/* include/HsOpenALConfig.h. Generated from HsOpenALConfig.h.in by configure. */ /* include/HsOpenALConfig.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */ /* Define to 1 if `alcCloseDevice' returns void. */ /* #undef ALCCLOSEDEVICE_VOID */ /* Define to 1 if `alcDestroyContext' returns void. */ #define ALCDESTROYCONTEXT_VOID 1 /* Define to 1 if `alcMakeContextCurrent' returns void. */ /* #undef ALCMAKECONTEXTCURRENT_VOID */ /* Define to 1 if `alcProcessContext' returns void. */ #define ALCPROCESSCONTEXT_VOID 1 /* Framework flags for AL, as a list of string literals. */ #define AL_FRAMEWORKS /* Library flags for AL, as a list of string literals. */ #define AL_LIBS "-lopenal" /* The value of ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES. */ #define CONST_ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES 4099 /* The value of ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE. */ #define CONST_ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE 4098 /* The value of ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER. */ #define CONST_ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 785 /* The value of ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER. */ #define CONST_ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 784 /* The value of ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES. */ #define CONST_ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES 786 /* The value of ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER. */ #define CONST_ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 4100 /* The value of ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER. */ #define CONST_ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER 4101 /* The value of ALC_EXTENSIONS. */ #define CONST_ALC_EXTENSIONS 4102 /* The value of ALC_FALSE. */ #define CONST_ALC_FALSE 0 /* The value of ALC_FREQUENCY. */ #define CONST_ALC_FREQUENCY 4103 /* The value of ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT. */ #define CONST_ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT 40962 /* The value of ALC_INVALID_DEVICE. */ #define CONST_ALC_INVALID_DEVICE 40961 /* The value of ALC_INVALID_ENUM. */ #define CONST_ALC_INVALID_ENUM 40963 /* The value of ALC_INVALID_OPERATION. */ #define CONST_ALC_INVALID_OPERATION 40966 /* The value of ALC_INVALID_VALUE. */ #define CONST_ALC_INVALID_VALUE 40964 /* The value of ALC_MAJOR_VERSION. */ #define CONST_ALC_MAJOR_VERSION 4096 /* The value of ALC_MINOR_VERSION. */ #define CONST_ALC_MINOR_VERSION 4097 /* The value of ALC_MONO_SOURCES. */ #define CONST_ALC_MONO_SOURCES 4112 /* The value of ALC_NO_ERROR. */ #define CONST_ALC_NO_ERROR 0 /* The value of ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY. */ #define CONST_ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY 40965 /* The value of ALC_REFRESH. */ #define CONST_ALC_REFRESH 4104 /* The value of ALC_STEREO_SOURCES. */ #define CONST_ALC_STEREO_SOURCES 4113 /* The value of ALC_SYNC. */ #define CONST_ALC_SYNC 4105 /* The value of ALC_TRUE. */ #define CONST_ALC_TRUE 1 /* The value of AL_BITS. */ #define CONST_AL_BITS 8194 /* The value of AL_BUFFER. */ #define CONST_AL_BUFFER 4105 /* The value of AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED. */ #define CONST_AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED 4118 /* The value of AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED. */ #define CONST_AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED 4117 /* The value of AL_BYTE_OFFSET. */ #define CONST_AL_BYTE_OFFSET 4134 /* The value of AL_CHANNELS. */ #define CONST_AL_CHANNELS 8195 /* The value of AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE. */ #define CONST_AL_CONE_INNER_ANGLE 4097 /* The value of AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE. */ #define CONST_AL_CONE_OUTER_ANGLE 4098 /* The value of AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN. */ #define CONST_AL_CONE_OUTER_GAIN 4130 /* The value of AL_DIRECTION. */ #define CONST_AL_DIRECTION 4101 /* The value of AL_DISTANCE_MODEL. */ #define CONST_AL_DISTANCE_MODEL 53248 /* The value of AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR. */ #define CONST_AL_DOPPLER_FACTOR 49152 /* The value of AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE. */ #define CONST_AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE 53253 /* The value of AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED. */ #define CONST_AL_EXPONENT_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 53254 /* The value of AL_EXTENSIONS. */ #define CONST_AL_EXTENSIONS 45060 /* The value of AL_FALSE. */ #define CONST_AL_FALSE 0 /* The value of AL_FORMAT_MONO16. */ #define CONST_AL_FORMAT_MONO16 4353 /* The value of AL_FORMAT_MONO8. */ #define CONST_AL_FORMAT_MONO8 4352 /* The value of AL_FORMAT_STEREO16. */ #define CONST_AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 4355 /* The value of AL_FORMAT_STEREO8. */ #define CONST_AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 4354 /* The value of AL_FREQUENCY. */ #define CONST_AL_FREQUENCY 8193 /* The value of AL_GAIN. */ #define CONST_AL_GAIN 4106 /* The value of AL_INITIAL. */ #define CONST_AL_INITIAL 4113 /* The value of AL_INVALID_ENUM. */ #define CONST_AL_INVALID_ENUM 40962 /* The value of AL_INVALID_NAME. */ #define CONST_AL_INVALID_NAME 40961 /* The value of AL_INVALID_OPERATION. */ #define CONST_AL_INVALID_OPERATION 40964 /* The value of AL_INVALID_VALUE. */ #define CONST_AL_INVALID_VALUE 40963 /* The value of AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE. */ #define CONST_AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE 53249 /* The value of AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED. */ #define CONST_AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 53250 /* The value of AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE. */ #define CONST_AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE 53251 /* The value of AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED. */ #define CONST_AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED 53252 /* The value of AL_LOOPING. */ #define CONST_AL_LOOPING 4103 /* The value of AL_MAX_DISTANCE. */ #define CONST_AL_MAX_DISTANCE 4131 /* The value of AL_MAX_GAIN. */ #define CONST_AL_MAX_GAIN 4110 /* The value of AL_MIN_GAIN. */ #define CONST_AL_MIN_GAIN 4109 /* The value of AL_NONE. */ #define CONST_AL_NONE 0 /* The value of AL_NO_ERROR. */ #define CONST_AL_NO_ERROR 0 /* The value of AL_ORIENTATION. */ #define CONST_AL_ORIENTATION 4111 /* The value of AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY. */ #define CONST_AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY 40965 /* The value of AL_PAUSED. */ #define CONST_AL_PAUSED 4115 /* The value of AL_PITCH. */ #define CONST_AL_PITCH 4099 /* The value of AL_PLAYING. */ #define CONST_AL_PLAYING 4114 /* The value of AL_POSITION. */ #define CONST_AL_POSITION 4100 /* The value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE. */ #define CONST_AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE 4128 /* The value of AL_RENDERER. */ #define CONST_AL_RENDERER 45059 /* The value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR. */ #define CONST_AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR 4129 /* The value of AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET. */ #define CONST_AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET 4133 /* The value of AL_SEC_OFFSET. */ #define CONST_AL_SEC_OFFSET 4132 /* The value of AL_SIZE. */ #define CONST_AL_SIZE 8196 /* The value of AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE. */ #define CONST_AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE 514 /* The value of AL_SOURCE_STATE. */ #define CONST_AL_SOURCE_STATE 4112 /* The value of AL_SOURCE_TYPE. */ #define CONST_AL_SOURCE_TYPE 4135 /* The value of AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND. */ #define CONST_AL_SPEED_OF_SOUND 49155 /* The value of AL_STATIC. */ #define CONST_AL_STATIC 4136 /* The value of AL_STOPPED. */ #define CONST_AL_STOPPED 4116 /* The value of AL_STREAMING. */ #define CONST_AL_STREAMING 4137 /* The value of AL_TRUE. */ #define CONST_AL_TRUE 1 /* The value of AL_UNDETERMINED. */ #define CONST_AL_UNDETERMINED 4144 /* The value of AL_VELOCITY. */ #define CONST_AL_VELOCITY 4102 /* The value of AL_VENDOR. */ #define CONST_AL_VENDOR 45057 /* The value of AL_VERSION. */ #define CONST_AL_VERSION 45058 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_AL_ALC_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_AL_ALEXT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_AL_AL_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENAL_ALC_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENAL_ALEXT_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ /* #undef HAVE_OPENAL_AL_H */ /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STDINT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_STRING_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 /* Define to Haskell type for ALboolean */ #define HTYPE_ALBOOLEAN Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALbyte */ #define HTYPE_ALBYTE Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCboolean */ #define HTYPE_ALCBOOLEAN Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCbyte */ #define HTYPE_ALCBYTE Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCchar */ #define HTYPE_ALCCHAR Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCdouble */ #define HTYPE_ALCDOUBLE Double /* Define to Haskell type for ALCenum */ #define HTYPE_ALCENUM Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCfloat */ #define HTYPE_ALCFLOAT Float /* Define to Haskell type for ALchar */ #define HTYPE_ALCHAR Int8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCint */ #define HTYPE_ALCINT Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCshort */ #define HTYPE_ALCSHORT Int16 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCsizei */ #define HTYPE_ALCSIZEI Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCubyte */ #define HTYPE_ALCUBYTE Word8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCuint */ #define HTYPE_ALCUINT Word32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALCushort */ #define HTYPE_ALCUSHORT Word16 /* Define to Haskell type for ALdouble */ #define HTYPE_ALDOUBLE Double /* Define to Haskell type for ALenum */ #define HTYPE_ALENUM Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALfloat */ #define HTYPE_ALFLOAT Float /* Define to Haskell type for ALint */ #define HTYPE_ALINT Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALshort */ #define HTYPE_ALSHORT Int16 /* Define to Haskell type for ALsizei */ #define HTYPE_ALSIZEI Int32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALubyte */ #define HTYPE_ALUBYTE Word8 /* Define to Haskell type for ALuint */ #define HTYPE_ALUINT Word32 /* Define to Haskell type for ALushort */ #define HTYPE_ALUSHORT Word16 /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "sven.panne@aedion.de" /* Define to the full name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_NAME "Haskell HOpenAL package" /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_STRING "Haskell HOpenAL package" /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "OpenAL" /* Define to the version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "" /* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ #define STDC_HEADERS 1