package Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5; # Version in Pugs::Compiler::Rule # Documentation in the __END__ use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; #use base 'Pugs::Compiler::Regex'; #use Pugs::Compiler::Regex; #sub code { (+shift)->Pugs::Compiler::Regex::code( @_ ) } # # is a good reference on the use of pos() sub compile { my ( $class, $rule_source, $param ) = @_; my $self = { source => $rule_source }; $param = ref $param ? { %$param } : {}; delete $param->{P5}; delete $param->{Perl5}; $self->{continue} = delete $param->{continue} || delete $param->{c} || 0; warn "Error in rule: unknown parameter '$_'" for keys %$param; # TODO - set "prior" my $captures = q' for ( 1 .. $#+ ) { push @match, Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ str => $_[1], from => \\(0+$-[$_]), to => \\(0+$+[$_]), bool => \\1, match => [], named => {}, capture => undef, }); } ' . #print "POS $bool ",(0+$-[0]),"-",(0+$+[0]),"\n";select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); 'return Pugs::Runtime::Match->new({ str => $_[1], from => \\(0+$-[0]), to => \\(0+$+[0]), bool => \\$bool, match => \\@match, named => {}, capture => undef, }); '; $self->{perl5} = q(do { my $rule; $rule = sub { # grammar, string, state, args no warnings 'uninitialized'; my $bool; my @match; return $rule->($_[0], \\$_[1], $_[2], $_[3]) unless ref( $_[1] ); # backwards compatibility #print "POS ${$_[1]} ",pos(${$_[1]}),"\n"; #print "p5 $_[3]{p} \n"; if( $_[3]{continue} ) { pos(${$_[1]}) = $_[3]{p} if defined $_[3]{p}; $bool = \( ${$_[1]} =~ /) . $rule_source . q(/g \) ? 1 : 0; ) . $captures . q( } if ( defined $_[3]{p} ) { pos(${$_[1]}) = $_[3]{p}; $bool = \( ${$_[1]} =~ /\G\(?:) . $rule_source . q(\)/ \) ? 1 : 0; ) . $captures . q( } else { $bool = \( ${$_[1]} =~ /) . $rule_source . q(/ \) ? 1 : 0; ) . $captures . q( } }; } ); # print 'rule perl5: ', do{use Data::Dumper; Dumper($self->{perl5})}; local $@; $self->{code} = eval $self->{perl5}; die "Error in evaluation: $@\nSource:\n$self->{perl5}\n" if $@; bless $self, 'Pugs::Compiler::Regex'; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pugs::Compiler::RegexPerl5 - Compiler for Perl 6 style "Perl5" regex =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides an implementation for Perl 6 regexes that use the "Perl5" switch: :Perl5 /.*/ :P5 /.*/ See L for documentation. =head1 AUTHORS The Pugs Team Eperl6-compiler@perl.orgE. =head1 SEE ALSO The Perl 6 Rules Spec: L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006 by Flavio Soibelmann Glock and others. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut