{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances #-} module Pugs.Parser.Util where import Pugs.Internals import Pugs.AST import Pugs.Types import Pugs.Lexer import Pugs.Rule import Pugs.Parser.Types import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set grammaticalCategories :: [String] grammaticalCategories = ["prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:","infix_circumfix_meta_operator:","prefix_postfix_meta_operator:","postfix_prefix_meta_operator:","infix_postfix_meta_operator:","statement_modifier:","statement_control:","scope_declarator:","trait_auxiliary:","trait_verb:","regex_mod_external:","regex_mod_internal:","regex_assertion:","regex_backslash:","regex_metachar:","postcircumfix:","circumfix:","postfix:","infix:","prefix:","quote:","term:"] retBlockWith :: (Exp -> Exp) -> BlockInfo -> RuleParser BlockInfo retBlockWith f bi = return bi{ bi_body = f (bi_body bi) } -- around a block body we save the package and the current lexical pad -- at the start, so that they can be restored after parsing the body localBlock :: RuleParser Exp -> RuleParser BlockInfo localBlock m = do state <- get -- XXX - Perhaps clone the protopad right here, for $_ etc? compPad <- newMPad (s_protoPad state) -- traceM $ "Gen:" ++ show compPad let env = s_env state lexPads = (PCompiling compPad:envLexPads env) protoVars = Map.map (const compPad) (padEntries $ s_protoPad state) put state { s_closureTraits = (id : s_closureTraits state) , s_env = env { envLexPads = lexPads -- enter the scope , envCompPad = Just compPad } , s_protoPad = emptyPad , s_knownVars = s_knownVars state `Map.union` protoVars } body <- m state' <- get -- Remove from knownVars the bindings belonging to this scope. let outerKnownVars = Map.filter (/= compPad) (s_knownVars state') outerOuterVars = Map.delete compPad (s_outerVars state') (traits, outerTraits) = case s_closureTraits state' of (t:ts) -> (t, ts) _ -> (id, []) put state { s_env = (s_env state') { envPackage = envPackage env , envLexical = envLexical env , envLexPads = envLexPads env , envCompPad = envCompPad env } , s_closureTraits = outerTraits , s_knownVars = outerKnownVars , s_outerVars = outerOuterVars , s_protoPad = emptyPad } -- Re-read compile time refs into the new protos at end of scope. newPad <- return $! unsafePerformSTM $! do curPad <- readMPad compPad entries <- forM (padToList curPad) $ \(var, entry) -> do proto <- readPadEntry entry let newEntry = entry{ pe_proto = proto } return (newEntry `seq` (var, newEntry)) let newPad = listToPad (length entries `seq` entries) writeMPad compPad newPad return newPad return $ MkBlockInfo{ bi_pad = newPad, bi_body = body, bi_traits = traits } ruleParamList :: ParensOption -> RuleParser a -> RuleParser (Maybe [[a]]) ruleParamList wantParens parse = rule "parameter list" $ do (formal, hasParens) <- f $ (((try parse) `sepEndBy` lexeme (oneOf ",;")) `sepEndBy` invColon) case formal of [[]] -> return $ if hasParens then Just [[], []] else Nothing [args] -> return $ Just [[], args] [_,_] -> return $ Just formal _ -> fail "Only one invocant list allowed" where f = case wantParens of ParensOptional -> maybeParensBool ParensMandatory -> \x -> do rv <- parens x; return (rv, True) invColon = do ch <- oneOf ":;" -- Compare: -- sub foo (: $a) # vs. -- sub foo (:$a) lookAhead $ (many1 space <|> string ")") whiteSpace return ch maybeParensBool :: RuleParser a -> RuleParser (a, Bool) maybeParensBool p = choice [ do rv <- parens p; return (rv, True) , do rv <- p; return (rv, False) ] {-| Wraps a call to @&Pugs::Internals::check_for_io_leak@ around the input expression. @&Pugs::Internals::check_for_io_leak@ should @die()@ if the expression returned an IO handle. -} -- Please remember to edit Prelude.pm, too, if you rename the name of the -- checker function. checkForIOLeak :: VCode -> Exp checkForIOLeak code = App (_Var "&Pugs::Internals::check_for_io_leak") Nothing [ Val $ VCode code ] defaultParamFor :: SubType -> [Param] defaultParamFor SubBlock = [] -- defaultScalarParam] defaultParamFor SubPointy = [] defaultParamFor _ = [defaultArrayParam] extractNamedPlaceholders :: SubType -> Maybe [Param] -> Exp -> (Exp, [Var], [Param]) extractNamedPlaceholders SubBlock formal body = (fun, names', params) where (fun, names) = extractPlaceholderVars body Set.empty names' | isJust formal = sortNames (Set.delete varTopic names) | otherwise = sortNames names params = map nameToParam names' ++ (maybe [] id formal) extractNamedPlaceholders SubPointy formal body = (body, [], maybe [] id formal) extractNamedPlaceholders SubMethod formal body = (body, [], maybe [] id formal) extractNamedPlaceholders _ formal body = (body, names', params) where (_, names) = extractPlaceholderVars body Set.empty names' | isJust formal = sortNames (Set.delete varTopic names) | otherwise = sortNames (Set.filter (== varTopic) names) params = map nameToParam names' ++ (maybe [] id formal) sortNames :: Set Var -> [Var] sortNames = sortBy (\x y -> v_name x `compare` v_name y) . Set.toList nameToParam :: Var -> Param nameToParam name = MkOldParam { isInvocant = False , isOptional = False , isNamed = False , isLValue = True , isWritable = (name == varTopic) , isLazy = False , paramName = name , paramContext = CxtItem $ typeOfSigilVar name , paramDefault = Noop } _percentUnderscore :: Var _percentUnderscore = cast "%_" paramsFor :: SubType -> Maybe [Param] -> [Param] -> [Param] paramsFor SubMethod formal params | isNothing (find ((_percentUnderscore ==) . paramName) params) = paramsFor SubRoutine formal params ++ [defaultHashParam] paramsFor styp Nothing [] = defaultParamFor styp paramsFor _ _ params = params processFormals :: Monad m => [[Exp]] -> m (Maybe Exp, [Exp]) processFormals formal = case formal of [] -> return (Nothing, []) [args] -> return (Nothing, unwind args) [invs,args] | [inv] <- unwind invs -> return (Just inv, unwind args) _ -> fail "Only one invocant allowed" where unwind :: [Exp] -> [Exp] unwind [] = [] unwind ((Syn "," list):xs) = unwind list ++ unwind xs unwind x = x -- | A Param representing the default (unnamed) invocant of a method on the given type. selfParam :: Type -> Param selfParam typ = MkOldParam { isInvocant = True , isOptional = False , isNamed = False , isLValue = True , isWritable = True , isLazy = False , paramName = cast "$__SELF__" , paramContext = CxtItem typ , paramDefault = Noop } hashComposerCheck :: Exp -> RuleParser Bool hashComposerCheck exp | Ann (Prag [MkPrag "eol-block" _]) _ <- exp = do when isHash $ fail "Closing hash curly may not terminate a line;\nplease add a comma or a semicolon to disambiguate" return False | otherwise = return isHash where isHash = doCheck (possiblyUnwrap exp) possiblyUnwrap (Ann _ exp) = possiblyUnwrap exp possiblyUnwrap (Syn "block" [exp]) = unwrap exp possiblyUnwrap (App (Val (VCode (MkCode { subType = SubBlock, subBody = fun }))) Nothing []) = unwrap fun possiblyUnwrap x = x isHashOrPair (Ann _ exp) = isHashOrPair exp isHashOrPair (App (Var var) _ _) = (var == cast "&pair") || (var == cast "&infix:=>") isHashOrPair (Syn "%{}" _) = True isHashOrPair (Var var) = v_sigil var == SHash isHashOrPair _ = False doCheck Noop = True doCheck (Syn "," (subexp:_)) = isHashOrPair subexp doCheck exp = isHashOrPair exp tryLookAhead :: RuleParser a -> RuleParser b -> RuleParser a tryLookAhead rule after = try $ do rv <- rule lookAhead after return rv makeVar :: String -> Exp makeVar (s:"<>") = makeVarWithSigil s $ _Var "$/" makeVar (s:rest) | all (`elem` "1234567890") rest = makeVarWithSigil s $ Syn "[]" [_Var "$/", Val $ VInt (read rest)] makeVar (s:'<':'<':name) = makeVarWithSigil s $ Syn "{}" [_Var "$/", doSplitStr shellWords (init (init name))] makeVar (s:'\171':name) = makeVarWithSigil s $ Syn "{}" [_Var "$/", doSplitStr shellWords (init name)] makeVar (s:'<':name) = makeVarWithSigil s $ Syn "{}" [_Var "$/", doSplitStr perl6Words (init name)] makeVar var = _Var var makeVarWithSigil :: Char -> Exp -> Exp makeVarWithSigil '$' x = x makeVarWithSigil s x = Syn (s:"{}") [x] -- | splits the string into expressions on whitespace. -- Implements the <> operator at parse-time. doSplitStr :: (String -> [String]) -> String -> Exp doSplitStr f str = case f str of [] -> Syn "," [] [x] -> Val (VStr x) xs -> Syn "," $ map (Val . VStr) xs perl6Words :: String -> [String] perl6Words s | [] <- findSpace = [] | otherwise = w : words s'' where (w, s'') = break isBreakingSpace findSpace findSpace = dropWhile isBreakingSpace s isBreakingSpace :: Char -> Bool isBreakingSpace '\x09' = True isBreakingSpace '\x0a' = True isBreakingSpace '\x0d' = True isBreakingSpace '\x20' = True isBreakingSpace _ = False followedBy, tryFollowedBy :: RuleParser a -> RuleParser b -> RuleParser a followedBy rule after = do rv <- rule after return rv tryFollowedBy = (try .) . followedBy -- XXX - Naive implementation of << 1 '2' 3 >>, only used in $<< 'foo' >> so far data ShellWordsState = MkShellWordsState { s_escape :: Bool , s_quote :: (Maybe Char) , s_cur :: Maybe String , s_acc :: [String] } shellWords :: String -> [String] shellWords = postProc . foldl doShellWords (MkShellWordsState False Nothing Nothing []) where doShellWords state ch | s_escape state = normalChar{ s_escape = False } | '\\' <- ch = state{ s_escape = True } | Just q <- s_quote state = if ch == q then closeQuote else normalChar | isBreakingSpace ch = nextWord | '"' <- ch = beginQuote | '\'' <- ch = beginQuote | otherwise = normalChar where cur = s_cur state acc = s_acc state normalChar = state{ s_cur = Just (maybe [ch] (ch:) cur) } beginQuote = state{ s_quote = Just ch } closeQuote = state{ s_quote = Nothing, s_cur = Just (maybe "" id cur) } nextWord = state{ s_acc = maybe acc (:acc) cur, s_cur = Nothing } postProc MkShellWordsState{ s_cur = cur, s_acc = acc } = reverse (map reverse acc') where acc' = maybe acc (:acc) cur