module Crypto.Paillier where

import Data.Maybe
import Crypto.Random
import Crypto.Number.Prime
import Crypto.Number.Generate (generateOfSize, generateBetween)
import Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic

#if 0
import System.IO

type PlainText = Integer 

type CipherText = Integer

data PubKey = PubKey{  bits :: Int  -- ^ e.g., 2048
                     , n_modulo :: Integer -- ^ n = pq
                     , generator :: Integer -- ^ generator = n+1
                     , n_square :: Integer -- ^ n^2
                    } deriving (Show)

data PrvKey = PrvKey{  lambda :: Integer -- ^ lambda(n) = lcm(p-1, q-1)
                     , x :: Integer
                    } deriving (Show)

genKey :: Int -> IO (PubKey, PrvKey)
genKey nBits = do
    -- choose random primes
    pool <- createEntropyPool
    let rng = cprgCreate pool :: SystemRNG
    let (p, rng1) = generatePrime rng (nBits `div` 2)
    let (q, rng2) = generatePrime rng1 (nBits `div` 2)
    -- public key parameters
    let modulo = p*q
    let g = modulo+1
    let square = modulo*modulo
    -- private key parameters
    -- let phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
    let phi_n = lcm (p-1) (q-1)
    let maybeU = inverse (((expSafe g phi_n square) - 1) `div` modulo) modulo
    -- let maybeU = inverse phi_n modulo
    if isNothing maybeU then
       error "genKey failed." 
        return (PubKey{bits=nBits, n_modulo=modulo, generator=g, n_square=square}
           ,PrvKey{lambda=phi_n, x=(fromJust maybeU)})

-- | deterministic version of encryption
_encrypt :: PubKey -> PlainText -> Integer -> CipherText
_encrypt pubKey plaintext r = 
    where result = (g_m*r_n) `mod` n_2
          n_2 = n_square pubKey
          g_m = expSafe (generator pubKey) plaintext n_2
          r_n = expSafe r (n_modulo pubKey) n_2

generateR :: SystemRNG -> PubKey -> Integer -> Integer
generateR rng pubKey guess =
    if guess >= (n_modulo pubKey) || ((gcd (n_modulo pubKey) guess) > 1) then
        generateR nextRng pubKey nextGuess

    where (nextGuess, nextRng) = generateBetween rng 1 ((n_modulo pubKey) -1)

encrypt :: PubKey -> PlainText -> IO CipherText
encrypt pubKey plaintext = do
    pool <- createEntropyPool
    let rng = cprgCreate pool :: SystemRNG
#if 0
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    putStrLn "get r..."
    let r = generateR rng pubKey (n_modulo pubKey)
#if 0
    putStrLn $ "r=" ++ (show r)
    return $ _encrypt pubKey plaintext r 

decrypt :: PrvKey -> PubKey -> CipherText -> PlainText
decrypt prvKey pubKey ciphertext = 
    let c_lambda = expSafe ciphertext (lambda prvKey) (n_square pubKey)
        l_c_lamdba = (c_lambda - 1) `div` (n_modulo pubKey)
    in  (l_c_lamdba) * (x prvKey) `mod` (n_modulo pubKey)

-- | ciphetext muliplication is known as homomorphic addition of plaintexts
cipherMul :: PubKey -> CipherText -> CipherText -> CipherText
cipherMul pubKey c1 c2 = (c1*c2) `mod` (n_square pubKey)

-- | Homomorphic multiplication of plaintexts
-- An encrypted plaintext raised to the power of another plaintext will decrypt to the product of the two plaintexts.
cipherExp :: PubKey -> CipherText -> PlainText -> CipherText
cipherExp pubKey c1 p1 = expSafe c1 p1 (n_square pubKey)