úÎìH A library for generating names. pommicket@gmail.com Safe-Inferred 8A type that represents all the frequencies of trigrams. Extract a trigram from a line #Get all trigrams from trigrams.txt 1Filter out all trigrams that start with a string 0Pick a trigram by the sum of all previous ones. .Pick a (weighted) random trigram from a list. &Get the first 2 characters of a name. Take off end of list Next character in a name. Capitalizes a string Generate a name. Currrent trigrams Line  New trigrams )Only include trigrams that start with...  Trigrams  New trigrams Which trigram The accumulator. fst: "" if it hasn'5t been found, the trigram otherwise. snd: sum so far  (key, value) "fst: The trigram. snd: sum so far Which trigrams to pick from  The trigram List of trigrams First 2 characters Number of items List Items List of trigrams  Name so far Next character List of trigrams  Name so far  New name  the string The capitalized string The list of trigrams  The name          NameGenerator-0.0.0 NameGeneratorTrigrams first2CharsnextChar generateName addTrigram getTrigramsfilterStartsWithpickpickFromTrigramstakeEnd capitalize generateName'