{- arch-tag: Python low-level utilities Copyright (C) 2005 John Goerzen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -} {- | Module : Python.Utils Copyright : Copyright (C) 2005 John Goerzen License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John Goerzen, Maintainer : jgoerzen\@complete.org Stability : provisional Portability: portable Python low-level utilities Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org Please use sparingly and with caution. The documentation for their behavior should be considered to be the source code. -} module Python.Utils (-- * Objects fromCPyObject, withPyObject, maybeWithPyObject, -- * Exceptions raisePyException, checkCInt, -- * Environment getDefaultGlobals, pyImport_AddModule, pyModule_GetDict, py_incref ) where import Python.Types import Python.ForeignImports import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C import Foreign import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Marshal.Array import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Control.Exception {- | Convert a Ptr 'CPyObject' to a 'PyObject'. -} fromCPyObject :: Ptr CPyObject -> IO PyObject fromCPyObject po = if po == nullPtr then raisePyException else do fp <- newForeignPtr py_decref po return $ PyObject fp {- | Called to make sure the passed CInt isn't -1. Raise an exception if it is. -} checkCInt :: CInt -> IO CInt checkCInt x = if x == (-1) then raisePyException else return x {- | Called when a Python exception has been detected. It will raise the exception in Haskell. -} raisePyException :: IO a raisePyException = let noneorptr cval = if cval == nullPtr then do p <- cNone fromCPyObject p else fromCPyObject cval in alloca (\typeptr -> alloca (\valptr -> alloca (\tbptr -> do pyErr_Fetch typeptr valptr tbptr pyErr_NormalizeException typeptr valptr tbptr ctype <- peek typeptr cval <- peek valptr ctb <- peek tbptr otype <- noneorptr ctype oval <- noneorptr cval otb <- noneorptr ctb --seq otype $ return () --seq oval $ return () --seq otb $ return () let exc = PyException {excType = otype, excValue = oval, excTraceBack = otb, excFormatted = ""} pyErr_Clear throwDyn exc ))) {- do cpy <- getexc let (exc, val, tb) = cpy --pyErr_Print fail "Python Error!" where getexc = do cexc <- hspy_getexc exc <- peekArray 3 cexc exc2 <- mapM fromCPyObject exc case exc2 of [x, y, z] -> return (x, y, z) _ -> fail "Got unexpected number of elements" -} {- | Uses a 'PyObject' in a function that needs Ptr 'CPyObject'. -} withPyObject :: PyObject -> (Ptr CPyObject -> IO b) -> IO b withPyObject (PyObject x) = withForeignPtr x {- | Same as 'withPyObject', but uses nullPtr if the input is Nothing. -} maybeWithPyObject :: Maybe PyObject -> (Ptr CPyObject -> IO b) -> IO b maybeWithPyObject Nothing func = func nullPtr maybeWithPyObject (Just x) y = withPyObject x y {- | Returns the default globals environment. -} getDefaultGlobals :: IO PyObject getDefaultGlobals = do m <- pyImport_AddModule "__main__" pyModule_GetDict m {- | Wrapper around C PyImport_AddModule, which looks up an existing module -} pyImport_AddModule :: String -> IO PyObject pyImport_AddModule x = withCString x (\cstr -> do r <- cpyImport_AddModule cstr py_incref r fromCPyObject r ) {- | Gets the dict associated with a module. -} pyModule_GetDict :: PyObject -> IO PyObject pyModule_GetDict x = withPyObject x (\cpyo -> do r <- cpyModule_GetDict cpyo py_incref r fromCPyObject r)