{- arch-tag: Python low-level exception handling
Copyright (C) 2005 John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>

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(at your option) any later version.

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{- |
   Module     : Python.Exceptions
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005 John Goerzen
   License    : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer : John Goerzen,
   Maintainer : jgoerzen\@complete.org
   Stability  : provisional
   Portability: portable

Python low-level exception handling

Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\@complete.org

module Python.Exceptions (-- * Types
                          -- * General Catching
                          -- * Catching of specific Python exceptions
                          -- * Exception Object Operations
                          -- * Re-Raising Exceptions

import Python.Utils (withPyObject, checkCInt)
import Python.Objects (strOf)
import Python.Types (
                        , excValue
                        , excFormatted
                        , PyObject
                        , PyException
import Data.Dynamic (fromDynamic)
import Python.ForeignImports (pyErr_GivenExceptionMatches)
import Control.OldException (throwDyn, catchDyn, dynExceptions, Exception)

{- | Execute the given IO action.

If it raises a 'PyException', then execute the supplied handler and return
its return value.  Otherwise, process as normal. -}
catchPy :: IO a -> (PyException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchPy = catchDyn

{- | Like 'catchPy', with the order of arguments reversed. -}
handlePy :: (PyException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handlePy = flip catchPy

{- | Like catchPy, but catches only instances of the Python class given
(see 'doesExceptionMatch'). -}
catchSpecificPy :: PyObject -> IO a -> (PyException -> IO a) -> IO a
catchSpecificPy pyo action handlerfunc =
    let handler e = do d <- doesExceptionMatch e pyo
                       if d
                          then handlerfunc e
                          else throwDyn e
        in catchPy action handler

{- | Useful as the first argument to catchJust, tryJust, or handleJust.
Return Nothing if the given exception is not a 'PyException', or 
the exception otherwise. -}
pyExceptions :: Exception -> Maybe PyException
pyExceptions exc = dynExceptions exc >>= fromDynamic

{- | When an exception is thrown, it is not immediately formatted.

This call will format it. -}
formatException :: PyException -> IO PyException
formatException e =
    do fmt <- callByName "traceback.format_exception" 
                [excType e, excValue e, excTraceBack e] [] >>= fromPyObject
    do ename <- strOf (excType e)
       evalue <- strOf (excValue e)
       let fmt = ename ++ ": " ++ evalue
       return $ e  {excFormatted = fmt}

{- | Returns true if the passed 'PyException' matches the given Python
exception class or one of its subclasses.  Standard Python exception classes
are given in 'Python.Exceptions.ExcTypes'. -}
doesExceptionMatch :: PyException -> PyObject -> IO Bool
doesExceptionMatch e pyo =
    withPyObject (excType e) (\ctyp ->
     withPyObject pyo (\cpo ->
      do r <- pyErr_GivenExceptionMatches ctyp cpo >>= checkCInt
         if r == 0
            then return False
            else return True

{- | A handler for use in 'catchPy' or 'handlePy'.  Grabs the Python exception,
describes it, and raises the description in the IO monad with 'fail'. -}
exc2ioerror :: PyException -> IO a
exc2ioerror e = do e2 <- formatException e
                   fail $ "Python " ++ show e2