{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, RecordPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing -funbox-strict-fields #-}

module Text.PageIO.Extract where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Text.PageIO.Types
import qualified Text.PageIO.LabelMap as LM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S

type Area = Page
newtype BlockResult = MkBlockResult { blockResults :: [(Area, LabelMap Value)] }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Monoid)

data SheetResult = MkSheetResult
    { resultFields  :: !(LabelMap Value)
    , resultBlocks  :: !(LabelMap BlockResult)
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Monoid SheetResult where
    mempty = MkSheetResult mempty mempty
    mappend (MkSheetResult xf xb) (MkSheetResult yf yb) 
        = MkSheetResult (LM.union xf yf) (LM.unionWith mappend xb yb)
    mconcat xs
        = MkSheetResult (LM.unions (map resultFields xs)) (LM.unionsWith mappend (map resultBlocks xs))

instance Show BlockResult where
    show (MkBlockResult []) = "[]"
    show (MkBlockResult rs) = concatMap prettyBlockResult rs
        prettyBlockResult (_, lm) = case LM.toList lm of
            []      -> "\n  - {}"
            (v:vs)  -> "\n  - " ++ prettyEntry v ++ concatMap (("    " ++) . prettyEntry) vs

instance Show SheetResult where
    show (MkSheetResult fs bs) = concat
        [ "---\n"
        , concatMap prettyEntry (LM.toList fs)
        , concatMap prettyEntry (LM.toList bs)

prettyEntry :: Show a => (Label, a) -> String
prettyEntry (lbl, val) = do
    show lbl ++ ": " ++ show val ++ "\n"

extractPage :: Sheet -> Page -> Maybe SheetResult
extractPage MkSheet{sheetBox, sheetFields, sheetPatterns, sheetFrames} page
    | and patternResults = Just $ MkSheetResult
        { resultFields = fieldResults
        , resultBlocks = frameResults
    | otherwise          = Nothing
    sheetArea = crop sheetBox page
    patternResults = map (checkPattern sheetArea) (LM.elems sheetPatterns)
    fieldResults   = fmap (extractField sheetArea) sheetFields
    frameResults   = LM.unionsWith mappend (map extractFrame sheetFrames)
    extractFrame MkFrame{ frameBox, frameBlocks } = LM.fromListWith mappend blockResults
        frameArea    = crop frameBox sheetArea
        blockResults = extractBlocks frameBlocks frameArea

crop :: Box -> Page -> Page
crop MkBox{boxTop, boxBottom, boxLeft, boxRight} (MkPage lns) = MkPage (map doCol (doRows lns))
    doRows = take (boxBottom - boxTop + 1) . drop (boxTop - 1)
    doCol = S.take (boxRight - boxLeft + 1) . S.drop (boxLeft - 1)

checkPattern :: Page -> Pattern -> Bool
checkPattern page MkPattern{ patternBox, patternMatch }
    | val `matches` patternMatch = True
    | otherwise                  = False
    val = pageVal $ crop patternBox page

extractField :: Page -> Field -> Value
extractField page MkField{ fieldBox, fieldFormat } = case fieldFormat of
    FNumeric{}  -> valToIntVal val
    _           -> val
    val = pageVal $ crop fieldBox page

extractBlocks :: LabelMap Block -> Page -> [(Label, BlockResult)]
extractBlocks blocks page@(MkPage lns) = case blockResults of
    []              -> case lns of
        (_:rest)    -> extractBlocks blocks (MkPage rest)
        _           -> mempty
    ((skip, res):_) -> res:extractBlocks blocks (MkPage $ drop skip lns)
    blockResults =
        [ (blockLines b, (lbl, fromJust es))
        | (lbl, b) <- LM.toList blocks
        , let es = extractBlock b page, isJust es

extractBlock :: Block -> Page -> Maybe BlockResult
extractBlock MkBlock{ blockLines, blockPatterns, blockFields, blockFilterBy } page@(MkPage lns)
    | length blockArea < blockLines   = Nothing
    | and patternResults              = Just . MkBlockResult $ if filtersPass
        then [(MkPage blockArea, fieldResults)]
        else []
    | otherwise                       = Nothing
    blockArea       = take blockLines lns
    patternResults  = map (checkPattern page) (LM.elems blockPatterns)
    fieldResults    = fmap (extractField page) blockFields
    filtersPass     = all runFilter blockFilterBy
    runFilter (flt@MkFilter{ filterField, filterOperator, filterMatch })
        = case LM.lookup filterField fieldResults of
            Just val    -> case filterOperator of
                ONot op     -> not $ runFilter flt{ filterOperator = op }
                OContains   -> val `matches` filterMatch
                OStartsWith -> matchValue filterMatch `S.isPrefixOf` val 
                OEndsWith   -> matchValue filterMatch `S.isSuffixOf` val 
                OEq         -> matchValue filterMatch == val
            _           -> False

pageVal :: Page -> Value
pageVal (MkPage page) = S.concat page