The abbreviation "PCSI" means "Parametric Composable String Instaniation". Agree, not a very clear name, a more apropriate would be something like that: "Input Data for Template Representation", but clear name came to my head when millions (dozens) of ants (variables) were already bearing this name. And I'm a bit lazy to rename everything to sound apropriate, sorry.
- data PCLT_ParamVal
- type PCSI_ParamsValuesMap = Map PCLT_ParamKey PCLT_ParamVal
- data PCSI = PCSI {}
- empPCSI :: PCLT_ID -> PCSI
- thePCSI :: PCLT_ID -> [(PCLT_ParamKey, PCLT_ParamVal)] -> PCSI
- addToPCSI :: [PCSI] -> PCSI -> PCSI
- sumPCSI_PVMs :: PCSI_ParamsValuesMap -> PCSI_ParamsValuesMap -> PCSI_ParamsValuesMap
- addPVs2PCSI :: [(PCLT_ParamKey, PCLT_ParamVal)] -> PCSI -> PCSI
- usualSeparatorInPCSIList :: PCLT_ParamVal
data PCLT_ParamVal Source
By these user fills parameters of templates.
PlainText_PV String | |
PlainTextLBS_PV ByteString | |
PCSIList_PV [PCSI] PCLT_ParamVal | Second argument is a separator between |
PVList_PV [PCLT_ParamVal] | |
Indented_PV Int PCLT_ParamVal | In message generation procedure this stands for a value of
2nd argument in which every occurence of newline (as is configured in
Text.PCLT.Config in config's parameter |
NewLine_PV | In message generation procedure this stands for a value of
Nothing_PV |
PCSI is an output of our extended Show (to which this package is dedicated). And an input to generate a message using catalog.
PCSI | |
Fields |
PCSI constructors
thePCSI :: PCLT_ID -> [(PCLT_ParamKey, PCLT_ParamVal)] -> PCSISource
PCSI maths
addPVs2PCSI :: [(PCLT_ParamKey, PCLT_ParamVal)] -> PCSI -> PCSISource
usualSeparatorInPCSIList :: PCLT_ParamValSource
It's used in some places of package in errors' representations
(in instances of ShowAsPCSI
- class declared in Text.PCLT.ShowAsPCSI).
usualSeparatorInPCSIList = PVList_PV [NewLine_PV, PlainText_PV |----, NewLine_PV]