These instructions assume you have Haskell and OpenGL working (probably via the Haskell Plaform) and have MinGW/msys installed and are comfortable with them. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 1. Download the ShivaVG C library from Sourceforge (version 0.2.1): Unzip somewhere below msys/1.0, I use my home directory: C:/msys/1.0/home/stephen Run msys and go to ShivaVG's src directory: > cd ShivaVG-0.2.1/src Compile with gcc directly - this is a hack but the makefile has problems with MinGW/msys: > gcc -O2 -c *.c -I../include/VG That should build the *.o files. > gcc -shared -o openvg32.dll *.o -Wl,--enable-stdcall-fixup,--out-implib,libopenvg32.a -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm That should create `openvg32.dll` and `libopenvg32.a`. Put `libopenvg32.a` into your MinGW lib directory, on my system it is here: C:\MinGW\lib Also copy the `vg` folder that contains the header files from `shivavg-0.2.0\include` to the MinGW include directory, on my system it is here: C:\MinGW\include You should have folders for both the GL and OpenVG headers: C:\MinGW\include\GL C:\MinGW\include\vg You should now be able to build the Haskell binding to Shiva. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I dropped the archive into my home directory C:\msys\1.0\home\stephen > tar xvfz OpenVG-0.2.1.tar.gz > cd OpenVG-0.2.1 > runhaskell Setup.lhs configure > runhaskell Setup.lhs build > runhaskell Setup.lhs install > runhaskell Setup.lhs haddock Finally try the example: Copy `openvg32.dll` into the examples directory. > cd examples > runhaskell -lopenvg32 TestVgu.hs