )

    inred =  b ! At.style (fromString "color:red")

    finput n t v f c=
        tag= input ! type_ (fromString t) ! name  (fromString n) !value  (fromString v)
        tag1= if f then tag  ! checked (fromString "") else tag
       in case c of Just s -> tag1 ! onclick  (fromString s) ; _ -> tag1

    ftextarea nam text=  textarea ! name  (fromString nam) <<  text

    fselect nam list = select ! name  (fromString nam) << list
    foption  name v msel=
      let tag=  option ! value  (fromString name)  <<  v
      in if msel then tag ! selected (fromString "") else tag

    formAction action form = St.form ! At.action  (fromString action) ! method  (fromString "post") $ form

    fromStr= toMarkup
    fromStrNoEncode  = preEscapedToMarkup
    flink  v str = a ! href  (fromString  v) << str

    attrs tag  [] = tag
    attrs tag ((n,v):attribs) =
       let tag'= tag ! (customAttribute $ stringTag n) (fromString v)
       in attrs tag' attribs