module Benchmarks (testFn, myCycle) where import Data.Function ((&)) import MapWith import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import GHC.Base (build) {- BEWARE: this is very sensitive to changes. E.g. adding SCC tags, or sharing the list between test fns can give incorrect benchmarks. -} {-# INLINE testFn #-} testFn :: Int -> Int -> [Int] --left-based maps: testFn 1 n = withFirstRec fnBool [1..n] testFn 2 n = withFirstScan fnBool [1..n] testFn 3 n = withFirstMap fnBool [1..n] testFn 4 n = mapWith (fnBool & isFirst) [1..n] testFn 5 n = withPrevRec fnAdj [1..n] testFn 6 n = withPrevScan fnAdj [1..n] testFn 7 n = withPrevZip fnAdj [1..n] testFn 8 n = mapWith (fnAdj ^-> adjElt) [1..n] --Right-based maps: testFn 9 n = withLastRec fnBool [1..n] testFn 10 n = withLastScan fnBool [1..n] testFn 11 n = withLastMap fnBool [1..n] testFn 12 n = mapWith (fnBool & isLast) [1..n] testFn 13 n = withNextRec fnAdj [1..n] testFn 14 n = withNextScan fnAdj [1..n] testFn 15 n = withNextZip fnAdj [1..n] testFn 16 n = mapWith (fnAdj <-^ adjElt) [1..n] --Left and Right: testFn 17 n = withFirstLastRec fnBoolBool [1..n] testFn 18 n = withFirstLastMap fnBoolBool [1..n] testFn 19 n = withFirstLast fnBoolBool [1..n] testFn 20 n = map fnBoolBoolTup $ markbounds [1..n] testFn 21 n = withPrevNextRec fnAdjAdj [1..n] testFn 22 n = withPrevNextZip fnAdjAdj [1..n] testFn 23 n = withPrevNext fnAdjAdj [1..n] --Foldl injector: testFn 30 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> foldlElts (+) 0) [1..n] testFn 31 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ foldlElts (+) 0) [1..n] --performance not great. data not PINNED. testFn 32 n = let xs = [1..n] in zipWith (+) xs (scanr (+) 0 xs) --but neither is this. --eltIx injector: testFn 33 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> eltIx) [1..n] testFn 34 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ eltIx) [1..n] --adj2Elts injector: testFn 35 n = mapWith (fnAdjAdj ^-> adj2Elts) [1..n] testFn 36 n = mapWith (fnAdjAdj <-^ adj2Elts) [1..n] --eltFrom/etc testFn 37 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> eltFrom [3,5..(n*3)]) [1..n] testFn 38 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ eltFrom [3,5..(n*3)]) [1..n] testFn 39 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> eltFromDef 7 [3,12,2,9]) [1..n] testFn 40 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ eltFromDef 7 [3,12,2,9]) [1..n] testFn 43 n = mapWith (fnAdj ^-> eltFromMay [3,12,2,9]) [1..n] testFn 44 n = mapWith (fnAdj <-^ eltFromMay [3,12,2,9]) [1..n] testFn 45 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> eltFrom (cycle [3,12,2,9]))[1..n] testFn 46 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ eltFrom (cycle [3,12,2,9]))[1..n] testFn 47 n = mapWith ((+) ^-> eltFrom (myCycle [3,12,2,9]))[1..n] testFn 48 n = mapWith ((+) <-^ eltFrom (myCycle [3,12,2,9]))[1..n] --Some more fusion tests: testFn 100 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isFirst) $ repeat (100 :: Int) testFn 107 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isLast) $ repeat (100 :: Int) testFn 101 n = take n $ withFirstLast fnBoolBool $ repeat (100 :: Int) testFn 108 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isFirst) $ cycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 109 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isLast) $ cycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 102 n = take n $ withFirstLast fnBoolBool $ cycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 110 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isFirst) $ myCycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 111 n = take n $ mapWith (fnBool & isLast) $ myCycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 105 n = take n $ withFirstLast fnBoolBool $ myCycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 103 n = take n $ map fnBoolBoolTup $ markbounds $ repeat (100 :: Int) testFn 104 n = take n $ map fnBoolBoolTup $ markbounds $ cycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) testFn 106 n = take n $ map fnBoolBoolTup $ markbounds $ myCycle ([10,15,19,2] :: [Int]) myCycle :: [a] -> [a] myCycle xs = xs' where xs' = xs ++ xs' {-# NOINLINE [1] myCycle #-} {-# RULES "myCycle/build" [~1] forall (f::forall b.(a->b->b) -> b -> b). myCycle (build f) = build (\c _n -> let z = f c z in z) #-} --Hand crafted alternatives to mapWith --recursive withFirstRec :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withFirstRec f = go True where go _ [] = [] go isFirst (x:xs) = f x isFirst : go False xs withPrevRec :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withPrevRec f = go Nothing where go _ [] = [] go prevEltMay (x:xs) = f x prevEltMay : go (Just x) xs withLastRec :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withLastRec f = go where go [] = [] go [x] = f x True : [] go (x:xs) = f x False : go xs withNextRec :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withNextRec f = go where go [] = [] go (x:[]) = f x Nothing : [] go (x:xs@(n:_)) = f x (Just n) : go xs withFirstLastRec :: (a -> Bool -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withFirstLastRec f = go where go [] = [] go [x] = f x True True : [] go (x:xs) = f x True False : goRest xs goRest [] = undefined goRest [x] = f x False True : [] goRest (x:xs) = f x False False : goRest xs withPrevNextRec :: (a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withPrevNextRec f = go Nothing where go _ [] = [] go prevEltMay (x:[]) = f x prevEltMay Nothing : [] go prevEltMay (x:xs@(n:_)) = f x prevEltMay (Just n) : go (Just x) xs --the original from markbounds :: [a] -> [(a, Bool, Bool)] markbounds [] = [] markbounds [x] = [(x, True, True)] markbounds (x:xs) = (x, True, False) : tailbound xs where tailbound [y] = [(y, False, True)] tailbound (y:ys) = (y, False, False): tailbound ys --scans withFirstScan :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withFirstScan f [] = [] withFirstScan f (x:xs) = map fst $ scanl acc (f x True, False) xs where acc (_, isFirst) x = (f x isFirst, False) withLastScan :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withLastScan f [] = [] withLastScan f xs = map fst $ scanr acc (f (last xs) True, False) (init xs) where acc x (_, isLast) = (f x isLast, False) withPrevScan :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withPrevScan f [] = [] withPrevScan f (x:xs) = map fst $ scanl acc (f x Nothing, Just x) xs where acc (_, prevMay) x = (f x prevMay, Just x) withNextScan :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withNextScan f [] = [] withNextScan f xs = map fst $ let x = last xs in scanr acc (f x Nothing, Just x) (init xs) where acc x (_, nextMay) = (f x nextMay, Just x) --map/zip withFirstMap :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withFirstMap _ [] = [] withFirstMap f (x:xs) = f x True : map (flip f False) xs withLastMap :: (a -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withLastMap _ [] = [] withLastMap f xs = map (flip f False) (init xs) ++ [f (last xs) True] withPrevZip :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withPrevZip f xs = zipWith f xs (Nothing : map Just xs) withNextZip :: (a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withNextZip f xs = zipWith f xs $ map Just (tail xs) ++ [Nothing] withFirstLastMap :: (a -> Bool -> Bool -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withFirstLastMap _ [] = [] withFirstLastMap f [x] = [f x True True] withFirstLastMap f (x:xs) = f x True False : map (\x -> f x False False) (init xs) ++ [f (last xs) False True] withPrevNextZip :: (a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] withPrevNextZip f xs = zipWith3 f xs (Nothing : map Just xs) (map Just (tail xs) ++ [Nothing]) --injected functions fnBool :: Int -> Bool -> Int fnBool n True = n * 9 fnBool n False = n * 8 fnAdj :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int fnAdj n Nothing = n * 9 fnAdj n (Just m) = (n + m) * 8 fnBoolBool :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Int fnBoolBool n True True = n * 9 fnBoolBool n True False = n * 8 fnBoolBool n False True = n * 7 fnBoolBool n False False = n * 6 fnBoolBoolTup :: (Int, Bool, Bool) -> Int fnBoolBoolTup (n, True , True ) = n * 9 fnBoolBoolTup (n, True , False) = n * 8 fnBoolBoolTup (n, False, True ) = n * 7 fnBoolBoolTup (n, False, False) = n * 6 {-# INLINE fnAdjAdj #-} --INLINE makes test 35 fast. (But doesn't impact test 36). fnAdjAdj :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Int fnAdjAdj n Nothing Nothing = n * 9 fnAdjAdj n (Just m) Nothing = (n + m ) * 8 fnAdjAdj n Nothing (Just p) = (n + p) * 7 fnAdjAdj n (Just m) (Just p) = (n + m + p) * 6 {- This has the same effect on test 35 as marking INLINE. fnAdjAdj n mMay pMay = case pMay of Nothing -> case mMay of Nothing -> n * 9 (Just m) -> (n + m ) * 8 (Just p) -> case mMay of Nothing -> (n + p) * 7 (Just m) -> (n + m + p) * 6 -}