name: MonadCompose version: synopsis: Methods for composing monads. description: Methods for composing monads. . The IO monad transformer solves the problem of combining two IO-performing monads, so that neither one needs to provide a MonadIO interface and both can be transformed separately. . Most known monads have a distributive law. The Distributive module implements distributivity for monad transformers. . A monad transformer can transform another monad, but if you have two monads both lacking a transformer, there is little you can do in general. However, you can compose them in a coproduct construction. The PlusMonad module implements a similar plan, but differs from coproducts in that it doesn't compress together contiguous uses of a monad. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: James Candy maintainer: -- copyright: category: Monad build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 library exposed-modules: Control.Monad.IOT, Control.Monad.Distributive, Control.Monad.PlusMonad, Control.Monad.Lifter, Control.Linear -- other-modules: build-depends: base >=4 && <=5, ghc-prim ==0.3.*, mtl ==2.1.*, mmorph ==1.0.*, monad-products, transformers, MaybeT, random, data-default, parallel ==3.2.*, comonad ==3.0.*, transformers-compat ==0.4.*, monad-loops >= ghc-options: -fno-cse