package Pugs::Compiler::Regex; #use Smart::Comments; our $VERSION = '0.28'; # Documentation in the __END__ use strict; use warnings; use Pugs::Grammar::Rule; use Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5; use Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5; use Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::Ratchet; use Pugs::Runtime::Regex; # complete the dependency circularity push @Pugs::Grammar::Rule::ISA, 'Pugs::Grammar::Base'; use Carp qw( croak carp ); use Data::Dumper; use Symbol 'qualify_to_ref'; use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex'; our $NoCache = $ENV{PCR_NO_CACHE}; # Depresses any caching if set to true my $cache; eval { require Cache::FileCache; $cache = new Cache::FileCache( { 'namespace' => 'v6-rules' } ); }; sub new { $_[0] } sub compile { local $::_V6_MATCH_; # avoid messing with global $/ # $class->compile( $source ) # $class->compile( $source, { p=>1 } ) # $class->compile( $source, { signature => $sig } ) -- TODO my ( $class, $rule_source, $param ) = @_; return Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5->compile( $rule_source, $param ) if exists $param->{P5} || exists $param->{Perl5}; #warn length($rule_source); my $self = { source => $rule_source }; #print Dumper @_; # XXX - should use user's lexical pad instead of an explicit grammar? $self->{grammar} = delete $param->{grammar} || 'Pugs::Grammar::Base'; $self->{ratchet} = delete $param->{ratchet} || 0; $self->{p} = delete $param->{pos} || delete $param->{p}; # default = undef; delete $param->{p}; $self->{sigspace} = delete $param->{sigspace} || delete $param->{s} || 0; delete $param->{s}; $self->{continue} = delete $param->{continue} || delete $param->{c} || 0; delete $param->{c}; $self->{ignorecase} = delete $param->{ignorecase} || delete $param->{i} || 0; delete $param->{i}; my $error; $error .= "Error in rule: unknown parameter '$_'" for keys %$param; croak $error if %$param; my $digest = md5_hex(Dumper($self)); my $cached; if (!$NoCache && $cache && ($cached = $cache->get($digest))) { ### using cached rule... $self->{perl5} = $cached; } else { ### compiling rule... #print 'rule source: ', $self->{source}, "\n"; #print "match: ", Dumper( Pugs::Grammar::Rule->rule( $self->{source} ) ); my $ast = Pugs::Grammar::Rule->rule( $self->{source} )->(); if (!defined $ast) { carp "Invalid regex syntax"; return undef; } ### rule AST: $ast # save the ast for debugging $self->{ast} = $ast; #warn "ast: ",Dumper($ast),"\n"; #die "Error in rule: '$rule_source' at: '$ast->tail'\n" if $ast->tail; #print 'rule ast: ', do{use Data::Dumper; Dumper($ast{capture})}; #use Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::Preprocess; #my $ast2 = Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::Preprocess::emit( # $self->{grammar}, $ast, $self ); if ( $self->{ratchet} ) { $self->{perl5} = Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::Ratchet::emit( $self->{grammar}, $ast, $self ); #print "token: ", $self->{perl5}; } else { $self->{perl5} = Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl5::emit( $self->{grammar}, $ast, $self ); } #print 'rule perl5: ', do{use Data::Dumper; Dumper($self->{perl5})}; $cache->set($digest, $self->{perl5}, 'never') if $cache; } #our $evals++; local $@; $self->{code} = eval # "\#line " . ($evals*1000) . "\n" . $self->{perl5}; die "Error in evaluation: $@\nSource:\n$self->{perl5}\n" if $@; #my $code = $self->{code}; #my $e = $evals; #my $c = $self->{perl5}; #my $x = 1; #$c =~ s/\n/"\n".++$x.": "/seg; #$self->{code} = sub { print "calling #$e <<< $rule_source >>> compiles to <<< $c >>>\n"; $code->(@_); }; bless $self, $class; } sub code { my $rule = shift; sub { $rule->match( $_[1], $_[0], $_[2], $_[3] ); } } sub match { my ( $rule, $str, $grammar, $flags, $state ) = @_; #print "match: ",Dumper($rule); #print "match: ",Dumper(\@_); #print "PCR::match: ",Dumper($_[2]); return Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( { bool => \0 } ) unless defined $str; # XXX - fix? if ( ref $grammar eq 'HASH' ) { # backwards compatibility - grammar can now be specified in $flags $state = $flags; $flags = $grammar; $grammar = $flags->{grammar}; } $grammar ||= $rule->{grammar}; #print "match: grammar $rule->{grammar}, $_[0], $flags\n"; #print "match: Variables: ", Dumper ( $flags->{args} ) if defined $flags->{args}; #print "match: Flags: ", Dumper ( $flags ) if defined $flags; my $p = defined $flags->{p} ? $flags->{p} : defined $flags->{pos} ? $flags->{pos} : $rule->{p}; my $continue = defined $flags->{c} ? $flags->{c} : defined $flags->{continue} ? $flags->{continue} : $rule->{continue}; my $ignorecase = defined $flags->{i} ? $flags->{i} : defined $flags->{ignorecase} ? $flags->{ignorecase} : $rule->{ignorecase}; #print "flag p"; #print "match: grammar $rule->{grammar}, $str, %$flags\n"; #print $rule->{code}; # XXX BUG! - $rule->{code} disappeared - in t/08-hash.t ??? unless ( defined $rule->{code} ) { local $@; if (!defined $rule->{perl5}) { croak "Error in evaluation: \$rule->{perl5} is missing"; } $rule->{code} = eval $rule->{perl5}; croak "Error in evaluation: $@\nSource:\n$rule->{perl5}" if $@; } my %args; %args = %{$flags->{args}} if defined $flags && defined $flags->{args}; $args{p} = $p; $args{continue} = $continue; $args{ignorecase} = $ignorecase; #print "calling code with ",Dumper([ $grammar,$str, $state,\%args ] ); my $match = $rule->{code}( $grammar, $_[1], # pass $str itself instead of a copy so as to make pos work $state, \%args, ); #print __PACKAGE__ . ": match result: ", $match->perl; return $match; } sub reinstall { _install(0, scalar(caller), @_); } sub install { _install(1, scalar(caller), @_); } sub _install { my($check, $caller, $class, $name, @etc) = @_; # If we have a fully qualified name, use that, otherwise extrapolate. my $rule = index($name, '::') > -1 ? $name : $caller."::$name"; my $slot = qualify_to_ref($rule); croak "Can't install regex '$name' as '$rule' which already exists" if $check && *$slot{CODE}; eval { no warnings 'redefine'; *$slot = $class->compile(@etc)->code; }; warn $@ if $@; } sub _str { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 'undef' } sub _quot { my $s = $_[0]; $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/sg; return $s; } sub perl5 { my $self = shift; return "bless {\n" . " grammar " . "=> q(" . _str( $self->{grammar} ) . "),\n" . " ratchet " . "=> q(" . _str( $self->{ratchet} ) . "),\n" . " p " . "=> " . _str( $self->{p} ) . ",\n" . " sigspace " . "=> q(" . _str( $self->{sigspace} ) . "),\n" . " ignorecase ". "=> q(" . _str( $self->{ignorecase} )."),\n" . " code " . "=> " . $self->{perl5} . ",\n" . " perl5 " . "=> q(" . _quot( $self->{perl5} ) . "), }, " . "q(" . ref($self) . ")"; } sub perl { perl5(@_) } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pugs::Compiler::Regex - Compiler for Perl 6 Regex =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pugs::Compiler::Regex; use Pugs::Runtime::Match; $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('a*b'); $match = $regex->match('aaab'); print $match->(), "\n"; print $match->from, "\n"; print $match->to, "\n"; package MyGrammar; $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile( 'a*', { ratchet => 1, continue => 1, sigspace => 1 } ); *my_match = $regex->code(); $match = MyGrammar->my_match('aaaa'); print "$match\n"; package MyGrammar2; $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->install( my_match => 'a*', { ratchet => 1, continue => 1, sigspace => 1 } ); $match = MyGrammar->my_match('aaaa'); print "$match\n"; =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides an implementation for Perl 6 regexes. It serves as a base class for L and L. =head1 METHODS =over =item C<< $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile($str, $params); >> This method acts like a constructor, which returns a L object from the p6 regex specified in C<$str>, or throws an exception on invalid rule syntax. C<$params> is an optional argument which specifies the following p6 regex modifiers: =over =item C<< grammar => 'Pugs::Grammar::Base' >> Specify which namespace (Grammar) the rule belongs to. if C is not specified, then C<"Pugs::Grammar::Base"> will be assumed. =item C<< continue => 0 >> =item C<< c => 0 >> These modifiers cause the pattern to continue scanning from the string's current C: Note that in Perl 6 form m:c/pattern/ is roughlh equivalent to m:p/ .*? pattern / Here is an example: package Foo; Pugs::Compiler::Regex->install( word => '\w+', { ratchet => 1, continue => 1 } ); $s = 'hello world'; $match = Foo->word($s); # got 'hello' $match = Foo->word($s); # got 'world' XXX Note that C or C currently are not supported in non-ratchet mode. =item C<< ratchet => 0 >> Disable backtracking. Much faster. Defaults to 0. (L and L have the default value of 1). =item C<< pos => undef >> =item C<< p => undef >> Specify a string position to match. Starts from zero. Defaults to C, which matches anywhere in the string. =item C<< sigspace => 0 >> Whitespace is significant. Defaults to 0 for L while 1 for L. =item C<< ignorecase => 0 >> Ignore character case. Defaults to 0 for L. =back =item C<< $regex->perl5() >> =item C<< $regex->perl() >> Return a string holding the Perl 5 code for reconstructing the current L object. We are trying to make the C method does something like serializing a L instance. If you want the raw Perl 5 code generated by the various emitters, use C<< $regex->{perl5} >> directly. =item C<< $regex->match($str, $grammar, $params) >> Performs matching action on C<$str>. Note that it's a thin wrapper around the p5 code compiled from the p6 regex with run-time modifier handling via the C<$params> argument. Here is an example: $regex = Pugs::Compiler::regex->compile('a*\w'); my $match = $regex->match('aaa'); print "Capture: $match"; print "From: ", $match->from; print "To: ", $match->to; =item C<< $regex->code() >> Returns a closure (or an anonymous sub) which does the actual matching task. For example: $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('a|b', { ratchet => 1 }); my $sub = $regex->code(); my $match = $sub->('MyGrammar', 'aaa'); Or inserts the sub into the current package: package Foo; $regex = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile('a*'); *match = $regex->code(); my $match = __PACKAGE__->match('aaa'); Technically it's a thin wrapper around the C method. =item C<< $regex->install($name, @args_for_compile) >> Installs the subroutine returned from the C method as a named subroutine using the name specified by C<$name>; If C<$name> is fully qualified, then the corresponding package is used, otherwise the current package is assumed. C<@args_for_compile> are those arguments fed into the C method. It will croak if there's already a sub with the same name exists. If that's not what you want, use the C method instead. Here are some examples: package Bar; Pugs::Compiler::Regex->install(match => 'a*', {ratchet => 1}); $match = Bar->match('aaa'); # The following line dies with the message # "Can't install regex 'match' as 'Bar::match' which already # exists": Pugs::Compiler::Regex->install(match => 'b*'); =item C<< $regex->reinstall($name, @args_for_compile) >> Like the C method but it can replaces the named sub if it already exists: package Bar; Pugs::Compiler::Regex->install('match', 'a*', {ratchet => 1}); Pugs::Compiler::Regex->reinstall('match', 'b*'); }; $match = Bar->match('bbb'); # matched here =back =head1 PACKAGE VARIABLES =over =item C<< $Pugs::Compiler::Regex::NoCache >> By default, the C method will cache the compiled form (p5 source) of the p6 regex. The C variable prevents any caching. =back =head1 AUTHORS The Pugs Team Eperl6-compiler@perl.orgE. =head1 SEE ALSO The Perl 6 Rules Spec: L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006 by Flavio Soibelmann Glock and others. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut