This library is a C port of the DiscID-related code from libmusicbrainz-2 written by Robert Kaye et al. The following people have contributed to libdiscid: Matthias Friedrich - Created the library interface and documented it. - Wrote the operating system independent parts of libdiscid. - Ported the DiscID and linux code. Lukáš Lalinský - Ported the win32 code and added a Makefile for MSVC. - Added FreeDB support and a test program. - Several other useful changes. Robert Kaye - Invented and originally implemented the DiscID algorithm. - Ported the darwin code. Patrick Hurrelmann - Implemented and tested FreeBSD support. Anton Yabchinskiy - Implemented and tested OpenBSD support. Shunsuke Kuroda - Implemented and tested Solaris/OpenSolaris support. Nicholas Humphrey - Implemented ISRC reading on Darwin Johannes Dewender - Implemented ISRC reading on Linux - Implemented features API and generic platform - Completed CMake support on all platforms Various Autotools fixes, switch to libtool -version-number versioninfo resource for DLL