package Pugs::Emitter::Rule::Perl6::Ratchet; # p6-rule perl5 emitter for ":ratchet" (non-backtracking) # see:, for a program prototype use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; our $direction = "+"; # XXX make lexical our $sigspace = 0; our $capture_count; our $capture_to_array; our $count = 1000 + int(rand(1000)); sub id { 'I' . ($count++) } # Calling convention: # $grammar.$rule({ str => '...', pos => $pos, other_arg => $x }) =for global vars class Grammar::Base { my $.PRIOR; } Grammar::Base.PRIOR := $rule; =cut sub call_subrule { my ( $subrule, $tab, @param ) = @_; $subrule = "\$grammar." . $subrule unless $subrule =~ / :: | \. | -> /x; return "$tab $subrule( { str => \$str, pos => \$, " . join(", ",@param) . " }, undef )"; } sub quote_constant { my $const; if ( $_[0] eq "\\" ) { $const = "chr(".ord("\\").")"; } elsif ( $_[0] eq "'" ) { $const = "chr(".ord("'").")" } else { $const = "'$_[0]'" } return $const; } sub call_constant { return " 1 # null constant\n" unless length($_[0]); my $const = quote_constant( $_[0] ); my $len = length( eval $const ); #print "Const: [$_[0]] $const $len \n"; return "$_[1] ( ( substr( \$str, \$, $len ) eq $const ) $_[1] ? ( (\$ := ( \$ $direction $len ) or 1 ) $_[1] : 0 $_[1] )"; } sub call_perl5 { my $const = $_[0]; #print "CONST: $const - $direction \n"; return "$_[1] ( ( substr( \$str, \$ ) =~ m:P5/^($const)/ ) $_[1] ? ( \$ := \$ $direction length( \$1 ) or 1 ) $_[1] : 0 $_[1] )"; } sub emit { my ($grammar, $ast, $param) = @_; # runtime parameters: $grammar, $string, $state, $arg_list # rule parameters: see local $sigspace = $param->{sigspace}; # XXX - $sigspace should be lexical local $capture_count = -1; local $capture_to_array = 0; #print "rule: ", Dumper( $ast ); return 'do { my $rule; $rule = method ($grammar: {:$str, :$pos, :$continue, :$KEY}) {' . " my \$m; for ( defined \$pos && ! \$continue ? \$pos : ( ( \$pos || 0 ) .. length( \$str ) ) ) -> \$pos1 { my \%pad; my \%named; \%named{KEY} := \$KEY if defined \$KEY; \$m := Pugs::Runtime::Match( { str => \$str, from => (0+\$pos1), to => \$pos1, bool => 1, match => [], named => \%named, capture => undef, } ); { my \$prior := Grammar::Base.PRIOR; temp Grammar::Base.PRIOR := \$prior; \$m.bool := 0 unless " . #" do { TAILCALL: ;\n" . emit_rule( $ast, ' ' ) . "; } if ( \$m.bool ) { my \$prior := Grammar::Base.PRIOR; Grammar::Base.PRIOR := sub { temp Grammar::Base.PRIOR := \$prior; \$rule.(\@_); }; last; } } # /for # Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m; # this must be set in the caller side return \$m; } } "; } sub emit_rule { my $n = $_[0]; my $tab = $_[1] . ' '; die "unknown node: ", Dumper( $n ) unless ref( $n ) eq 'HASH'; #print "NODE ", Dumper($n); my ($k) = keys %$n; my $v = $$n{$k}; # XXX - use real references no strict 'refs'; #print "NODE ", Dumper($k), ", ", Dumper($v); my $code = &$k( $v, $tab ); return $code; } #rule nodes sub non_capturing_group { return emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] ); } sub quant { my $term = $_[0]->{'term'}; my $quantifier = $_[0]->{quant} || ''; my $greedy = $_[0]->{greedy} || ''; # + ? die "greediness control not implemented: $greedy" if $greedy; #print "QUANT: ",Dumper($_[0]); # TODO: fix grammar to not emit empty quantifier my $tab = ( $quantifier eq '' ) ? $_[1] : $_[1] . " "; my $ws = metasyntax( '?ws', $tab ); my $ws3 = ( $sigspace && $_[0]->{ws3} ne '' ) ? " &&\n$ws" : ''; my $rul; { #print "Term: ", Dumper($term), "\n"; my $cap = $capture_to_array; local $capture_to_array = $cap || ( $quantifier ne '' ); $rul = emit_rule( $term, $tab ); } $rul = "$ws &&\n$rul" if $sigspace && $_[0]->{ws1} ne ''; $rul = "$rul &&\n$ws" if $sigspace && $_[0]->{ws2} ne ''; #print $rul; return $rul if $quantifier eq ''; # * + ? # TODO: *? +? ?? # TODO: *+ ++ ?+ # TODO: quantifier + capture creates Array return "$_[1] (\n$rul\n" . "$_[1] || ( \$m.bool = 1 )\n" . "$_[1] ) $ws3" if $quantifier eq '?'; return "$_[1] do { while (\n$rul) {}; \$m.bool := 1 }$ws3" if $quantifier eq '*'; return "$_[1] (\n$rul\n" . "$_[1] && do { while (\n$rul) {}; \$m.bool := 1 }\n" . "$_[1] ) $ws3" if $quantifier eq '+'; die "quantifier not implemented: $quantifier"; } sub alt { my @s; # print 'Alt: '; my $count = $capture_count; my $max = -1; my $id = id(); for ( @{$_[0]} ) { $capture_count = $count; my $tmp = emit_rule( $_, $_[1].' ' ); # print ' ',$capture_count; $max = $capture_count if $capture_count > $max; push @s, $tmp if $tmp; } $capture_count = $max; # print " max = $capture_count\n"; return "$_[1] ( $_[1] ( \%pad{$id} := \$ or 1 ) $_[1] && ( " . join( " $_[1] ) $_[1] || ( $_[1] ( ( \$m.bool := 1 ) && ( \$ := \%pad{$id} ) or 1 ) $_[1] && ", @s ) . " $_[1] ) $_[1] )"; } sub alt1 { &alt } sub conjunctive { my @s; # print 'conjunctive: '; my $count = $capture_count; my $max = -1; my $id = id(); for ( @{$_[0]} ) { $capture_count = $count; my $tmp = emit_rule( $_, $_[1].' ' ); # print ' ',$capture_count; $max = $capture_count if $capture_count > $max; push @s, $tmp if $tmp; } $capture_count = $max; # print " max = $capture_count\n"; return "$_[1] ( $_[1] ( \%pad{$id} := \$ or 1 ) $_[1] && ( " . join( " $_[1] ) $_[1] && ( $_[1] ( ( \$m.bool := 1 ) && ( \$ := \%pad{$id} ) or 1 ) $_[1] && ", @s ) . " $_[1] ) $_[1] )"; } sub concat { my @s; =for optimizing # optimize for the common case of "words" # Note: this optimization has almost no practical effect my $is_constant = 0; for ( @{$_[0]} ) { if ( ! $sigspace && exists $_->{quant} ) { my $was_constant = $is_constant; $is_constant = $_->{quant}->{quant} eq '' && exists $_->{quant}->{term}->{constant}; #print "concat: ", Dumper( $_ ); if ( $is_constant && $was_constant && $direction ne '-' ) { $s[-1]->{quant}->{term}->{constant} .= $_->{quant}->{term}->{constant}; #print "constant: ",$s[-1]->{quant}->{term}->{constant},"\n"; next; } } push @s, $_; } for ( @s ) { $_ = emit_rule( $_, $_[1] ); } =cut for ( @{$_[0]} ) { my $tmp = emit_rule( $_, $_[1] ); push @s, $tmp if $tmp; } @s = reverse @s if $direction eq '-'; return "$_[1] (\n" . join( "\n$_[1] &&\n", @s ) . "\n$_[1] )"; } sub code { return "$_[1] $_[0]\n"; } sub dot { "$_[1] ( substr( \$s, \$$direction$direction, 1 ) ne '' )" } sub variable { my $name = "$_[0]"; my $value = undef; # XXX - eval $name doesn't look up in user lexical pad # XXX - what &xxx interpolate to? if ( $name =~ /^\$/ ) { # $^a, $^b if ( $name =~ /^ \$ \^ ([^\s]*) /x ) { my $index = ord($1)-ord('a'); #print "Variable #$index\n"; #return "$_[1] constant( \$_[7][$index] )\n"; my $code = " ... sub { #print \"Runtime Variable args[\", join(\",\",\@_) ,\"] \$_[7][$index]\\n\"; return constant( \$_[7][$index] ).(\@_); }"; $code =~ s/^/$_[1]/mg; return "$code\n"; } else { $value = eval $name; } } $value = join('', eval $name) if $name =~ /^\@/; if ( $name =~ /^%/ ) { my $id = '$' . id(); my $preprocess_hash = 'Pugs::Runtime::Regex::preprocess_hash'; my $code = " do { state $id; state ${id}_sizes; unless ( $id ) { my \$hash := $name; my \%sizes := \%\${ .length => 1 }; ${id}_sizes := [ \%sizes.keys.sort:{ \$^b <=> \$^a } ]; " . #print \"sizes: \@${id}_sizes\\n\"; "$id = \$hash; } " . #print 'keys: ',Dumper( $id ); "my \$match := 0; my \$key; for \@". $id ."_sizes { \$key := ( \$ <= length( \$s ) ? substr( \$s, \$, \$_ ) : '' ); " . #print \"try ".$name." \$_ = \$key; \$s\\\n\"; "if ( %". $id .".exists( \$key ) ) { " . #\$named{KEY} = \$key; #Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m; #print \"m: \", Dumper( Grammar::Base.MATCH ) # if ( \$key eq 'until' ); #print \"* ".$name."\{'\$key\'} at \$ \\\n\"; "\$match = $preprocess_hash( $id, \$key ).({ str => \$str, grammar => \$grammar, pos => ( \$ + \$_ ), KEY => \$key }); " . #print \"match: \", Dumper( \$ ); "last if \$match; } } if ( \$match ) { \$ = \$; " . #print \"match: \$key at \$ = \", Dumper( \$ ); "\$match.bool = 1; }; \$match; }"; #print $code; return $code; } die "interpolation of $name not implemented" unless defined $value; return call_constant( $value, $_[1] ); } sub special_char { my $char = substr($_[0],1); return call_perl5( '(?:\n\r?|\r\n?)', $_[1] ) if $char eq 'n'; return call_perl5( '(?!\n\r?|\r\n?).', $_[1] ) if $char eq 'N'; for ( qw( r n t e f w d s ) ) { return call_perl5( "\\$_", $_[1] ) if $char eq $_; return call_perl5( "[^\\$_]", $_[1] ) if $char eq uc($_); } $char = '\\\\' if $char eq '\\'; return call_constant( $char, $_[1] ); } sub match_variable { my $name = $_[0]; my $num = substr($name,1); #print "var name: ", $num, "\n"; my $code = " ... sub { my \$m = Pugs::Runtime::Match( \$_[2] ); return constant( \"\$m.[$num]\" ).(\@_); }"; $code =~ s/^/$_[1]/mg; return "$code\n"; } sub closure { my $code = $_[0]; if ( ref( $code ) ) { if ( defined $Pugs::Compiler::Perl6::VERSION ) { #print " perl6 compiler is loaded \n"; my $perl5 = Pugs::Emitter::Perl6::Perl5::emit( 'grammar', $code, 'self' ); return "do { temp Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m; temp Grammar::Base.SUCCEED := 1; \$m.capture := sub $perl5.(); \$m.bool := Grammar::Base.SUCCEED; Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m if \$m.bool; return \$m if \$m.bool; }" if $perl5 =~ /return/; return "do { Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m; temp Grammar::Base.SUCCEED := 1; sub $perl5.(); Grammar::Base.SUCCEED; }"; } } #print " perl6 compiler is NOT loaded \n"; #print "Code: $code\n"; return "$_[1] do {\n" . "$_[1] local Grammar::Base.SUCCEED := 1;\n" . "$_[1] Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m;\n" . "$_[1] sub $code.( \$m );\n" . "$_[1] Grammar::Base.SUCCEED;\n" . "$_[1] }" unless $code =~ /return/; return "$_[1] do { \n" . "$_[1] local Grammar::Base.SUCCEED := 1;\n" . "$_[1] Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m;\n" . "$_[1] \$m.capture := \\( sub $code.( \$m ) ); \n" . "$_[1] \$m.bool := Grammar::Base.SUCCEED;\n" . "$_[1] Grammar::Base.MATCH := \$m if \$m.bool; \n" . "$_[1] return \$m if \$m.bool; \n" . "$_[1] }"; } sub capturing_group { my $program = $_[0]; $capture_count++; { local $capture_count = -1; local $capture_to_array = 0; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); } return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$hash := do { $_[1] my \$bool := 1; $_[1] my \$from := \$; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; $_[1] { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => (0+\$, capture => undef } $_[1] }; $_[1] my \$bool = \$hash.{'bool'};" . ( $capture_to_array ? " $_[1] if ( \$bool ) { $_[1] push \@( \$match[ $capture_count ] ), Pugs::Runtime::Match( \$hash ); $_[1] }" : " $_[1] \$match[ $capture_count ] = Pugs::Runtime::Match( \$hash );" ) . " $_[1] \$bool; $_[1] }"; } sub capture_as_result { my $program = $_[0]; $capture_count++; { local $capture_count = -1; local $capture_to_array = 0; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); } return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$hash := do { $_[1] my \$bool := 1; $_[1] my \$from := \$; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; $_[1] { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => (0+\$, capture => undef } $_[1] }; $_[1] my \$bool := \$hash.{'bool'}; $_[1] \$m.capture := ~Pugs::Runtime::Match( \$hash ); $_[1] \$bool; $_[1] }"; } sub named_capture { my $name = $_[0]{ident}; $name = $name->{match_variable} if ref($name) eq 'HASH'; $name =~ s/^[\$\@\%]//; # TODO - change semantics as needed my $program = $_[0]{rule}; #print "name [$name]\n"; if ( exists $program->{metasyntax} ) { #print "aliased subrule\n"; # $/ = $/ my $cmd = $program->{metasyntax}; die "invalid aliased subrule" unless $cmd =~ /^[_[:alnum:]]/; # my ( $subrule, $param_list ) = split( /[\(\)]/, $cmd ); $param_list = '' unless defined $param_list; my @param = split( ',', $param_list ); return "$_[1] do { my \$prior := \$::_V6_PRIOR_; my \$match := \n" . call_subrule( $subrule, $_[1]." ", @param ) . "; \$::_V6_PRIOR_ := \$prior; if ( \$match ) {" . ( $capture_to_array ? " push \@(\$named{'$name'}), \$match;" : " \$named{'$name'} := \$match;" ) . " \$ := \$; 1 } else { 0 } }"; } elsif ( exists $program->{capturing_group} ) { #print "aliased capturing_group\n"; # $/ = $/[0] { local $capture_count = -1; local $capture_to_array = 0; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); } return "$_[1] do{ my \$match := Pugs::Runtime::Match( do { my \$bool := 1; my \$from := \$; my \@match; my \%named; \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => \@match, named => \%named, bool => \$bool, to => (0+\$, capture => undef } } ); if ( \$match ) {" . ( $capture_to_array ? " push \@(\$named{'$name'}), \$match;" : " \$named{'$name'} := \$match;" ) . " \$ := \$; 1 } else { 0 } }"; } else { #print "aliased non_capturing_group\n"; # $/ = "$/" #print Dumper( $_[0] ); $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ); return "$_[1] do{ my \$from := \$; my \$bool := $program; my \$match := Pugs::Runtime::Match( { str => \$s, from => \$from, match => [], named => {}, bool => 1, to => (0+\$, capture => undef } );" . ( $capture_to_array ? " push \@(\$named{'$name'}), \$match;" : " \$named{'$name'} = \$match;" ) . " \$bool }"; } } sub negate { my $program = $_[0]; #print "Negate: ", Dumper($_[0]); $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$pos1 := \$; $_[1] do { $_[1] my \$pos := \$pos1; $_[1] my \$from := \$pos; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] \$bool := " . $program . " ? 0 : 1; $_[1] \$bool; $_[1] }; $_[1] }"; } sub before { my $program = $_[0]{rule}; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$pos1 := \$; $_[1] do { $_[1] my \$pos := \$pos1; $_[1] my \$from := \$pos; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; $_[1] \$bool; $_[1] }; $_[1] }"; } sub not_before { my $program = $_[0]{rule}; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$pos1 := \$; $_[1] do { $_[1] my \$pos := \$pos1; $_[1] my \$from := \$pos; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] my \$bool := 1; $_[1] \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; $_[1] ! \$bool; $_[1] }; $_[1] }"; } sub after { local $direction = "-"; my $program = $_[0]{rule}; $program = emit_rule( $program, $_[1].' ' ) if ref( $program ); return "$_[1] do{ $_[1] my \$pos1 := \$; $_[1] do { $_[1] my \$pos := \$pos1 - 1; $_[1] my \$from := \$pos; $_[1] my \@match; $_[1] my \%named; $_[1] \$bool := 0 unless " . $program . "; $_[1] \$bool; $_[1] }; $_[1] }"; } sub not_after { warn ' not implemented'; return; } sub colon { my $str = $_[0]; return "$_[1] 1 # : no-op\n" if $str eq ':'; return "$_[1] ( \$ >= length( \$s ) ) \n" if $str eq '$'; return "$_[1] ( \$ == 0 ) \n" if $str eq '^'; return "$_[1] ( \$ >= length( \$s ) || substr( \$s, \$ ) =~ /^(?:\n\r?|\r\n?)/m ) \n" if $str eq '$$'; return "$_[1] ( \$ == 0 || substr( \$s, 0, \$ ) =~ /(?:\n\r?|\r\n?)\$/m ) \n" if $str eq '^^'; return metasyntax( '?_wb_left', $_[1] ) if $str eq '<<'; return metasyntax( '?_wb_right', $_[1] ) if $str eq '>>'; die "'$str' not implemented"; } sub modifier { my $str = $_[0]; die "modifier '$str' not implemented"; } sub constant { call_constant( @_ ); } use vars qw( %char_class ); BEGIN { %char_class = map { $_ => 1 } qw( alpha alnum ascii blank cntrl digit graph lower print punct space upper word xdigit ); } sub metasyntax { # my $cmd = $_[0]; my $prefix = substr( $cmd, 0, 1 ); if ( $prefix eq '@' ) { # XXX - wrap @array items - see end of Pugs::Grammar::Rule # TODO - param list my $name = substr( $cmd, 1 ); return "$_[1] do { my \$match; for my \$subrule ( $cmd ) { \$match := \$subrule.match( \$str, \$grammar, { pos => ( \$ ), args => {} }, undef ); last if \$match; } if ( \$match ) {" . ( $capture_to_array ? " push \@(\$named{'$name'}), \$match;" : " \$named{'$name'} := \$match;" ) . " \$ := \$; 1 } else { 0 } }"; } if ( $prefix eq '%' ) { # XXX - runtime or compile-time interpolation? my $name = substr( $cmd, 1 ); # print "<$cmd>\n"; # return variable( $cmd ); return "$_[1] do{ my \$match := " . variable( $cmd, $_[1] ) . "; if ( \$match ) {" . ( $capture_to_array ? " push \@{\$named{'$name'}}, \$match;" : " \$named{'$name'} := \$match;" ) . " \$ := \$; 1 } else { 0 } }"; } if ( $prefix eq '$' ) { if ( $cmd =~ /::/ ) { # call method in fully qualified $package::var # ...->match( $rule, $str, $grammar, $flags, $state ) # TODO - send $pos to subrule return "$_[1] do {\n" . "$_[1] push \@match,\n" . "$_[1] $cmd.match( \$str, \$grammar, {pod => \$}, undef );\n" . "$_[1] \$ := \$match[-1].to;\n" . "$_[1] !\$match[-1] != 1;\n" . "$_[1] }" } # call method in lexical $var return "$_[1] do {\n" . "$_[1] my \$r := $cmd;\n" . "$_[1] push \@match,\n" . "$_[1] \$r.match( \$str, \$grammar, {pos => \$}, undef );\n" . "$_[1] \$ := \$match[-1].to;\n" . "$_[1] !\$match[-1] != 1;\n" . "$_[1] }" } if ( $prefix eq q(') ) { # single quoted literal ' $cmd = substr( $cmd, 1, -1 ); return call_constant( $cmd, $_[1] ); } if ( $prefix eq q(") ) { # interpolated literal " $cmd = substr( $cmd, 1, -1 ); warn "<\"...\"> not implemented"; return; } if ( $prefix =~ /[-+[]/ ) { # character class $cmd =~ s/\.\./-/g; if ( $prefix eq '-' ) { $cmd = '[^' . substr($cmd, 2); } elsif ( $prefix eq '+' ) { $cmd = substr($cmd, 2); } $cmd =~ s/\s+|\n//g; # XXX <[^a]> means [\^a] instead of [^a] in perl5re return call_perl5($cmd, $_[1]); } if ( $prefix eq '.' || $prefix eq '?' # XXX FIXME ) { # non_capturing_subrule / code assertion $cmd = substr( $cmd, 1 ); if ( $cmd =~ /^{/ ) { warn "code assertion not implemented"; return; } if ( exists $char_class{$cmd} ) { # XXX - inlined char classes are not inheritable, but this should be ok return call_perl5( "[[:$cmd:]]", $_[1] ); } my @param; # TODO my $subrule = $cmd; return "$_[1] do { $_[1] my \$prior := Grammar::Base.PRIOR; $_[1] my \$match := \n" . call_subrule( $subrule, $_[1]." ", @param ) . "; $_[1] Grammar::Base.PRIOR := \$prior; $_[1] my \$bool := (!\$match != 1); $_[1] \$ := \$ if \$bool; $_[1] \$match; $_[1] }"; } if ( $prefix =~ /[_[:alnum:]]/ ) { if ( $cmd eq 'cut' ) { warn "<$cmd> not implemented"; return; } if ( $cmd eq 'commit' ) { warn "<$cmd> not implemented"; return; } if ( $cmd eq 'null' ) { return "$_[1] 1 # null\n" } # my ( $subrule, $param_list ) = split( /[\(\)]/, $cmd ); $param_list ||= ''; if ( $subrule eq 'at' ) { $param_list ||= 0; # XXX compile-time only return "$_[1] ( \$ == $param_list )\n" } return named_capture( { ident => $subrule, rule => { metasyntax => $cmd }, }, $_[1], ); } #if ( $prefix eq '.' ) { # my ( $method, $param_list ) = split( /[\(\)]/, $cmd ); # $method =~ s/^\.//; # $param_list ||= ''; # return " ( \$str.$method( $param_list ) ? 1 : 0 ) "; #} die "<$cmd> not implemented"; } 1;