MiniAgda by Andreas Abel and Karl Mehltretter --- opening "" --- --- scope checking --- --- type checking --- type Bool : Set term Bool.true : < Bool.true : Bool > term Bool.false : < Bool.false : Bool > type Prod : ++(A : Set) -> ++(B : Set) -> Set term Prod.pair : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> ^(fst : A) -> ^(snd : B) -> < Prod.pair fst snd : Prod A B > term fst : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> A { fst [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #fst } term snd : .[A : Set] -> .[B : Set] -> (pair : Prod A B) -> B { snd [A] [B] (Prod.pair #fst #snd) = #snd } type BStr : - Size -> Set term BStr.cons : .[i : Size] -> ^(head : Bool) -> ^(tail : BStr i) -> < BStr.cons i head tail : BStr $i > term head : .[i : Size] -> (cons : BStr $i) -> Bool { head [i] (BStr.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #head } term tail : .[i : Size] -> (cons : BStr $i) -> BStr i { tail [i] (BStr.cons [.i] #head #tail) = #tail } term idAndLast : .[i : Size] -> BStr i -> Prod Bool (BStr i) error during typechecking: idAndLast /// clause 1 /// pattern $i /// checkPattern $i : matching on size, checking that target .[i : Size] -> BStr i -> Prod Bool (BStr i) ends in correct coinductive sized type /// new i <= # /// endsInSizedCo: BStr i -> Prod Bool (BStr i) /// new : (BStr v0) /// endsInSizedCo: Prod Bool (BStr i) /// allTypesOfTuple: detected tuple target, checking components /// allComponentTypes: checking fields of tuple type [field fst : A,field snd : B] in environment Environ {envMap = [(B,(BStr v0)),(A,Bool)], envBound = Nothing} /// endsInSizedCo: Bool /// endsInSizedCo: target Bool of corecursive function is neither a CoSet or codata of size i nor a tuple type