name: Nomyx version: 0.2.0 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: synopsis: A Nomic game in haskell description: A Nomic game in Haskell, with a dedicated language to create new rules. . Nomyx is a fabulous and strange game where you have the right to change the rules in the middle of the game! Indeed, changing the rules is the goal of the game. Changing a rule is considered as a move. Of course even that could be changed! The original (paper) game: category: game author: Corentin Dupont data-files: static/css/nomyx.css static/nomyx.js data-dir: data extra-source-files: AUTHORS README TODO executable Nomyx build-depends: Cabal -any, DebugTraceHelpers -any, MissingH -any, MonadCatchIO-mtl -any, Nomyx-Language ==0.2.0, QuickCheck -any, acid-state -any, base <5, binary -any, blaze-html ==0.5.*, blaze-markup -any, bytestring -any, containers -any, data-accessor-transformers -any, data-lens -any, data-lens-fd -any, data-lens-template -any, directory -any, eprocess -any, extensible-exceptions -any, fb -any, filepath -any, happstack-authenticate -any, happstack-server ==7.*, hdaemonize -any, hint -any, hint-server -any, hscolour -any, hslogger -any, ixset -any, lenses -any, mime-mail -any, monad-loops -any, mtl ==2.*, mueval -any, network -any, process -any, reform -any, reform-blaze -any, reform-happstack -any, regular -any, safe -any, safecopy -any, stm -any, syb -any, template-haskell -any, text -any, time -any, unix -any, utf8-string -any, web-routes ==0.27.*, web-routes-happstack ==0.23.*, web-routes-regular ==0.19.*, web-routes-th -any main-is: Main.hs buildable: True extensions: CPP hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Multi Test Serialize Quotes Mail Types Utils Interpret Web.Game Web.Settings Web.MainPage Web.NewGame Web.Login Web.Help Web.Common ghc-options: -W