This is a simple Octree implementation in Haskell. To use simply: ~~~ {.haskell} module Main where import Data.Octree as O import Data.Vector.V3 main = do let oct = fromList [(Vector3 1 2 3, "a"), (Vector3 3 4 5, "b"), (Vector3 8 8 8, "c")] report msg elt = putStrLn $ msg ++ show elt report "Nearest :" $ O.nearest oct $ Vector3 2 2 3 report "Within range:" $ O.withinRange oct 5.0 $ Vector3 2 2 3 return () ~~~ *For now it uses AC-Vector package for vectors, but I may change it to use Tensor package used by OpenGL package, if there is interest.* *So far I still wait for package with vector operations (like dot, cross producton, vector projection and rejection) on Tensor types.*