module Text.PageIO.Run where
import Data.Maybe
import Text.PageIO.Types
import System.IO
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (defaultChunkSize)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L

readPages :: FilePath -> IO [Page]
readPages fn = openBinaryFile fn ReadMode >>= hReadPages

hReadPages :: Handle -> IO [Page]
hReadPages fh = do
    hSetBinaryMode fh True
    sz <- hFileSize fh
    -- Cutoff is 64MB; we map the data directly to memory if it's less than that amount
    if sz > 64 * 1024 * 1024
        then hReadPagesLazy fh
        else hReadPagesStrict fh (fromEnum sz)

hReadPagesLazy :: Handle -> IO [Page]
hReadPagesLazy fh = do
    hSetBuffering fh (BlockBuffering (Just defaultChunkSize))
    content <- L.hGetContents fh
    return $ case map (S.concat . L.toChunks) (L.split '\x0C' content) of
        []      -> []
        (hd:tl) -> map (MkPage . map dropCR . S.lines) (hd:map (S.tail . S.dropWhile (/= '\n')) tl)
    dropCR x
        | S.null x          = S.copy x
        | S.last x == '\r'  = S.copy (S.init x)
        | otherwise         = S.copy x

hReadPagesStrict :: Handle -> Int -> IO [Page]
hReadPagesStrict fh sz = do
    hSetBuffering fh (BlockBuffering (Just sz))
    content <- S.hGet fh sz
    case S.split '\x0C' content of
        []      -> return []
        (hd:tl) -> do
            let pages = map (MkPage . map dropCR . S.lines)
                      $ filter ((>0) . S.length) (hd:map (S.tail . S.dropWhile (/= '\n')) tl)
            length (pageLines $ last pages) `seq` unsafeFinalize content
            return pages
    dropCR x
        | S.null x          = S.copy x
        | S.last x == '\r'  = S.copy (S.init x)
        | otherwise         = S.copy x

putPage :: Page -> IO ()
putPage = mapM_ S.putStrLn . pageLines