{- arch-tag: MIME Types main file Copyright (c) 2004-2011 John Goerzen All rights reserved. For license and copyright information, see the file LICENSE -} {- | Module : Data.MIME.Types Copyright : Copyright (C) 2004-2011 John Goerzen License : BSD3 Maintainer : John Goerzen Stability : provisional Portability: portable Utilities for guessing MIME types of files. Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org -} module Data.MIME.Types (-- * Creating Lookup Objects defaultmtd, readMIMETypes, hReadMIMETypes, readSystemMIMETypes, -- * Basic Access MIMEResults, MIMETypeData(..), guessType, guessExtension, guessAllExtensions ) where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad import System.IO import System.IO.Error import System.IO.Utils import System.Path import Data.Map.Utils import Data.Char ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic type declarations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- data MIMETypeData = MIMETypeData { -- | A mapping used to expand common suffixes into equivolent, -- better-parsed versions. For instance, ".tgz" would expand -- into ".tar.gz". suffixMap :: Map.Map String String, -- | A mapping used to determine the encoding of a file. -- This is used, for instance, to map ".gz" to "gzip". encodingsMap :: Map.Map String String, -- | A mapping used to map extensions to MIME types. typesMap :: Map.Map String String, -- | A mapping used to augment the 'typesMap' when non-strict -- lookups are used. commonTypesMap :: Map.Map String String } {- | Return value from guessing a file's type. The first element of the tuple gives the MIME type. It is Nothing if no suitable type could be found. The second element gives the encoding. It is Nothing if there was no particular encoding for the file, or if no encoding could be found. -} type MIMEResults = (Maybe String, -- The MIME type Maybe String -- Encoding ) {- | Read the given mime.types file and add it to an existing object. Returns new object. -} readMIMETypes :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Data to work with -> Bool -- ^ Whether to work on strict data -> FilePath -- ^ File to read -> IO MIMETypeData -- ^ New object readMIMETypes mtd strict fn = do h <- openFile fn ReadMode hReadMIMETypes mtd strict h {- | Load a mime.types file from an already-open handle. -} hReadMIMETypes :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Data to work with -> Bool -- ^ Whether to work on strict data -> Handle -- ^ Handle to read from -> IO MIMETypeData -- ^ New object hReadMIMETypes mtd strict h = let parseline :: MIMETypeData -> String -> MIMETypeData parseline obj line = let l1 = words line procwords [] = [] procwords (('#':_) :_) = [] procwords (x:xs) = x : procwords xs l2 = procwords l1 in if (length l2) >= 2 then let thetype = head l2 suffixlist = tail l2 in foldl (\o suff -> addType o strict thetype ('.' : suff)) obj suffixlist else obj in do lines <- hGetLines h return (foldl parseline mtd lines) {- | Guess the type of a file given a filename or URL. The file is not opened; only the name is considered. -} guessType :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Source data for guessing -> Bool -- ^ Whether to limit to strict data -> String -- ^ File or URL name to consider -> MIMEResults -- ^ Result of guessing (see 'MIMEResults' for details on interpreting it) guessType mtd strict fn = let mapext (base, ex) = case Map.lookup ex (suffixMap mtd) of Nothing -> (base, ex) Just x -> mapext (splitExt (base ++ x)) checkencodings (base, ex) = case Map.lookup ex (encodingsMap mtd) of Nothing -> (base, ex, Nothing) Just x -> (fst (splitExt base), snd (splitExt base), Just x) (_, ext, enc) = checkencodings . mapext $ splitExt fn typemap = getStrict mtd strict in case Map.lookup ext typemap of Nothing -> (Map.lookup (map toLower ext) typemap, enc) Just x -> (Just x, enc) {- | Guess the extension of a file based on its MIME type. The return value includes the leading dot. Returns Nothing if no extension could be found. In the event that multiple possible extensions are available, one of them will be picked and returned. The logic to select one of these should be considered undefined. -} guessExtension :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Source data for guessing -> Bool -- ^ Whether to limit to strict data -> String -- ^ MIME type to consider -> Maybe String -- ^ Result of guessing, or Nothing if no match possible guessExtension mtd strict fn = case guessAllExtensions mtd strict fn of [] -> Nothing (x:_) -> Just x {- | Similar to 'guessExtension', but returns a list of all possible matching extensions, or the empty list if there are no matches. -} guessAllExtensions :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Source data for guessing -> Bool -- ^ Whether to limit to strict data -> String -- ^ MIME type to consider -> [String] -- ^ Result of guessing guessAllExtensions mtd strict fn = let mimetype = map toLower fn themap = getStrict mtd strict in flippedLookupM mimetype themap {- | Adds a new type to the data structures, replacing whatever data may exist about it already. That is, it overrides existing information about the given extension, but the same type may occur more than once. -} addType :: MIMETypeData -- ^ Source data -> Bool -- ^ Whether to add to strict data set -> String -- ^ MIME type to add -> String -- ^ Extension to add -> MIMETypeData -- ^ Result of addition addType mtd strict thetype theext = setStrict mtd strict (\m -> Map.insert theext thetype m) {- | Default MIME type data to use -} defaultmtd :: MIMETypeData defaultmtd = MIMETypeData {suffixMap = default_suffix_map, encodingsMap = default_encodings_map, typesMap = default_types_map, commonTypesMap = default_common_types} {- | Read the system's default mime.types files, and add the data contained therein to the passed object, then return the new one. -} readSystemMIMETypes :: MIMETypeData -> IO MIMETypeData readSystemMIMETypes mtd = let tryread :: MIMETypeData -> String -> IO MIMETypeData tryread inputobj filename = do fn <- try (openFile filename ReadMode) case fn of Left _ -> return inputobj Right h -> do x <- hReadMIMETypes inputobj True h hClose h return x in do foldM tryread mtd defaultfilelocations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------- getStrict :: MIMETypeData -> Bool -> Map.Map String String getStrict mtd True = typesMap mtd getStrict mtd False = Map.union (typesMap mtd) (commonTypesMap mtd) setStrict :: MIMETypeData -> Bool -> (Map.Map String String -> Map.Map String String) -> MIMETypeData setStrict mtd True func = mtd{typesMap = func (typesMap mtd)} setStrict mtd False func = mtd{commonTypesMap = func (commonTypesMap mtd)} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default data structures ---------------------------------------------------------------------- defaultfilelocations :: [String] defaultfilelocations = [ "/etc/mime.types", "/usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types", "/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types", "/usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types", -- Apache 1.2 "/usr/local/etc/mime.types" -- Apache 1.3 ] default_encodings_map, default_suffix_map, default_types_map, default_common_types :: Map.Map String String default_encodings_map = Map.fromList [ (".Z", "compress"), (".gz", "gzip"), (".bz2", "bzip2") ] default_suffix_map = Map.fromList [ (".tgz", ".tar.gz"), (".tz", ".tar.gz"), (".taz", ".tar.gz") ] default_types_map = Map.fromList [ (".a", "application/octet-stream"), (".ai", "application/postscript"), (".aif", "audio/x-aiff"), (".aifc", "audio/x-aiff"), (".aiff", "audio/x-aiff"), (".au", "audio/basic"), (".avi", "video/x-msvideo"), (".bat", "text/plain"), (".bcpio", "application/x-bcpio"), (".bin", "application/octet-stream"), (".bmp", "image/x-ms-bmp"), (".c", "text/plain"), (".cdf", "application/x-netcdf"), (".cpio", "application/x-cpio"), (".csh", "application/x-csh"), (".css", "text/css"), (".dll", "application/octet-stream"), (".doc", "application/msword"), (".dot", "application/msword"), (".dvi", "application/x-dvi"), (".eml", "message/rfc822"), (".eps", "application/postscript"), (".etx", "text/x-setext"), (".exe", "application/octet-stream"), (".gif", "image/gif"), (".gtar", "application/x-gtar"), (".h", "text/plain"), (".hdf", "application/x-hdf"), (".htm", "text/html"), (".html", "text/html"), (".ief", "image/ief"), (".jpe", "image/jpeg"), (".jpeg", "image/jpeg"), (".jpg", "image/jpeg"), (".js", "application/x-javascript"), (".ksh", "text/plain"), (".latex", "application/x-latex"), (".m1v", "video/mpeg"), (".man", "application/x-troff-man"), (".me", "application/x-troff-me"), (".mht", "message/rfc822"), (".mhtml", "message/rfc822"), (".mif", "application/x-mif"), (".mov", "video/quicktime"), (".movie", "video/x-sgi-movie"), (".mp2", "audio/mpeg"), (".mp3", "audio/mpeg"), (".mpa", "video/mpeg"), (".mpe", "video/mpeg"), (".mpeg", "video/mpeg"), (".mpg", "video/mpeg"), (".ms", "application/x-troff-ms"), (".nc", "application/x-netcdf"), (".nws", "message/rfc822"), (".o", "application/octet-stream"), (".obj", "application/octet-stream"), (".oda", "application/oda"), (".p12", "application/x-pkcs12"), (".p7c", "application/pkcs7-mime"), (".pbm", "image/x-portable-bitmap"), (".pdf", "application/pdf"), (".pfx", "application/x-pkcs12"), (".pgm", "image/x-portable-graymap"), (".pl", "text/plain"), (".png", "image/png"), (".pnm", "image/x-portable-anymap"), (".pot", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"), (".ppa", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"), (".ppm", "image/x-portable-pixmap"), (".pps", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"), (".ppt", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"), (".ps", "application/postscript"), (".pwz", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"), (".py", "text/x-python"), (".pyc", "application/x-python-code"), (".pyo", "application/x-python-code"), (".qt", "video/quicktime"), (".ra", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"), (".ram", "application/x-pn-realaudio"), (".ras", "image/x-cmu-raster"), (".rdf", "application/xml"), (".rgb", "image/x-rgb"), (".roff", "application/x-troff"), (".rtx", "text/richtext"), (".sgm", "text/x-sgml"), (".sgml", "text/x-sgml"), (".sh", "application/x-sh"), (".shar", "application/x-shar"), (".snd", "audio/basic"), (".so", "application/octet-stream"), (".src", "application/x-wais-source"), (".sv4cpio", "application/x-sv4cpio"), (".sv4crc", "application/x-sv4crc"), (".swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash"), (".t", "application/x-troff"), (".tar", "application/x-tar"), (".tcl", "application/x-tcl"), (".tex", "application/x-tex"), (".texi", "application/x-texinfo"), (".texinfo", "application/x-texinfo"), (".tif", "image/tiff"), (".tiff", "image/tiff"), (".tr", "application/x-troff"), (".tsv", "text/tab-separated-values"), (".txt", "text/plain"), (".ustar", "application/x-ustar"), (".vcf", "text/x-vcard"), (".wav", "audio/x-wav"), (".wiz", "application/msword"), (".xbm", "image/x-xbitmap"), (".xlb", "application/vnd.ms-excel"), (".xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel"), (".xml", "text/xml"), (".xpm", "image/x-xpixmap"), (".xsl", "application/xml"), (".xwd", "image/x-xwindowdump"), (".zip", "application/zip") ] default_common_types = Map.fromList [ (".jpg", "image/jpg"), (".mid", "audio/midi"), (".midi", "audio/midi"), (".pct", "image/pict"), (".pic", "image/pict"), (".pict", "image/pict"), (".rtf", "application/rtf"), (".xul", "text/xul") ]