{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fno-full-laziness -fno-cse #-} -- possibly this needs to be beside the AST or Eval, not the Parser module Pugs.Parser.Unsafe ( unsafeEvalLexDiff, unsafeEvalEnv, unsafeEvalExp, possiblyApplyMacro, ) where import Pugs.Internals import Pugs.AST import Pugs.Pretty import Pugs.Parser.Types import Pugs.Parser.Util import Pugs.Eval.Var import Pugs.Types import Pugs.Rule import DrIFT.YAML () unsafeEvalLexDiff :: Exp -> RuleParser Pad unsafeEvalLexDiff exp = do env <- getRuleEnv putRuleEnv env{ envLexical = mkPad [] } env' <- unsafeEvalEnv exp putRuleEnv env'{ envLexical = envLexical env' `unionPads` envLexical env } return $ envLexical env' -- XXX: Should these fail instead of error? unsafeEvalEnv :: Exp -> RuleParser Env unsafeEvalEnv exp = do -- pos <- getPosition env <- getRuleEnv val <- unsafeEvalExp $ mergeStmts exp (Syn "continuation" []) case val of Val (VControl (ControlContinuation { ccEnv = env' })) -> return env'{ envDebug = envDebug env } _ -> error $ pretty val {-# NOINLINE unsafeEvalExp #-} unsafeEvalExp :: Exp -> RuleParser Exp unsafeEvalExp exp = do -- clearDynParsers env <- getRuleEnv let val = unsafePerformIO $ do runEvalIO env $ do evl <- asks envEval evl exp case val of VError{} -> error $ pretty (val :: Val) _ -> return $ Val val {-# NOINLINE possiblyApplyMacro #-} {-| @possiblyApplyMacro@ takes an @Exp@ containg only an @App@. It then checks if the code to be executed is a reference to a macro. If it is, the macro is executed now, i.e. during compile-time. The return value of the macro is then processed accordingly (i.e. a return value of type @Str@ will be parsed, and a @Code@ will be executed during runtime). -} possiblyApplyMacro :: Exp -- ^ The @Exp@ containg only an @App@ to -- check if it calls a macro -> RuleParser Exp -- ^ The result expression (either the -- original one or the result of -- applying the macro) possiblyApplyMacro app@(App (Var name) invs args) = do -- First, we've to resolve name to a vcode. env <- getRuleEnv -- Note that we don't have to clearDynParsers, as we just do a variable -- lookup here. subCode <- return $! unsafePerformIO $! runEvalIO env $! do res <- findVar name maybe (return undef) readRef res case subCode of -- If we found a Code var, possibly process it further. VCode vcode -> possiblyApplyMacro' vcode app -- Else, return the original expression. _ -> return app where {-# NOINLINE possiblyApplyMacro' #-} possiblyApplyMacro' :: VCode -> Exp -> RuleParser Exp possiblyApplyMacro' vcode app | SubMacro <- subType vcode = do -- The vcode is a macro! Apply it and substitute its return value. ret <- unsafeEvalExp $! App (Val $ VCode vcode{ subType = SubRoutine }) invs args -- local (maybe id const (subEnv vcode)) $ substMacroResult ret | otherwise = return app {-# NOINLINE substMacroResult #-} substMacroResult :: Exp -> RuleParser Exp -- An AST is spliced substMacroResult (Val (VObject o)) | objType o == mkType "Code::Exp" = do return $! fromObject o -- A Str should be (re)parsed. substMacroResult (Val (VStr code)) = fmap bi_body . localBlock $ do parseProgram <- s_parseProgram `fmap` getState env <- getRuleEnv pos <- getPosition case envBody (parseProgram env ("MACRO { " ++ show pos ++" }") code) of Val (err@VError{}) -> fail $ pretty err exp -> return exp -- A Code does not need to be parsed, so simply return the equivalent of -- $code(). substMacroResult code@(Val (VCode _)) = do return $! App code Nothing [] substMacroResult (Val (VUndef)) = return emptyExp substMacroResult _ = fail "Macro did not return an AST, a Str or a Code!" possiblyApplyMacro x = return x