{- Copyright (C) 2006 John Goerzen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} module ProgressTrackertest(tests) where import Data.Progress.Tracker import Test.HUnit import Control.Concurrent.MVar setup = do timem <- newMVar 0 let timesource = readMVar timem po <- newProgress' (ProgressStatus 0 100 0 "" timesource) [] return (po, timem) settime timem newval = swapMVar timem newval >> return () test_incrP = do (po, timem) <- setup incrP po 5 withStatus po $ \s -> do assertEqual "completedUnits" 5 (completedUnits s) assertEqual "totalUnits" 100 (totalUnits s) incrP po 95 withStatus po $ \s -> do assertEqual "completedUnits" 100 (completedUnits s) assertEqual "totalUnits" 100 (totalUnits s) incrP po 5 withStatus po $ \s -> do assertEqual "completedUnits" 105 (completedUnits s) assertEqual "totalUnits" 105 (totalUnits s) incrP' po 5 withStatus po $ \s -> do assertEqual "completedUnits" 110 (completedUnits s) assertEqual "totalUnits" 105 (totalUnits s) incrTotal po 10 withStatus po $ \s -> do 110 @=? completedUnits s 115 @=? totalUnits s test_setP = do (po, timem) <- setup setP po 5 withStatus po $ \s -> do 5 @=? completedUnits s 100 @=? totalUnits s setP po 100 withStatus po $ \s -> do 100 @=? completedUnits s 100 @=? totalUnits s setP po 105 withStatus po $ \s -> do 105 @=? completedUnits s 105 @=? totalUnits s setP' po 110 withStatus po $ \s -> do 110 @=? completedUnits s 105 @=? totalUnits s setTotal po 115 withStatus po $ \s -> do 110 @=? completedUnits s 115 @=? totalUnits s test_speed = do (po, timem) <- setup getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "initial speed" 0 getETR po >>= assertEqual "initial ETR" 0 getETA po >>= assertEqual "initial ETA" 0 incrP po 10 getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed after incr" 0 getETR po >>= assertEqual "ETR after incr" 0 getETA po >>= assertEqual "ETA after incr" 0 settime timem 5 getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "first speed" 2.0 getETR po >>= assertEqual "first ETR" 45 getETA po >>= assertEqual "first ETA" 50 incrP po 90 getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed 2" 20.0 getETR po >>= assertEqual "etr 2" 0 getETA po >>= assertEqual "eta 2" 5 settime timem 400 setP po 90 getSpeed po >>= assertEqual "speed 3" 0.225 getETR po >>= assertEqual "etr 2" 44 getETA po >>= assertEqual "eta 2" 444 test_callback = do (po, _) <- setup mcounter <- newMVar (0::Int) mcounter1 <- newMVar (0::Int) mcounter2 <- newMVar (0::Int) (po2, _) <- setup (po3, _) <- setup addCallback po (minc mcounter) addParent po po2 incrP po 5 readMVar mcounter >>= assertEqual "cb1" 1 withStatus po (\x -> 5 @=? completedUnits x) withStatus po2 (\x -> do 5 @=? completedUnits x 200 @=? totalUnits x) addCallback po2 (minc mcounter2) incrP po 100 readMVar mcounter2 >>= (\x -> assertBool "cb2" (0 /= x)) withStatus po2 (\x -> do 105 @=? completedUnits x 205 @=? totalUnits x) incrP' po 5 withStatus po2 (\x -> do 110 @=? completedUnits x 205 @=? totalUnits x) finishP po withStatus po2 (\x -> do 110 @=? completedUnits x 210 @=? totalUnits x) where minc mv _ _ = modifyMVar_ mv (\x -> return $ x + 1) tests = TestList [TestLabel "incrP" (TestCase test_incrP), TestLabel "setP" (TestCase test_setP), TestLabel "speed" (TestCase test_speed), TestLabel "test_callback" (TestCase test_callback)]