package Pugs::Runtime::Regex; # documentation after __END__ use strict; use warnings; no warnings qw(recursion); #use Smart::Comments; #for debugging, look also at use Data::Dumper; use Pugs::Runtime::Match; use Carp qw(croak); # note: alternation is first match (not longest). # note: the list in @$nodes can be modified at runtime sub alternation { my $nodes = shift; return sub { my @state = $_[1] ? @{$_[1]} : ( 0, undef ); while ( $state[0] <= $#$nodes ) { #print "alternation $state[0] ",Dumper($nodes->[ $state[0] ]); $nodes->[ $state[0] ]->( $_[0], $state[1], @_[2..7] ); last unless defined $_[3]; # test case ??? $state[1] = $_[3]->state; $state[0]++ unless $state[1]; if ( $_[3] || $_[3]->data->{abort} ) { $_[3]->data->{state} = $state[0] > $#$nodes ? undef : \@state; return; } } $_[3] = failed()->(@_); } } sub concat { my $nodes = shift; $nodes = [ $nodes, @_ ] unless ref($nodes) eq 'ARRAY'; # backwards compat return null() if ! @$nodes; return $nodes->[0] if @$nodes == 1; if ( @$nodes > 2 ) { return concat( concat( [ $nodes->[0], $nodes->[1] ] ), @$nodes[ 2 .. $#$nodes ], ); } return sub { my @state = $_[1] ? @{$_[1]} : ( undef, undef ); #print "enter state ",Dumper(\@state); my $m2; my $redo_count = 0; # XXX - workaround for t/regex/from_perl6_rules/capture.t test #38: # regex single { o | k | e }; # # ... # ok(!( "bokeper" ~~ m/() ($0)/ ), 'Failed positional backref'); do { my %param1 = defined $_[7] ? %{$_[7]} : (); #print "concat 1: @{[ %param1 ]} \n"; $nodes->[0]->( $_[0], $state[0], @_[2..7] ); return if ! $_[3] || $_[3]->data->{abort}; my $is_empty = ( $_[3]->from == $_[3]->to ); # && ( $param1{was_empty} ) # ; # fix a problem with '^' if ( $is_empty && $param1{was_empty} ) { # # perl5 perlre says "the following match after a zero-length match # is prohibited to have a length of zero" return unless $_[3]->from == 0; } my $param = { ( defined $_[7] ? %{$_[7]} : () ), p => $_[3]->to, was_empty => $is_empty, }; # TODO - retry the second submatch only, until it fails my $next_state = $_[3]->state; #print "next_state ",Dumper($next_state); #print "concat 2: "," \n"; $nodes->[1]->( $_[0], $state[1], $_[2], $m2, $_[4], $_[3]->to, $_[6], $param ); #return if $is_empty && $m2->from == $m2->to; $state[1] = $m2->state; $state[0] = $next_state unless $state[1]; #print "concat 3: "," \n"; #print "return state ",Dumper(\@state); } while ! $m2 && ! $m2->data->{abort} && defined $state[0] && $redo_count++ < 512 ; # push capture data # print "Concat positional: ", Dumper( $_[3]->data->{match}, $m2->data->{match} ); for ( 0 .. $#{ $m2 } ) { if ( ref $m2->[$_] eq 'ARRAY' ) { # TODO - fully static count # push @{ $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] }, @{ $m2->[$_] }; $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] = [ ( ref( $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] } : defined( $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] ) ? $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] : () ), @{ $m2->[$_] }, ]; } elsif ( defined $m2->[$_] ) { $_[3]->data->{match}[$_] = $m2->[$_]; } } #print "Concat named: ", Dumper( $_[3]->data->{named}, $m2->data->{named} ); for ( keys %{$m2} ) { if ( ref $m2->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ) { # TODO - fully static count #push @{ $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} }, @{ $m2->{$_} }; $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} = [ ( ref( $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} } : defined( $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} ) ? $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} : () ), @{ $m2->{$_} }, ]; } elsif ( defined $m2->{$_} ) { $_[3]->data->{named}{$_} = $m2->{$_}; } } # /push capture data %{$_[3]->data} = ( %{$_[3]->data}, bool => \($m2->bool), to => \($m2->to), capture => $m2->data->{capture} || $_[3]->data->{capture}, abort => $m2->data->{abort}, state => ( defined $state[0] || defined $state[1] ? \@state : undef ), ); } } sub try_method { my $method = shift; my $param_list = shift; # XXX no warnings qw( uninitialized ); # XXX method call must be inlined, due to inheritance problems my $sub = 'sub { my $bool = $_[0]->'.$method.'( '.$param_list.' ) ? 1 : 0; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \$bool, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], }); }'; #print "sub: $sub\n"; return eval $sub; } sub ignorecase { my $sub = shift; no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { my %param = ( ( defined $_[7] ? %{$_[7]} : () ), ignorecase => 1 ); $sub->( @_[0..6], \%param ); } } sub constant { my $const = shift; my $lconst = length( $const ); no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { my $bool = $_[7]{ignorecase} ? lc( $const ) eq lc( substr( $_[0], $_[5], $lconst ) ) : $const eq substr( $_[0], $_[5], $lconst ); $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \$bool, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \($_[5] + $lconst), named => {}, match => [], }); } } sub perl5 { my $rx; no warnings qw( uninitialized ); { local $@; $rx = eval " use charnames ':full'; qr(^($_[0]))s "; #print "regex perl5<< $_[0] >>\n"; print "Error in perl5 regex: << $_[0] >> \n$@\n" if $@; #die "Error in perl5 regex: $_[0]" # if $@; } return sub { #use charnames ':full'; my $bool = $_[7]{ignorecase} ? substr( $_[0], $_[5] ) =~ m/(?i)$rx/ : substr( $_[0], $_[5] ) =~ m/$rx/; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \$bool, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \($_[5] + length $1), named => {}, match => [], }); }; } sub null { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \1, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], }); } }; sub failed { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \0, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], state => undef, }); } }; sub failed_abort { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \0, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 1, }); } }; sub named { # return a named capture my $label = shift; my $capture_to_array = shift; my $node = shift; sub { my $match; $node->( @_[0,1,2], $match, @_[4,5,6,7] ); my %matches; $matches{ $label } = $capture_to_array ? [ $match ] : $match; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $match->bool ), str => \$_[0], from => \( $match->from ), to => \( $match->to ), named => \%matches, match => [], capture => $match->data->{capture}, state => $match->state, }); } } sub capture { named(@_) } # backwards compat sub positional { # return a positional capture my $num = shift; my $capture_to_array = shift; my $node = shift; sub { my $match; $node->( @_[0,1,2], $match, @_[4,5,6,7] ); my @matches; $matches[ $num ] = $capture_to_array ? [ $match ] : $match; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $match->bool ), str => \$_[0], from => \( $match->from ), to => \( $match->to ), named => {}, match => \@matches, capture => $match->data->{capture}, state => $match->state, }); } } sub capture_as_result { # return a capture as the result object my $node = shift; sub { my $match; $node->( @_[0,1,2], $match, @_[4,5,6,7] ); $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $match->bool ), str => \$_[0], from => \( $match->from ), to => \( $match->to ), named => {}, match => [], capture => ( sub { # print "Match: ", Dumper( $match ); '' . $match } ), state => $match->state, }); } } sub ___abort { my $op = shift; return sub { print "ABORTING\n"; $op->( @_ ); print "ABORT: [0] ",Dumper(@_); #$_[3]->perl; $_[3]->data->{abort} = 1; print "ABORT: ",$_[3]->perl; }; }; sub ___fail { my $op = shift; return abort( sub { print "FAILING\n"; $op->( @_ ); $_[3]->data->{bool} = \0; print "FAIL: ",Dumper( $_[3] ); } ); }; sub before { my $op = shift; return sub { my $match; $op->( @_[0,1,2], $match, @_[4,5,6,7] ); $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $match->bool ), str => \$_[0], from => \( $match->from ), to => \( $match->from ), named => {}, match => [], state => $match->state, }); }; } sub at_start { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $_[5] == 0 ), str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 0, }); } }; sub at_line_start { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { my $bool = $_[5] == 0 || substr( $_[0], 0, $_[5] ) =~ /\n$/s; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \$bool, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 0, }); } }; sub at_line_end { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { my $bool = $_[5] >= length( $_[0] ) || substr( $_[0], $_[5] ) =~ /^\n/s; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \$bool, str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 0, }); } }; sub at_end_of_string { no warnings qw( uninitialized ); return sub { $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $_[5] == length( $_[0] ) ), str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 0, }); } }; # experimental! sub negate { my $op = shift; return sub { #my $str = $_[0]; my $match = $op->( @_ ); my $bool = ! $match; $_[3] = Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ bool => \( $bool ), str => \$_[0], from => \(0 + $_[5]), to => \(0 + $_[5]), named => {}, match => [], abort => 0, }); }; }; # ------- higher-order ruleops sub optional { my $node = shift; alternation( [ $node, null() ] ); } sub null_or_optional { my $node = shift; alternation( [ null(), $node ] ); } sub greedy_star { greedy_plus( $_[0], $_[1] || 0, $_[2] ) } sub non_greedy_star { non_greedy_plus( $_[0], $_[1] || 0, $_[2] ) } # XXX - needs optimization for faster backtracking, less stack usage # TODO - run-time ranges (iterator) sub greedy_plus { my $node = shift; my $min_count = defined( $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : 1; my $max_count = $_[1]; if ( defined $max_count && $max_count < 1e99 ) { return concat( [ ( $node ) x $min_count, ( optional( $node ) ) x ($max_count - $min_count) ] ); } # $max_count == infinity my $alt; $alt = concat( [ $node, optional( sub{ goto $alt } ), ] ); return optional( $alt ) if $min_count < 1; return concat( [ ( $node ) x ($min_count - 1), $alt ] ); } # XXX - needs optimization for faster backtracking, less stack usage # TODO - run-time ranges (iterator) sub non_greedy_plus { my $node = shift; my $min_count = defined( $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : 1; my $max_count = $_[1] || 1e99; return sub { my $state = $_[1] || { node => concat( [ ( $node ) x $min_count ] ), count => $min_count }; return failed()->(@_) if $state->{count} > $max_count; $state->{node}->( $_[0], undef, @_[2..7] ); $_[3]->data->{state} = { node => concat( [ $node, $state->{node} ] ), count => $state->{count} + 1 }; } } sub range { my $node = shift; my $min_count = shift; my $max_count = shift; my $greedy = not shift; return sub { my $continuation = $_[1]; #XXX how do optional continuations work? # Forward declarations my $try_getting_more; my $default_behavior; my $fallback_behavior; # Loop variables my $count = 0; my $previous_pos = -1; # Loop 1 - getting to min_count my $continue_towards_min; my $get_minimum = sub { if ( $count < $min_count ) { $count++; goto &$continue_towards_min; } else { goto &$try_getting_more; } }; $continue_towards_min = concat( [ $node, $get_minimum ] ); # Loop 2 - beyond the minimum $try_getting_more = sub { my $current_pos = $_[5]; # (1) Stop when max_count is reached, or if pos does not move. if ( !( $count < $max_count ) || !( $previous_pos < $current_pos ) ) { goto &$continuation; } $count++; $previous_pos = $current_pos; # (2) Attempt the default behavior. # XXX - This section needs to be filled in. # try $default_behavior # if successful, return. # if abort, do whatever is needed. # if fail, we need to backtrack: # undo any side-effects from trying the $default_behavior, # so we can do the $fallback_behavior. # (3) Since the default behavior failed, do the fall-back beharvior. goto &$fallback_behavior; }; my $get_one_and_maybe_more = concat( [ $node, $try_getting_more ] ); # Final preparations. if ( $greedy ) { $default_behavior = $get_one_and_maybe_more; $fallback_behavior = $continuation; } else { # non-greedy $default_behavior = $continuation; $fallback_behavior = $get_one_and_maybe_more; } # Start. goto &$get_minimum; }; } sub preprocess_hash { # TODO - move to Pugs::Runtime::Regex my ( $h, $key ) = @_; # returns AST depending on $h #print "preprocess_hash: ", Dumper( \@_ ); if ( ref( $h->{$key} ) eq 'CODE') { return sub { my ( $str, $grammar, $args ) = @_; #print "data: ", Dumper( \@_ ); my $ret = $h->{$key}->( @_ ); #print "ret: ", Dumper( $ret ); return $ret if ref( $ret ) eq 'Pugs::Runtime::Match'; Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( { bool => \1, str => \$str, from => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), to => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), named => {}, match => [], } ) } } if ( ref( $h->{$key} ) =~ /Pugs::Compiler::/ ) { return sub { $h->{$key}->match( @_ ) }; } # fail is number != 1 if ( $h->{$key} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { return sub { my ( $str, $grammar, $args ) = @_; Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( { bool => \0, str => \$str, from => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), to => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), named => {}, match => [], } ) } unless $1 == 1; return sub { my ( $str, $grammar, $args ) = @_; Pugs::Runtime::Match->new( { bool => \1, str => \$str, from => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), to => \( 0 + ( $args->{p} || 0 ) ), named => {}, match => [], } ) }; } # subrule #print "compile: ",$h->{$key}, "\n"; # XXX - compile to Token or to Regex ? ( needs Token) my $r = Pugs::Compiler::Token->compile( $h->{$key} ); $h->{$key} = $r; return sub { $r->match( @_ ) }; # return sub { warn "uncompiled subrule: $h->{$key} - not implemented " }; } # see commit #9783 for an alternate implementation sub hash { my %hash = %{shift()}; #print "HASH: @{[ %hash ]}\n"; my @keys = sort {length $b <=> length $a } keys %hash; #print "hash keys [ @keys ]\n"; for ( @keys ) { my $h = preprocess_hash( \%hash, $_ ); my $key = $_; $_ = concat( [ constant( $key ), sub { # print "hash param: ",Dumper(\@_); # TODO - add $ to $_[7] $_[3] = $h->( $_[0], $_[4], $_[7], $_[1] ); # print "result: ",Dumper($_[3]); } ] ); } return alternation( \@keys ); } # not a 'rule node' # gets a variable from the user's pad # this is used by the <$var> rule sub get_variable { my $name = shift; local $@; my($idx, $pad) = 0; while(eval { require PadWalker; $pad = PadWalker::peek_my($idx) }) { $idx++, next unless exists $pad->{$name}; #print "NAME $name $pad->{$name}\n"; return ${ $pad->{$name} } if $name =~ /^\$/; return $pad->{$name}; # arrayref/hashref } croak "Couldn't find '$name' in surrounding lexical scope."; } 1; __END__ =for About Original file: pX/Common/ - fglock TODO - There are no tests yet for , hashes, end_of_string - It needs a 'direction' flag, in order to implement . - Quantified matches could use less stack space. - Simplify arg list - the functions currently take 8 arguments. - weaken self-referential things =cut =pod A "rule" function gets as argument a list: 0 - the string to match 1 - an optional "continuation" 2 - the partially built match tree 3 - a leaf pointer in the match tree 4 - the grammar name 5 - pos #6 - the whole string to match 7 - argument list - it modifies argument #3 to a Match object: bool - an "assertion" (true/false) from - string pointer for start of this match to - string pointer for next match (end+1) match - positional submatches named - named submatches capture - return'ed things state - a "continuation" or undef abort - the match was stopped by a { return } or a fail(), and it should not backtrack or whatever A "ruleop" function gets some arguments and returns a "rule" funtion. =cut =for later # experimental! sub try { my $op = shift; return sub { my $match = $op->( @_ ); ### abortable match... $match->{abort} = 0; return $match; }; }; =cut =for later sub fail { return abort( sub { return { bool => \0 }; } ); }; =cut # experimental! =for example # adds an 'before' or 'after' sub call, which may print a debug message wrap( { before => sub { print "matching variable: $_[0]\n" }, after => sub { $_[0]->{bool} ? print "matched\n" : print "no match\n" }, }, \&variable ) =cut =for later sub wrap { my $debug = shift; my $node = shift; sub { $debug->{before}( @_ ) if $debug->{before}; my $match = $node->( @_ ); $debug->{after}( $match, @_ ) if $debug->{after}; return $match; } } =cut