Plot-ho-matic (and Set-ho-matic) == [![Hackage](]( [![Build Status](]( Plot-ho-matic is a GUI for high-performance real-time plotting with a convenient TreeView interface for selecting which elements to draw from a data structure. The focus is on ease of use, with optional advanced interfaces for more features. ![Plot-ho-matic in action](/../screenshots/screenshots/plotho_example.png?raw=true "Plot-ho-matic example") The sister library Set-ho-matic is a GUI for editing haskell data and sending those changes to some running program. It can also query the program for it's latest data and has save and load features. ![Set-ho-matic in action](/../screenshots/screenshots/setho_example.png?raw=true "Set-ho-matic example") Both Plot-ho-matic and Set-ho-matic rely heavily on [generic-accessors]( which uses GHC.Generics to create trees from haskell data. # usage See the hackage docs starting with the main [PlotHo]( module for documentation. There is also an [examples]( folder in the git repository. # FAQ "user error: out of memory" If you get this ^ error on OSX your cairo/pango/gtk may be linked to an XQuartz library. Add --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/lib (or wherever the correct libraries are) to your .cabal/config == Special thanks to Chart and gtk2hs, which do all the heavy lifting.