{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.MemoTrie
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Trie-based memoizer
-- Adapted from sjanssen's paste: "a lazy trie" <http://hpaste.org/3839>.

module Data.MemoTrie
  ( HasTrie(..)
  , memo, memo2, memo3, mup
  , trieBits, untrieBits
  ) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid

-- Mapping from all elements of 'a' to the results of some function
class HasTrie a where
    data (:->:) a :: * -> *
    -- create the trie
    trie   :: (a -> b) -> (a :->: b)
    -- access a field of the trie
    untrie :: (a :->: b) -> (a -> b)

"trie/untrie"   forall t. trie (untrie t) = t
"untrie/trie"   forall f. untrie (trie f) = f

-- | Trie-based function memoizer
memo :: HasTrie t => (t -> a) -> (t -> a)
memo = untrie . trie

-- | Memoize a binary function, on its first argument and then on its
-- second.  Take care to exploit any partial evaluation.
memo2 :: (HasTrie s,HasTrie t) => (s -> t -> a) -> (s -> t -> a)

-- | Memoize a ternary function on successive arguments.  Take care to
-- exploit any partial evaluation.
memo3 :: (HasTrie r,HasTrie s,HasTrie t) => (r -> s -> t -> a) -> (r -> s -> t -> a)

-- | Lift a memoizer to work with one more argument.
mup :: HasTrie t => (b -> c) -> (t -> b) -> (t -> c)
mup mem f = memo (mem . f)

memo2 = mup memo
memo3 = mup memo2

---- Instances

instance HasTrie Bool where
    data Bool :->: a = BoolTrie a a
    trie f = BoolTrie (f False) (f True)
    untrie (BoolTrie f _) False = f
    untrie (BoolTrie _ t) True  = t

instance HasTrie () where
    data () :->: a = UnitTrie a
    trie f = UnitTrie (f ())
    untrie (UnitTrie x) () = x

instance (HasTrie a, HasTrie b) => HasTrie (Either a b) where
    data (Either a b) :->: x = EitherTrie (a :->: x) (b :->: x)
    untrie (EitherTrie f _) (Left  x) = untrie f x
    untrie (EitherTrie _ g) (Right y) = untrie g y
    trie f = EitherTrie (trie (f . Left)) (trie (f . Right))

instance (HasTrie a, HasTrie b) => HasTrie (a,b) where
    data (a,b) :->: x = PairTrie (a :->: (b :->: x))
    untrie (PairTrie f) (a,b) = untrie (untrie f a) b
    trie f = PairTrie $ trie $ \a -> trie $ \b -> f (a,b)

instance (HasTrie a, HasTrie b, HasTrie c) => HasTrie (a,b, c) where
    data (a,b,c) :->: x = TripleTrie (a :->: (b :->: (c :->: x)))
    untrie (TripleTrie f) (a,b,c) = untrie (untrie (untrie f a) b) c
    trie f = TripleTrie $
      trie $ \a -> trie $ \b -> trie $ \ c -> f (a,b,c)

instance HasTrie x => HasTrie [x] where
    data [x] :->: a = ListTrie a (x :->: ([x] :->: a))
    trie f = ListTrie (f []) $ trie (\x -> trie (f . (x:)))
    untrie (ListTrie n _) []     = n
    untrie (ListTrie _ t) (x:xs) = untrie (untrie t x) xs

-- Handy for Bits types

-- | Extract bits in little-endian order
bits :: Bits t => t -> [Bool]
bits 0 = []
bits x = testBit x 0 : bits (shiftR x 1)

-- | Convert boolean to 0 (False) or 1 (True)
unbit :: Num t => Bool -> t
unbit False = 0
unbit True  = 1

-- | Bit list to value
unbits :: Bits t => [Bool] -> t
unbits [] = 0
unbits (x:xs) = unbit x .|. shiftL (unbits xs) 1

-- | Handy for 'trie' in a bits-based 'Trie' instance
trieBits :: Bits t => (t -> a) -> ([Bool] :->: a)
trieBits f = trie (f . unbits)

-- | Handy for 'untrie' in a bits-based 'Trie' instance
untrieBits :: Bits t => ([Bool] :->: a) -> (t -> a)
untrieBits t x = untrie t (bits x)

instance HasTrie Word where
    data Word :->: a = WordTrie ([Bool] :->: a)
    untrie (WordTrie t) = untrieBits t
    trie = WordTrie . trieBits

-- Although Int is a Bits instance, we can't use bits directly for
-- memoizing, because the "bits" function gives an infinite result, since
-- shiftR (-1) 1 == -1.  Instead, convert between Int and Word, and use
-- a Word trie.

instance HasTrie Int where
    data Int :->: a = IntTrie (Word :->: a)
    untrie (IntTrie t) n = untrie t (fromIntegral n)
    trie f = IntTrie (trie (f . fromIntegral . toInteger))

---- Instances


'untrie' is a 'Functor'-, 'Applicative'-, and 'Monoid'-morphism, i.e.,

  untrie (fmap f t)      == fmap f (untrie t)

  untrie (pure a)        == pure a
  untrie (tf <*> tx)     == untrie tf <*> untrie tx

  untrie mempty          == mempty
  untrie (s `mappend` t) == untrie s `mappend` untrie t

The implementation instances then follow from applying 'trie' to both
sides of each of these morphism laws.


instance HasTrie a => Functor ((:->:) a) where
  fmap f t      = trie (fmap f (untrie t))

instance HasTrie a => Applicative ((:->:) a) where
  pure b        = trie (pure b)
  tf <*> tx     = trie (untrie tf <*> untrie tx)

instance (HasTrie a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a :->: b) where
  mempty        = trie mempty
  s `mappend` t = trie (untrie s `mappend` untrie t)