Readme for OpenVG-0.1

Haskell bindings to ShivaVG (OpenVG implementation). I've tested the bindings on both Windows XP (MinGW/Msys) and MacOSX leopard. KNOWN PROBLEMS: MacOSX - runhaskell / GHCi freeze the shell when you try to run the example TestVgu.hs. You will have to compile it first. Windows - running the test through GHCi kills the GHCi session when you close the display window. Its better to run through runhaskell. Shiva-VG (the C Library) should install quite easily on MacOSX - I installed it with the usual `configure`, `make` % `make install`. I would imagine Linux is easy too. Windows isn't at all easy - but there are instructions in the file `InstallWindows.txt`. On all platforms you will need OpenGL and GLUT and the Haskell bindings to OpenGL and GLUT installed and working.