-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GLU.Quadrics
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sven Panne 2002-2006
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/OpenGL/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sven.panne@aedion.de
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module corresponds to chapter 6 (Quadrics) of the GLU specs.

module Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GLU.Quadrics (
   QuadricNormal, QuadricTexture(..), QuadricOrientation(..),
   QuadricDrawStyle(..), QuadricStyle(..),
   Radius, Height, Angle, Slices, Stacks, Loops, QuadricPrimitive(..),
) where

import Control.Monad ( unless )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr, FunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.Monad
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.BasicTypes (
   GLboolean, GLenum, GLint, GLdouble )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.Colors ( ShadingModel(Smooth,Flat) )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.Exception ( bracket )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GL.GLboolean ( marshalGLboolean )
import Graphics.Rendering.OGL.GLU.ErrorsInternal (
   recordErrorCode, recordOutOfMemory )


data QuadricDrawStyle =
   | LineStyle
   | FillStyle
   | SilhouetteStyle
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalQuadricDrawStyle :: QuadricDrawStyle -> GLenum
marshalQuadricDrawStyle x = case x of
   PointStyle -> 0x186aa
   LineStyle -> 0x186ab
   FillStyle -> 0x186ac
   SilhouetteStyle -> 0x186ad


data QuadricCallback =
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalQuadricCallback :: QuadricCallback -> GLenum
marshalQuadricCallback x = case x of
   Error'2 -> 0x18707


type QuadricNormal = Maybe ShadingModel

marshalQuadricNormal :: QuadricNormal -> GLenum
marshalQuadricNormal (Just Smooth) = 0x186a0
marshalQuadricNormal (Just Flat  ) = 0x186a1
marshalQuadricNormal Nothing       = 0x186a2


data QuadricOrientation =
   | Inside
   deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )

marshalQuadricOrientation :: QuadricOrientation -> GLenum
marshalQuadricOrientation x = case x of
   Outside -> 0x186b4
   Inside -> 0x186b5


data QuadricTexture
   = NoTextureCoordinates
   | GenerateTextureCoordinates
   deriving ( Eq,Ord )

marshalQuadricTexture :: QuadricTexture -> GLboolean
marshalQuadricTexture NoTextureCoordinates       = marshalGLboolean False
marshalQuadricTexture GenerateTextureCoordinates = marshalGLboolean True


data QuadricStyle
   = QuadricStyle QuadricNormal
   deriving ( Eq,Ord )


type Radius = GLdouble
type Height = GLdouble
type Angle  = GLdouble
type Slices = GLint
type Stacks = GLint
type Loops  = GLint


data QuadricPrimitive
   = Sphere Radius Slices Stacks
   | Cylinder Radius Radius Height Slices Stacks
   | Disk Radius Radius Slices Loops
   | PartialDisk Radius Radius Slices Loops Angle Angle
   deriving ( Eq, Ord )


renderQuadric :: QuadricStyle -> QuadricPrimitive -> GL ()
renderQuadric style prim = liftIO $ do
   withQuadricObj recordOutOfMemory $ \quadricObj ->
      withErrorCallback quadricObj recordErrorCode $ do
         setStyle quadricObj style
         renderPrimitive quadricObj prim

withQuadricObj :: IO a -> (QuadricObj -> IO a) -> IO a
withQuadricObj failure success =
   bracket gluNewQuadric safeDeleteQuadric
           (\quadricObj -> if isNullQuadricObj quadricObj
                              then failure
                              else success quadricObj)

withErrorCallback :: QuadricObj -> QuadricCallback' -> IO a -> IO a
withErrorCallback quadricObj callback action =
   bracket (makeQuadricCallback callback) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \callbackPtr -> do
      gluQuadricCallback quadricObj (marshalQuadricCallback Error'2) callbackPtr

setStyle :: QuadricObj -> QuadricStyle -> IO ()
setStyle quadricObj (QuadricStyle n t o d) = do
   gluQuadricNormals     quadricObj (marshalQuadricNormal      n)
   gluQuadricTexture     quadricObj (marshalQuadricTexture     t)
   gluQuadricOrientation quadricObj (marshalQuadricOrientation o)
   gluQuadricDrawStyle   quadricObj (marshalQuadricDrawStyle   d)

renderPrimitive :: QuadricObj -> QuadricPrimitive -> IO ()
renderPrimitive quadricObj (Sphere r s n) =
   gluSphere quadricObj r s n
renderPrimitive quadricObj (Cylinder b t h s n) =
   gluCylinder quadricObj b t h s n
renderPrimitive quadricObj (Disk i o s l) =
   gluDisk quadricObj i o s l
renderPrimitive quadricObj (PartialDisk i o s l a w) =
   gluPartialDisk quadricObj i o s l a w


-- 'Char' is a fake here, any marshalable type would do
newtype QuadricObj = QuadricObj (Ptr Char)
   deriving ( Eq )

isNullQuadricObj :: QuadricObj -> Bool
isNullQuadricObj = (QuadricObj nullPtr ==)


foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluNewQuadric" gluNewQuadric :: IO QuadricObj

safeDeleteQuadric :: QuadricObj -> IO ()
safeDeleteQuadric quadricObj =
   unless (isNullQuadricObj quadricObj) $ gluDeleteQuadric quadricObj

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluDeleteQuadric" gluDeleteQuadric ::
   QuadricObj -> IO ()


type QuadricCallback' = GLenum -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV "wrapper" makeQuadricCallback ::
   QuadricCallback' -> IO (FunPtr QuadricCallback')

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluQuadricCallback" gluQuadricCallback ::
   QuadricObj -> GLenum -> FunPtr QuadricCallback' -> IO ()


foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluQuadricNormals" gluQuadricNormals ::
   QuadricObj -> GLenum -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluQuadricTexture" gluQuadricTexture ::
   QuadricObj -> GLboolean -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluQuadricOrientation" gluQuadricOrientation ::
   QuadricObj -> GLenum -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gluQuadricDrawStyle" gluQuadricDrawStyle ::
   QuadricObj -> GLenum -> IO ()


foreign import CALLCONV safe "gluSphere" gluSphere ::
   QuadricObj -> Radius -> Slices -> Stacks -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV safe "gluCylinder" gluCylinder ::
  QuadricObj -> Radius -> Radius -> Height -> Slices -> Stacks -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV safe "gluDisk" gluDisk ::
   QuadricObj -> Radius -> Radius -> Slices -> Loops -> IO ()

foreign import CALLCONV safe "gluPartialDisk" gluPartialDisk ::
   QuadricObj -> Radius -> Radius -> Slices -> Loops -> Angle -> Angle -> IO ()