MagicHaskeller- Automatic inductive functional programmer by systematic search
Safe HaskellNone



Re-exported modules

This library implicitly re-exports the entities from module Language.Haskell.TH as TH and module Data.Typeable from the Standard Hierarchical Library of Haskell. Please refer to their documentations on types from them --- in this documentation, types from TH are all qualified and the only type used from module Typeable is Typeable.Typeable. Other types you had never seen should be our internal representation.

Setting up your synthesis

Before synthesis, you have to define at least one program generator algorithm (or you may define one once and reuse it for later syntheses). Other parameters are memoization depth and time out interval, which have default values. You may elect either to set those values to the 'global variables' using 'set*' functions (i.e. functions whose names are prefixed by set), or hand them explicitly as parameters.

Class for program generator algorithms

Please note that ConstrL and ConstrLSF are obsoleted and users are expected to use the constrL option in Option.

class WithCommon a => ProgramGenerator a Source #

ProgramGenerator is a generalization of the old Memo type.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
ProgramGenerator ProgGen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.ProgGen


mkTrie :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> ProgGen Source #

mkTrieOpt :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> ProgGen Source #

matchingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

matchingProgramsWOAbsents :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

unifyingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

Expression e => ProgramGenerator (PGSF e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.ProgGenSF


mkTrie :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> PGSF e Source #

mkTrieOpt :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> PGSF e Source #

matchingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> PGSF e -> m AnnExpr Source #

matchingProgramsWOAbsents :: Search m => Type -> PGSF e -> m AnnExpr Source #

unifyingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> PGSF e -> m AnnExpr Source #

data ProgGen Source #

The vanilla program generator corresponding to Version 0.7.*


Instances details
ProgramGeneratorIO ProgGen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.ProgGen


mkTrieIO :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> IO ProgGen Source #

mkTrieOptIO :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> IO ProgGen Source #

matchingProgramsIO :: Type -> ProgGen -> RecompT IO AnnExpr Source #

unifyingProgramsIO :: Type -> ProgGen -> RecompT IO AnnExpr Source #

ProgramGenerator ProgGen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.ProgGen


mkTrie :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> ProgGen Source #

mkTrieOpt :: Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> ProgGen Source #

matchingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

matchingProgramsWOAbsents :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

unifyingPrograms :: Search m => Type -> ProgGen -> m AnnExpr Source #

WithCommon ProgGen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.ProgGen

Functions for creating your program generator algorithm

You can set your primitives like, e.g., setPrimitives $(p [| ( (+) :: Int->Int->Int, 0 :: Int, 'A', [] :: [a] ) |]), where the primitive set is consisted of (+) specialized to type Int->Int->Int, 0 specialized to type Int, 'A' which has monomorphic type Char, and [] with polymorphic type [a]. As primitive components one can include any variables and constructors within the scope. However, because currently ad hoc polymorphism is not supported by this library, you may not write setPrimitives $(p [| (+) :: Num a => a->a->a |]). Also, you have to specify the type unless you are using a primitive component whose type is monomorphic and instance of Typeable (just like when using the dynamic expression of Concurrent Clean), and thus you may write setPrimitives $(p [| 'A' |]), while you have to write setPrimitives $(p [| [] :: [a] |]) instead of setPrimitives $(p [| [] |]).

p Source #


:: ExpQ

Quote a tuple of primitive components here.

-> ExpQ

This becomes [Primitive] when spliced.

p is used to convert your primitive component set into the internal form.

setPrimitives :: [Primitive] -> [Primitive] -> IO () Source #

setPrimitives creates a ProgGen from the given set of primitives using the current set of options, and sets it as the current program generator. It used to be equivalent to setPG . mkPG which overwrites the options with the default, but it is not now.

mkPGSF Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> StdGen 
-> [Int]

number of random samples at each depth, for each type.

-> [Primitive] 
-> [Primitive] 
-> [Primitive] 
-> pg 

mkPGSF and mkMemoSF are provided mainly for backward compatibility. These functions are defined only for the ProgramGenerators whose names end with SF (i.e., generators with synergetic filtration). For such generators, they are defined as:

mkPGSF   gen nrnds optups tups = mkPGOpt (options{primopt = Just optups, contain = True,  stdgen = gen, nrands = nrnds}) tups
mkMemoSF gen nrnds optups tups = mkPGOpt (options{primopt = Just optups, contain = False, stdgen = gen, nrands = nrnds}) tups

Older versions prohibited data types holding functions such as [a->b], (Int->Char, Bool), etc. just for efficiency reasons. They are still available if you use mkMemo and mkMemoSF instead of mkPG and mkPGSF respectively, though actually this limitation does not affect the efficiency a lot. (NB: recently I noticed that use of mkMemo or mkMemoSF might not improve the efficiency of generating lambda terms at all, though when I generated combinatory expressions it WAS necessary. In fact, I mistakenly turned this limitation off, and mkMemo and mkMemoSF were equivalent to mkPG and mkPGSF, but I did not notice that....)

mkMemoSF Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> StdGen 
-> [Int]

number of random samples at each depth, for each type.

-> [Primitive] 
-> [Primitive] 
-> [Primitive] 
-> pg 

mkPGSF and mkMemoSF are provided mainly for backward compatibility. These functions are defined only for the ProgramGenerators whose names end with SF (i.e., generators with synergetic filtration). For such generators, they are defined as:

mkPGSF   gen nrnds optups tups = mkPGOpt (options{primopt = Just optups, contain = True,  stdgen = gen, nrands = nrnds}) tups
mkMemoSF gen nrnds optups tups = mkPGOpt (options{primopt = Just optups, contain = False, stdgen = gen, nrands = nrnds}) tups

mkMemo075 enables some more old good optimization options used until Version 0.7.5, including guess on the primitive functions. It is for you if you prefer speed, but the result can be non-exhaustive if you use it with your own LibTH.hs. Also, you need to use the prefixed |(->)| in order for the options to take effect. See LibTH.hs for examples.

mkPGOpt can be used along with its friends instead of mkPG when the search should be fine-tuned.

mkPGX and mkPGXOpt can be used instead of mkPG and mkPGOpt if you want to prioritize the primitives. They take a list of lists of primitives as an argument, whose first element is the list of primitives with the greatest priority, second element the second greatest priority, and so on.

mkPGX :: ProgramGenerator pg => [Primitive] -> [[Primitive]] -> pg Source #

mkPG is defined as:

mkPG prims = mkPGSF (mkStdGen 123456) (repeat 5) prims prims

mkPGXOpts :: (Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a) -> Options -> [Primitive] -> [(Primitive, Primitive)] -> [[Primitive]] -> [[(Primitive, Primitive)]] -> a Source #

mkPGXOptsExt :: (TyConLib -> [[(String, Dynamic)]]) -> (TyConLib -> [[(String, Dynamic)]]) -> (TyConLib -> [[(String, Dynamic)]]) -> (Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a) -> Options -> [Primitive] -> [(Primitive, Primitive)] -> [[Primitive]] -> [[(Primitive, Primitive)]] -> a Source #

updatePGXOpts :: (Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a) -> Maybe [[Primitive]] -> [Dynamic] -> [(Dynamic, Dynamic)] -> [[Dynamic]] -> [[(Dynamic, Dynamic)]] -> Common -> a Source #

updatePGXOptsFilt :: Int -> (Common -> [Typed [CoreExpr]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> [[Typed [CoreExpr]]] -> a) -> Maybe [[Primitive]] -> [Dynamic] -> [(Dynamic, Dynamic)] -> [[Dynamic]] -> [[(Dynamic, Dynamic)]] -> Common -> a Source #

type Options = Opt [[Primitive]] Source #

options for limiting the hypothesis space.

data Opt a Source #

options that limit the hypothesis space.




  • primopt :: Maybe a

    Use this option if you want to use a different component library for the stage of solving the inhabitation problem. Nothing means using the same one. This option makes sense only when using *SF style generators, because otherwise the program generation is not staged. Using a minimal set for solving the inhabitation and a redundant library for the real program generation can be a good bet.

  • memodepth :: Int

    memoization depth. (Sub)expressions within this size are memoized, while greater expressions will be recomputed (to save the heap space). Only effective when using ProgGen and unless using the everythingIO family.

  • memoCondPure :: Type -> Int -> Bool

    This represents when to memoize. It takes the query type and the query depth, and returns True if the corresponding entry should be looked up from the lazy memo table. Currently this only works for ProgGenSF.

  • memoCond :: MemoCond

    This represents which memoization table to be used based on the query type and the search depth, when using the everythingIO family.

  • execute :: VarLib -> CoreExpr -> Dynamic
  • timeout :: Maybe Int

    Just ms sets the timeout to ms microseconds. Also, my implementation of timeout also catches inevitable exceptions like stack space overflow. Note that setting timeout makes the library referentially untransparent. (But currently Just 20000 is the default!) Setting this option to Nothing disables both timeout and capturing exceptions.

  • forcibleTimeout :: Bool

    If this option is True, forkProcess instead of forkIO is used for timeout. The former is much heavier than the latter, but is more preemptive and thus is necessary for interrupting some infinite loops. This record is ignored if FORCIBLETO is not defined.

  • guess :: Bool

    If this option is True, the program guesses whether each function is a casecatamorphismparamorphism or not. This information is used to filter out some duplicate expressions. (History: I once abandoned this guessing strategy around the time I moved to the library implementation, because I could not formally prove the exhaustiveness of the resulting algorithm. For this reason, the old standalone version of MagicHaskeller uses this strategy, but almost the same effect can be obtained by setting this option to True, or using init075 instead of initialize.

  • contain :: Bool

    This option is now obsolete, and we always assume True now. If this option was False, data structures might not contain functions, and thus types like [Int->Int], (Int->Bool, Char), etc. were not permitted. (NB: recently I noticed that making this False might not improve the efficiency of generating lambda terms at all, though when I generated combinatory expressions it WAS necessary. In fact, I mistakenly turned this limitation off, and my code always regarded this as True, but I did not notice that, so this option can be obsoleted.)

  • constrL :: Bool

    If this option is True, matching at the antecedent of induction rules may occur, which constrains generation of existential types. You need to use prefixed (->) to show that some parameter can be matched at the antecedent, e.g., p [| ( []::[a], (:)::a->[a]->[a], foldr :: (a->b->b) -> b -> (->) [a] b ) |] See LibTH.hs for examples.

  • tvndelay :: Int

    Each time the type variable which appears in the return type of a function (e.g. b in foldr::(a->b->b)->b->[a]->b) is expanded to a function type, the search priority of the current computation is lowered by this number. It's default value is 1, which means there is nothing special, and the priority for each expression corresponds to the number of function applications in the expression.

    Example: when tvndelay = 1,

    The priority of

    \xs -> foldr (\x y -> x+y) 0 xs

    is 5, because there are five $'s in

    \xs -> ((foldr $ (\x y -> ((+) $ x) $ y)) $ 0) xs

    The priority of

    \xs ys -> foldr (\x y zs -> x : y zs) (\ws->ws) xs ys

    is 7, because there are seven $'s in

    \xs ys -> (((foldr $ (\x y zs -> (((:) $ x) $ y) $ zs)) $ (\ws->ws)) $ xs) $ ys

    Example: when tvndelay = 2,

    The priority of

    \xs -> foldr (\x y -> x+y) 0 xs

    is 5, because there are five $'s in

    \xs -> ((foldr $ (\x y -> ((+) $ x) $ y)) $ 0) xs

    The priority of

    \xs ys -> foldr (\x y zs -> x : y zs) (\ws->ws) xs ys

    is 8, because there are eight $'s in

    \xs ys -> (((foldr $ (\x y zs -> (((:) $ x) $ y) $ zs)) $ (\ws->ws)) $ xs) $$ ys

    where $$ denotes the function application caused by expanding a type variable into a function type.

  • tv1 :: Bool

    If this option is True, the return type of functions returning a type variable (e.g. b in foldr::(a->b->b)->b->[a]->b) can only be replaced with Eval t => t and Eval t => u -> t, while if False with Eval t => t, Eval t => u->t, Eval t => u->v->t, etc., where Eval t means t cannot be replaced with a function. The restriction can be amended if the tuple constructor and destructors are available.

  • tv0 :: Bool
  • stdgen :: StdGen

    The random seed.

  • nrands :: [Int]

    number of random samples at each depth, for each type, for the filter applied during synthesis (used by ProgGenSF, &c.).

  • fcnrand :: Int -> Int

    number of random samples at each depth, for each type, for the filter applied after synthesis (used by filterThenF, &c.).

options :: Opt a Source #

default options

options = Opt{ primopt = Nothing
             , memodepth = 10
             , memoCondPure = \ _type depth -> 0<depth
             , memoCond = \ _type depth -> return $ if depth < 10 then Ram else Recompute
             , execute = unsafeExecute
             , timeout = Just 20000
             , forcibleTimeout = False
             , guess   = False
             , contain = True
             , constrL = False
             , tv1     = False

data MemoType Source #



Recompute instead of memoizing.


Use the memoization table based on lazy evaluation, like in older versions.

Disk FilePath

Use the directory specified by FilePath as the persistent memoization table.

These are versions for ProgramGeneratorIO.

Alternative way to create your program generator algorithm

load and f provides an alternative scheme to create program generator algorithms.

load Source #


:: FilePath 
-> ExpQ

This becomes [Primitive] when spliced.

load loads a component library file.

f :: String -> ExpQ Source #

f is supposed to be used by load, but not hidden.

Memoization depth

NB: setDepth will be obsoleted. It is provided for backward compatibility, but not exactly compatible with the old one in that its result will not affect the behavior of everything, etc., which explicitly take a ProgramGenerator as an argument. Also, in the current implementation, the result of setDepth will be overwritten by setPrimitives. Use memodepth option instead.

setDepth Source #


:: Int

memoization depth. (Sub)expressions within this size are memoized, while greater expressions will be recomputed (to save the heap space).

-> IO () 

Currently the default depth is 10. You may want to lower the value if your computer often swaps, or increase it if you have a lot of memory.

Time out

NB: setTimeout and unsetTimeout will be obsoleted. They are provided for backward compatibility, but not exactly compatible with the old ones in that their results will not affect the behavior of everything, etc., which explicitly take a ProgramGenerator as an argument. Also, in the current implementation, the result of setTimeout and unsetTimeout will be overwritten by setPrimitives. Use timeout option instead.

Because the library generates all the expressions including those with non-linear recursions, you should note that there exist some expressions which take extraordinarily long time. (Imagine a function that takes an integer n and increments 0 for 2^(2^n) times.) For this reason, time out is taken after 0.02 second since each invocation of evaluation by default. This default behavior can be overridden by the following functions.

setTimeout Source #


:: Int

time in microseconds

-> IO () 

setTimeout sets the timeout in microseconds. Also, my implementation of timeout also catches inevitable exceptions like stack space overflow. Note that setting timeout makes the library referentially untransparent. (But currently setTimeout 20000 is the default!)

unsetTimeout :: IO () Source #

unsetTimeout disables timeout. This is the safe choice.

Defining functions automatically

In this case "automatically" does not mean "inductively" but "deductively using Template Haskell";)

define :: Name -> String -> ExpQ -> Q [Dec] Source #

define eases use of this library by automating some function definitions. For example,

$( define ''ProgGen "Foo" (p [| (1 :: Int, (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) |]) )

is equivalent to

memoFoo :: ProgGen
memoFoo = mkPG (p [| (1 :: Int, (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int) |])
everyFoo :: Everything
everyFoo = everything memoFoo
filterFoo :: Filter
filterFoo pred = filterThen pred everyFoo

If you do not think this function reduces the number of your keystrokes a lot, you can do without it.

type Everything = forall a. Typeable a => Every a Source #

type Filter = forall a. Typeable a => (a -> Bool) -> IO (Every a) Source #

type Every a = [[(Exp, a)]] Source #

type EveryIO a = Int -> IO [(Exp, a)] Source #

Generating programs

(There are many variants, but most of the functions here just filter everything with the predicates you provide.)

Functions suffixed with "F" (like everythingF, etc.) are filtered versions, where their results are filtered to totally remove semantic duplications. In general they are equivalent to applying everyF afterwards. (Note that this is filtration AFTER the program generation, unlike the filtration by using ProgGenSF is done DURING program generation.)

Quick start

findOne Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> Exp 

findOne pred finds an expression e that satisfies pred e == True, and returns it in Exp.

printOne Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO Exp 

printOne prints the expression found first.

printAll Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO () 

printAll prints all the expressions satisfying the given predicate.

printAllF Source #


:: (Typeable a, Filtrable a) 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO () 

io2pred :: Eq b => [(a, b)] -> (a -> b) -> Bool Source #

io2pred converts a specification given as a set of I/O pairs to the predicate form which other functions accept.

Incremental filtration

Sometimes you may want to filter further after synthesis, because the predicate you previously provided did not specify the function enough. The following functions can be used to filter expressions incrementally.

filterFirst Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO (Every a) 

filterFirst is like printAll, but by itself it does not print anything. Instead, it creates a stream of expressions represented in tuples of Exp and the expressions themselves.

filterFirstF Source #


:: (Typeable a, Filtrable a) 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO (Every a) 

filterThen :: Typeable a => (a -> Bool) -> Every a -> IO (Every a) Source #

filterThen may be used to further filter the results.

filterThenF :: (Typeable a, Filtrable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Every a -> IO [[(Exp, a)]] Source #

fp :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [(Exp, a)] -> [(Exp, a)] Source #

Expression generators

These functions generate all the expressions that have the type you provide.

getEverything Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> IO (Every a) 

getEverything uses the 'global' values set with set* functions. getEverythingF is its filtered version

everything Source #


:: (ProgramGenerator pg, Typeable a) 
=> pg

program generator

-> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> Every a 

everything generates all the expressions that fit the inferred type, and their representations in the Exp form. It returns a stream of lists, which is equivalent to Spivey's Matrix data type, i.e., that contains expressions consisted of n primitive components at the n-th element (n = 1,2,...). everythingF is its filtered version

everythingM Source #


:: (ProgramGenerator pg, Typeable a, Monad m, Functor m) 
=> pg

program generator

-> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> Int

query depth

-> m [(Exp, a)] 

everythingIO Source #


:: (ProgramGeneratorIO pg, Typeable a) 
=> pg

program generator

-> EveryIO a 

unifyable Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> pg

program generator

-> Type

query type

-> [[Exp]] 

Those functions are like everything, but take Type as an argument, which may be polymorphic. For example, printQ ([t| forall a. a->a->a |] >>= return . unifyable True 10 memo) will print all the expressions using memo whose types unify with forall a. a->a->a. (At first I (Susumu) could not find usefulness in finding unifyable expressions, but seemingly Hoogle does something alike, and these functions might enhance it.)

matching Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> pg

program generator

-> Type

query type

-> [[Exp]] 

Those functions are like everything, but take Type as an argument, which may be polymorphic. For example, printQ ([t| forall a. a->a->a |] >>= return . unifyable True 10 memo) will print all the expressions using memo whose types unify with forall a. a->a->a. (At first I (Susumu) could not find usefulness in finding unifyable expressions, but seemingly Hoogle does something alike, and these functions might enhance it.)

getEverythingF Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> IO (Every a) 

everythingF Source #


:: (ProgramGenerator pg, Typeable a) 
=> pg

program generator

-> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> Every a 

everything generates all the expressions that fit the inferred type, and their representations in the Exp form. It returns a stream of lists, which is equivalent to Spivey's Matrix data type, i.e., that contains expressions consisted of n primitive components at the n-th element (n = 1,2,...). everythingF is its filtered version

unifyableF Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> pg

program generator

-> Type

query type

-> [[Exp]] 

Those functions are like everything, but take Type as an argument, which may be polymorphic. For example, printQ ([t| forall a. a->a->a |] >>= return . unifyable True 10 memo) will print all the expressions using memo whose types unify with forall a. a->a->a. (At first I (Susumu) could not find usefulness in finding unifyable expressions, but seemingly Hoogle does something alike, and these functions might enhance it.)

matchingF Source #


:: ProgramGenerator pg 
=> pg

program generator

-> Type

query type

-> [[Exp]] 

Those functions are like everything, but take Type as an argument, which may be polymorphic. For example, printQ ([t| forall a. a->a->a |] >>= return . unifyable True 10 memo) will print all the expressions using memo whose types unify with forall a. a->a->a. (At first I (Susumu) could not find usefulness in finding unifyable expressions, but seemingly Hoogle does something alike, and these functions might enhance it.)

everyACE Source #


:: (ProgramGenerator pg, Typeable a) 
=> pg

program generator

-> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> [[(CoreExpr, a)]] 

Utility to filter out equivalent expressions

everyF :: (Typeable a, Filtrable a) => Opt b -> [[(e, a)]] -> [[(e, a)]] Source #

Unility to get one value easily

Pretty printers

pprs :: Every a -> IO () Source #

pprs pretty prints the results to the console, using pprintUC

pprsIO :: EveryIO a -> IO () Source #

pprsIO is the EveryIO version of pprs

pprsIOn :: Int -> EveryIO a -> IO () Source #

pprsIOn depth eio is the counterpart of pprs (take depth eio), while pprsIO eio is the counterpart of pprs eio. Example: pprsIOn 5 (everythingIO (mlist::ProgGen) :: EveryIO ([Char]->[Char]))

lengths :: Every a -> IO () Source #

printQ :: (Ppr a, Data a) => Q a -> IO () Source #

Internal data representation

The following types are assigned to our internal data representations.

newtype HValue Source #


HV (forall a. a) 

unsafeCoerce# :: forall (k0 :: RuntimeRep) (k1 :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE k0) (b :: TYPE k1). a -> b #

The function unsafeCoerce# allows you to side-step the typechecker entirely. That is, it allows you to coerce any type into any other type. If you use this function, you had better get it right, otherwise segmentation faults await. It is generally used when you want to write a program that you know is well-typed, but where Haskell's type system is not expressive enough to prove that it is well typed.

The following uses of unsafeCoerce# are supposed to work (i.e. not lead to spurious compile-time or run-time crashes):

  • Casting any lifted type to Any
  • Casting Any back to the real type
  • Casting an unboxed type to another unboxed type of the same size. (Casting between floating-point and integral types does not work. See the GHC.Float module for functions to do work.)
  • Casting between two types that have the same runtime representation. One case is when the two types differ only in "phantom" type parameters, for example Ptr Int to Ptr Float, or [Int] to [Float] when the list is known to be empty. Also, a newtype of a type T has the same representation at runtime as T.

Other uses of unsafeCoerce# are undefined. In particular, you should not use unsafeCoerce# to cast a T to an algebraic data type D, unless T is also an algebraic data type. For example, do not cast Int->Int to Bool, even if you later cast that Bool back to Int->Int before applying it. The reasons have to do with GHC's internal representation details (for the cognoscenti, data values can be entered but function closures cannot). If you want a safe type to cast things to, use Any, which is not an algebraic data type.

Warning: this can fail with an unchecked exception.

printAny Source #


:: Typeable a 
=> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> (a -> Bool) 
-> IO () 

printAll prints all the expressions satisfying the given predicate.

class Filtrable a Source #

Minimal complete definition

filt, filtFun, unsafeFilt, unsafeFiltFun


Instances details
Filtrable Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.Classification


filt :: SStrategy m => (Int -> Int) -> m (Double, e) -> m e Source #

filtFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> Double, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFilt :: SStrategy m => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (Double, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFiltFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> Double, e) -> m e Source #

Ord a => Filtrable a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.Classification


filt :: SStrategy m => (Int -> Int) -> m (a, e) -> m e Source #

filtFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> a, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFilt :: SStrategy m => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (a, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFiltFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> a, e) -> m e Source #

(RealFloat a, Ord a) => Filtrable (Complex a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.Classification


filt :: SStrategy m => (Int -> Int) -> m (Complex a, e) -> m e Source #

filtFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> Complex a, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFilt :: SStrategy m => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (Complex a, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFiltFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> Complex a, e) -> m e Source #

(Arbitrary a, Filtrable r) => Filtrable (a -> r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in MagicHaskeller.Classification


filt :: SStrategy m => (Int -> Int) -> m (a -> r, e) -> m e Source #

filtFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> a -> r, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFilt :: SStrategy m => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (a -> r, e) -> m e Source #

unsafeFiltFun :: (SStrategy m, Arbitrary b) => Maybe Int -> (Int -> Int) -> m (b -> a -> r, e) -> m e Source #

zipAppend :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]] Source #

mapIO :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] Source #

fpIO :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [((Exp, a), (Exp, a))] -> IO [(Exp, a)] Source #

fIO :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> ((Exp, a), (Exp, a)) -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Exp, a)) Source #

fpartial :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [((Exp, a), (Exp, a))] -> [(Exp, a)] Source #

fpartialIO :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [((e, a), (e, a))] -> IO [(e, a)] Source #

ftotalIO :: Typeable a => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [(e, a)] -> IO [(e, a)] Source #

etup Source #


:: (ProgramGenerator pg, Typeable a) 
=> a

dummy argument

-> pg

program generator

-> Bool

whether to include functions with unused arguments

-> [[((Exp, a), (Exp, a))]] 

unJust :: Maybe a -> a Source #

tup :: [Exp] -> Exp Source #