name: PortFusion version: 1.0.3 stability: stable on all operating systems synopsis: CORSIS PortFusion : High-performance Distributed Proxy description: PortFusion is a minimalistic, cross-platform, transport-layer distributed reverse / forward proxy for TCP released under GPLv3. . A single package that makes the most of each platform by tapping into their unique capabilities, combining this power with an intuitive interface, beautiful design and Haskell's excellent support for unprecedented levels of concurrency and parallelism. . It strives for the smallest source code size while delivering maximum throughput with near zero overhead. . [Official Binaries] are available for download from for Windows, Linux, OS X and FreeBSD. copyright: Copyright © 2012 Cetin Sert license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Cetin Sert maintainer: Cetin Sert homepage: package-url: bug-reports: category: System, Network build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.6 extra-source-files: res/*.svg res/osx/*.icns res/osx/*.hqx res/win/*.rc res/win/*.bat res/win/*.ico res/win/*.res source-repository head type: git location: git:// flag static description: enable fullly static linking default : False flag llvm description: compile via LLVM default : False executable PortFusion hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs buildable: True extensions: ScopedTypeVariables CPP BangPatterns TypeSynonymInstances TypeOperators OverloadedStrings DeriveDataTypeable PostfixOperators TupleSections build-depends: base >= 4 && <= 5, bytestring >= 0.9 && <= 1, vector >= 0.9.1 && <= 1, splice >= 0.6 && <= 1 if os(mingw32) build-depends: network >= ld-options: res\win\PortFusion.res else build-depends: network -any ghc-options: -W -O2 -O3 -threaded -fspec-constr-count=16 if flag(static) ghc-options: -static ld-options: -static if flag(llvm) ghc-options: -fllvm -optlo-O3 -msse4.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CORSIS Build Name Components -- -- Below is only used to generate standard build names each time a PortFusion -- binary is compiled using Cabal; can be simply replaced with: -- -- cpp-options: -D__OS__="SOME OS" -D__ARCH__="SOME ARCH" -- if os(linux) cpp-options: -D__OS__="Linux" else if os(mingw32) cpp-options: -D__OS__="Windows" else if os(freebsd) cpp-options: -D__OS__="FreeBSD" else if os(openbsd) || os(netbsd) cpp-options: -D__OS__="BSD" else if os(darwin) cpp-options: -D__OS__="MacOS" else if os(solaris) cpp-options: -D__OS__="Solaris" else -- if os(gnu) || os(hurd) -- cpp-options: -D__OS__="HURD" -- else cpp-options: -D__OS__="Generic" if arch(i386) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="x86" else if arch(x86_64) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="x86-64" else if arch(arm) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="ARM" else -- if arch(powerpc) -- cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="PowerPC" -- else -- if arch(powerpc64) -- cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="PowerPC-64" -- else if arch(sparc) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="SPARC" else if arch(ia64) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="Itanium-64" else if arch(mips) cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="MIPS" else cpp-options: -D__ARCH__="Unknown"