-- (GNU General Public License software, (C) Sivia and Skilling 2006, Trotts 2011)

module Statistics.MiniNest(
    NestedSamplingResult(nsLogZ, nsLogZdelta, nsInfoNats, nsSamples),
    SamplingObject(setLogWt, getLogWt, getLogL),
    nestedSampling) where

import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (sort)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Text.Printf

-- logarithmic addition log(exp(x)+exp(y))
plus :: Double -> Double -> Double
plus x y
     | x > y = x + log (1 + exp (y-x))
     | otherwise = y + log (1 + exp (x-y))

data NestedSamplingResult a = NestedSamplingResult {
    nsLogZ :: Double,
    nsLogZdelta :: Double,  -- evidence +- deviation
    nsInfoNats :: Double,   -- information in nats
    nsSamples :: [a] }

instance Show (NestedSamplingResult a) where
    show result =
        (printf "logZ: %.2f +- %.2f\n" (nsLogZ result) (nsLogZdelta result) ++ 
         printf "information: %.2f nats\n" (nsInfoNats result) ++
         printf "%i samples\n" (length $ nsSamples result))

class SamplingObject a where
   setLogWt :: a -> Double -> a
   getLogWt :: a -> Double
   getLogL :: a -> Double

-- |nestedSampling computes the evidence Z and samples from the posterior.
-- Args:
--   priorSamples: a list of samples from the prior.
--   explore: a function that evolves an object within a likelihood constraint.
--   iterations: number of iterations to run.
nestedSampling :: (Ord a, SamplingObject a) => [a] -> (a -> Double -> IO a) -> Int -> IO (NestedSamplingResult a)
nestedSampling priorSamples explore iterations = do
    let n = length priorSamples

    -- Collection of n objects
    objsRef <- newIORef priorSamples
    samplesRef <- newIORef []              -- Posterior samples
    hRef <- newIORef 0                     -- Information, initially 0
    logZRef <- newIORef (-10**37)          -- ln(Evidence Z, initially 0)

    -- Outermost interval of prior mass
    -- ln(width in prior mass)
    logWidthRef <- newIORef $ getLogWidth n

    -- NESTED SAMPLING LOOP ______________________________________________
    forM [1..iterations] (\nest -> do
        -- Worst object in collection, with Weight = width * Likelihood
        objs <- readIORef objsRef
        let worst = head $ sort objs
        logwidth <- readIORef logWidthRef
        let worst' = setLogWt worst (logwidth + (getLogL worst))

        -- Update Evidence Z and Information H
        logZ <- readIORef logZRef
        h <- readIORef hRef
        let logZnew = plus logZ (getLogWt worst')
        writeIORef hRef $ (exp $ getLogWt worst' - logZnew) * (getLogL worst')
            + (exp $ logZ - logZnew) * (h + logZ) - logZnew
        writeIORef logZRef logZnew

        -- Posterior Samples (optional)
        oldSamples <- readIORef samplesRef
        writeIORef samplesRef (worst' : oldSamples)

        -- Kill worst object.
        let objs' = drop 1 $ sort objs
        writeIORef objsRef objs'

        -- Copy another object at random.
        objToCopy <- choice objs'

        -- new likelihood constraint
        let logLstar = getLogL worst'

        -- Evolve copied object within constraint
        mutatedCopy <- explore objToCopy logLstar

        -- Save copied and mutated object.
        writeIORef objsRef (mutatedCopy : objs')

        -- Shrink interval
        writeIORef logWidthRef (logwidth - 1.0 / fromIntegral n))

    -- Exit with evidence Z, information H, and optional posterior Samples
    logZ <- readIORef logZRef
    h <- readIORef hRef
    samples <- readIORef samplesRef
    return $ NestedSamplingResult {
        nsLogZdelta=sqrt (h / fromIntegral n),  -- evidence +- deviation
        nsInfoNats=h,                           -- information in nats

-- |choice chooses uniformly at random from a list.
choice :: [a] -> IO a
choice [] = error "No items specified for choice."
choice [x] = return x
choice xs = do
    let n = length xs
    k <- randomRIO (0, n-1)
    return $ xs !! k

floatRatio :: Int -> Int -> Float
floatRatio n1 n2 = fromIntegral n1 / fromIntegral n2

getLogWidth :: Int -> Double
getLogWidth n = log $ 1.0 - exp(-1.0 / fromIntegral n)