{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -funbox-strict-fields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Pugs.Eval.Var ( findVar, findVarRef, findSub, inferExpType, inferExpCxt, FindSubFailure(..), packageOf, toPackage, toQualified, ) where import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified StringTable.AtomMap as AtomMap import Pugs.Internals import Pugs.AST import Pugs.Types import Pugs.Bind import Pugs.Prim.List (op2Reduce, op1HyperPrefix, op1HyperPostfix, op2Hyper) import Pugs.Prim.Param (foldParam) import Pugs.Pretty import Pugs.Config import Pugs.Monads import Pugs.Class hiding (Val) import qualified Pugs.Val as Val import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Buf findVar :: Var -> Eval (Maybe VRef) findVar var | SType <- v_sigil var , not (isGlobalVar var) = return Nothing | otherwise = do rv <- findVarRef var case rv of Just ref -> fmap Just (readPadEntry ref) Nothing -> return Nothing constPadEntry :: VRef -> PadEntry constPadEntry r = PEConstant{ pe_type = refType r, pe_proto = r, pe_flags = mempty } lookupShellEnvironment :: ByteString -> Eval (Maybe PadEntry) lookupShellEnvironment name = do exists <- evalExp $ App (_Var "&exists") (Just (_Var "%*ENV")) [Val (VStr $ cast name)] case exists of VBool False -> do die "no such ENV variable" name _ -> do rv <- enterLValue (evalExp $ Syn "{}" [_Var "%*ENV", Val (VStr $ cast name)]) ref <- fromVal rv return (Just (constPadEntry ref)) findVarRef :: Var -> Eval (Maybe PadEntry) findVarRef var@MkVar{ v_sigil = sig, v_twigil = twi, v_name = name, v_package = pkg } | Just var' <- dropVarPkg (__"CALLER") var = do maybeCaller <- asks envCaller case maybeCaller of Just env -> local (const env) $ findVarRef var' Nothing -> die "cannot access CALLER:: in top level" var | Just var' <- dropVarPkg (__"ENV") var = fix $ \upLevel -> do maybeCaller <- asks envCaller case maybeCaller of Just env -> local (const env) $ do rv <- findVarRef var' if isJust rv then return rv else upLevel -- final callback: try an "environment" lookup -- XXX: how does "@+PATH" differ from "$+PATH"? -- XXX: how to tell empty env from nonexistent env? -- should we allow writes? Nothing -> lookupShellEnvironment (cast name) | Just var' <- dropVarPkg (__"OUTER") var = ($ var') . fix $ \outerLevel v -> do mpads <- asks envLexPads case mpads of (_:outers@(outer:_)) -> local (\env -> env{ envLexPads = outers }) $ do case dropVarPkg (__"OUTER") v of Just v' -> outerLevel v' _ -> do pad <- case outer of PRuntime p -> return p PCompiling p-> readMPad p return (lookupPad v pad) _ -> die "cannot access OUTER:: in top level" name | pkg /= emptyPkg = doFindVarRef var | TMagical <- twi = do rv <- getMagical var case rv of Nothing -> doFindVarRef var Just val -> return (Just (constPadEntry (MkRef . constScalar $ val))) | SHash <- sig, nullID == name = do {- %CALLER::, %OUTER::, %Package::, etc, all recurse to here. -} pad <- asks envLexical let plist = padToList pad hlist <- mapM padEntryToHashEntry plist let hash = IHash $ Map.fromList hlist return $ Just (constPadEntry $ MkRef hash) | otherwise = doFindVarRef var where padEntryToHashEntry :: (Var, PadEntry) -> Eval (VStr, Val) padEntryToHashEntry (key, entry) = do vref <- readPadEntry entry let val = VRef vref return (cast key, val) doFindVarRef :: Var -> Eval (Maybe PadEntry) doFindVarRef var = do lexSym <- fmap (lookupPad var . envLexical) ask if isJust lexSym then return lexSym else do -- XXX - this is bogus; we should not fallback if it's not in lex scope. glob <- readMPad . envGlobal =<< ask var' <- toQualified var let globSym = lookupPad var' glob if isJust globSym then return globSym else do -- XXX - ditto for globals let globSym = lookupPad (toGlobalVar var) glob if isJust globSym then return globSym else do return Nothing {-| The findSub dispatch system: The Eval.Var findSub dispatch system was written before S12's dispatch order was specced clearly. Back then there were no clear distinction between single and multiple dispatch, and so both were lumped in a single findSub loop. So "$x.foo.bar" is no different from bar(foo($x)), rather, bar(foo($x:):). But MMD dictates that you have to find which of the candidate &bar to be dispatched to before you fully evaluate its argument foo($x:) under its specified context. But you can't find out which candidates of &bar to dispatch to, unless you know the type of foo($x). That's a chicken-egg problem. So I wrote a tiny type inferencer to guess a type of an Exp without actually evaluating its side effects. The idea is that foo($x) is first inferred, then uses that inferred type to decide which bar() to call, and finally evaluate foo($x) in full. Using the argument type expected by bar(). But the infer engine didn't handle indexed expressions well. $x[0] etc. In any case, that tiny inferencer is obsolete under the new (November 2005) S12 and docs/notes/multimethods.pod. Which would be implemented at PIL layer. The inferencer fix I just committed (r8874) for indexed expressions, just checks if both the indice and indexee are simple expressions (i.e. things that can be evaluated without side effects), and if so, it just evaluates them to find out their actual type. -} data FindSubFailure = NoMatchingMulti | NoSuchSub | NoSuchMethod !Type deriving (Show) _SUPER :: ByteString _SUPER = __"SUPER" _NEXT :: ByteString _NEXT = __"NEXT" -- This no longer handles multi dispatch now. Yay! findSub :: Var -- ^ Name, with leading @\&@. -> Maybe Exp -- ^ Invocant -> [Exp] -- ^ Other arguments -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findSub _var _invs _args | Nothing <- _invs = do findBuiltinSub NoMatchingMulti _var | not (isQualifiedVar _var) = do case unwrap _inv of Val vv@VV{} -> withExternalCall callMethodVV vv Val sv@PerlSV{} -> withExternalCall callMethodVV sv inv' -> do typ <- evalInvType inv' if typ == mkType "Scalar::Perl5" -- code for "VV" then evalExp inv' >>= withExternalCall callMethodVV else findTypedSub (cast typ) _var | Just var' <- dropVarPkg _SUPER _var = do pkg <- asks envPackage findSuperSub pkg var' | Just var' <- dropVarPkg _NEXT _var = do typ <- evalInvType _inv findSuperSub (cast typ) var' | otherwise = do findBuiltinSub NoMatchingMulti _var where _inv = fromJust _invs -- findSuperSub :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Pkg -> Var -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findSuperSub pkg var = do subs <- findWithSuper pkg var subs' <- either (flip findBuiltinSub var) (return . Right) subs case subs' of -- Recursion prevention -- SUPER::foo should not go back to ThisClas::foo Right sub | cast (Buf.cons '&' $ subName sub) == var{ v_package = pkg } -> do return (Left . NoSuchMethod $ cast pkg) _ -> do return subs' -- findTypedSub :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Pkg -> Var -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findTypedSub pkg var = do subs <- findWithPkg pkg var either (flip findBuiltinSub var) (return . Right) subs evalInvType :: Exp -> Eval Type evalInvType x = inferExpType x withExternalCall callMeth inv = do fmap (err . NoSuchMethod $ valType inv) $ do metaSub <- possiblyBuildMetaopVCode _var if isJust metaSub then return metaSub else callMeth -- callMethodVV :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Eval (Maybe VCode) callMethodVV = do let methName = cast (v_name _var) -- Look up the proto for the method in VV land right here -- Whether it matched or not, it's the proto's signature -- that's available to the inferencer, not any of its children's -- (this is because MMD in newland is performed _after_ everything -- has been reduced.) return . Just $ mkPrim { subName = methName , subParams = makeParams ["Mu", "List", "Named"] , subReturns = mkType "Any" , subBody = Prim $ \(inv:named:pos:_) -> do invVV <- fromVal inv :: Eval Val.Val posVVs <- fromVals pos :: Eval [Val.Val] namVVs <- do list <- fromVal named fmap AtomMap.fromList $ forM list $ \(k, v) -> do key <- fromVal k val <- fromVal v return (key, val) :: Eval (ID, Val.Val) rv <- tryT $ VV invVV ./ (methName, posVVs, namVVs) case rv of VError (VStr s) _ | "Can't locate object method" `isPrefixOf` s || "Can't call method" `isPrefixOf` s -> do let capt = mi_arguments (cast (methName, (invVV:posVVs), namVVs) :: Call) rv' <- tryT . evalExp $ App (Var _var) Nothing [Syn "|" [Val (VV (mkVal capt))]] case rv' of VError (VStr s') _ | "No compatible subroutine found" `isPrefixOf` s' -> EvalT $ return (RException rv) VError{} -> EvalT $ return (RException rv') _ -> return rv' VError{} -> EvalT $ return (RException rv) _ -> return rv } -- callMethodPerl5 :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Eval (Maybe VCode) -- findWithPkg :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Pkg -> Var -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findWithPkg pkg var = do subs <- findSub' var{ v_package = pkg } maybe (findWithSuper pkg var) (return . Right) subs -- findWithSuper :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Pkg -> Var -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findWithSuper pkg var = do -- get superclasses attrs <- fmap (fmap (filter (/= pkg) . nub)) $ findAttrs pkg if isNothing attrs || null (fromJust attrs) then fmap (err NoMatchingMulti) (findSub' var) else do -- XXX - "reverse" below is a crude hack before we have C3 dispatch; -- - this is such that "class X is Mu is Moose" can dispatch with Moose first. (`fix` (reverse $ fromJust attrs)) $ \run pkgs -> do if null pkgs then return (Left $ NoSuchMethod (cast pkg)) else do subs <- findWithPkg (head pkgs) var either (const $ run (tail pkgs)) (return . Right) subs -- findSub' :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) => Var -> Eval (Maybe VCode) findSub' var = do subSyms <- findCodeSyms var lens <- mapM argSlurpLen _invs_args doFindSub lens subSyms argSlurpLen :: Exp -> Eval Int argSlurpLen (Val val) = valSlurpLen val argSlurpLen (Var name) = do val <- enterLValue $ evalExp (Var name) valSlurpLen val argSlurpLen (Syn "," list) = return $ length list argSlurpLen (Syn "named" _) = return 0 argSlurpLen _ = return 1 -- XXX valSlurpLen :: Val -> Eval Int valSlurpLen (VList list) = return $ length list valSlurpLen (VRef (MkRef (IArray av))) = array_fetchSize av valSlurpLen (VRef (MkRef (IHash hv))) = hash_fetchSize hv valSlurpLen _ = return 1 -- XXX -- doFindSub :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Int -> [(Var, Val)] -> Eval (Maybe VCode) doFindSub slurpLens subSyms = do subs' <- subs slurpLens subSyms -- warn (unlines $ map (\(x, y) -> show (x, subParams y)) subs') "" return $ case sort subs' of ((_, sub):_) -> Just sub _ -> Nothing _invs_args = map unwrap (maybe _args (:_args) _invs) -- subs :: (_invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => Int -> [(Var, Val)] -> Eval [((Bool, Bool, Int, Int), VCode)] subs slurpLens subSyms = fmap catMaybes . forM subSyms $ \sub@MkCode{ subReturns = ret } -> do let (named, positional) = partition isNamedArg _invs_args isNamedArg (Syn "named" _) = True isNamedArg _ = False rv = return $ arityMatch sub (length positional) (length named) slurpLens maybeM rv $ \fun -> do -- if deltaFromCxt ret == 0 then return Nothing else do (deltaArgs, deltaCxt) <- case bindParams sub _invs _args of Left{} -> return ([maxBound], 0) Right s -> do ds <- forM (subBindings s) $ \(prm, arg) -> case arg of Syn "param-default" _ -> return Nothing _ | isSlurpy prm -> return Nothing _ -> do argType <- inferExpType arg return (Just $ deltaType (typeOfParam prm) argType) cxt <- asks envContext return (catMaybes ds, deltaType (typeOfCxt cxt) ret) return ((isMulti sub, sum deltaArgs, -(length deltaArgs), deltaCxt), fun) -- findBuiltinSub :: (_var :: Var, _invs :: Maybe Exp, _args :: [Exp]) -- => FindSubFailure -> Var -> Eval (Either FindSubFailure VCode) findBuiltinSub failure var = do subSyms <- findCodeSyms var if null subSyms then (fmap (err NoSuchSub) (possiblyBuildMetaopVCode var)) else do lens <- mapM argSlurpLen _invs_args sub <- doFindSub lens subSyms maybe (fmap (err failure) $ possiblyBuildMetaopVCode var) (return . Right) sub -- firstArg :: (_args :: [Exp]) => [Exp] firstArg = [maybe (Val undef) id (listToMaybe _args)] firstTwoArgs | [] <- _args = [Val undef, Val undef] | [arg] <- _args = [arg, Val undef] | otherwise = take 2 _args metaPrim = mkPrim { subName = cast (v_name _var) , subType = SubPrim , subReturns = mkType "List" } buildPrefixHyper var = do let rv = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ findSub var Nothing firstArg maybeM rv (return . makePrefixHyperCode) makePrefixHyperCode code = metaPrim { subAssoc = subAssoc code , subParams = subParams code , subBody = Prim (\x -> op1HyperPrefix code (listArg x)) } buildPostfixHyper var = do let rv = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ findSub var Nothing firstArg maybeM rv $ \code -> return $ metaPrim { subAssoc = subAssoc code , subParams = subParams code , subBody = Prim (\x -> op1HyperPostfix code (listArg x)) } buildInfixHyper var = do let rv = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ findSub var Nothing firstTwoArgs maybeM rv (return . makeInfixHyperCode) makeInfixHyperCode code = metaPrim { subAssoc = subAssoc code , subParams = makeParams ["Any", "Any"] , subBody = Prim (\[x, y] -> op2Hyper code x y) } buildReduce var foldOrScan nilOrHyper nilOrPost = do let rv = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ findSub var Nothing firstTwoArgs maybeM rv $ \code -> return . maybePost $ metaPrim { subAssoc = ANil , subParams = makeParams $ if any isLValue (subParams code) then ["rw!List"] -- XXX - does not yet work for the [=] case else ["List"] , subReturns = anyType , subBody = Prim $ \[vs] -> do list_of_args <- fromVal vs op2Reduce (foldOrScan == MScan) list_of_args . VCode $ case nilOrHyper of MHyper -> makeInfixHyperCode code _ -> code } where maybePost | MPost <- nilOrPost = makePrefixHyperCode | otherwise = id -- possiblyBuildMetaopVCode :: (_args :: [Exp]) => Var -> Eval (Maybe VCode) possiblyBuildMetaopVCode var@MkVar{ v_meta = meta } = case meta of MPost -> buildPrefixHyper var' -- +<< MPre -> buildPostfixHyper var' -- >>+ MHyper -> buildInfixHyper var' -- >>+<< MFold -> buildReduce varInfix MFold MNil MNil -- [+] MScan -> buildReduce varInfix MScan MNil MNil -- [\+] -- MFoldPost -> buildReduce varInfix MFold MNil MPost -- [+] -- MScanPost -> buildReduce varInfix MScan MNil MPost -- [\+] MHyperFold -> buildReduce varInfix MFold MHyper MNil -- [>>+<<] MHyperScan -> buildReduce varInfix MScan MHyper MNil -- [>>+<<] -- MHyperFoldPost -> buildReduce varInfix MFold MHyper MPost -- [>>+<<] -- MHyperScanPost -> buildReduce varInfix MScan MHyper MPost -- [>>+<<] _ -> return Nothing where var' = var{ v_meta = MNil } varInfix = var{ v_meta = MNil, v_categ = C_infix } metaVar :: Pkg -> Var -- metaVar = MkVar SType TNil globalPkg CNil . cast metaVar pkg = cast (':':'*':cast pkg) {- MkVar { v_sigil = SType , v_twigil = TGlobal , v_package = emptyPkg , v_categ = CNil , v_name = cast pkg } -} err :: b -> Maybe a -> Either b a err _ (Just j) = Right j err x Nothing = Left x listArg :: [Val] -> Val listArg [x] = x listArg xs = VList xs makeParams :: [String] -> [Param] makeParams = map (\p -> p{ isWritable = isLValue p }) . foldr foldParam [] . map takeWord where takeWord = takeWhile isWord . dropWhile (not . isWord) isWord = not . (`elem` "(),:") findAttrs :: Pkg -> Eval (Maybe [Pkg]) findAttrs pkg = do maybeM (findVar $ metaVar pkg) $ \ref -> do meta <- readRef ref fetch <- doHash meta hash_fetchVal fmap (map (cast :: String -> Pkg)) (fromVal =<< fetch "is") {-| Take an expression, and attempt to predict what type it will evaluate to /without/ actually evaluating it. -} inferExpType :: Exp -> Eval Type inferExpType exp@(Var var) | TAttribute <- v_twigil var = fromVal =<< evalExp exp | TPrivate <- v_twigil var = fromVal =<< evalExp exp | otherwise = do rv <- findVar var case rv of Nothing -> return $ typeOfSigilVar var Just ref -> do let typ = refType ref if isaType "List" typ then return typ else fromVal =<< readRef ref inferExpType (Val val) = fromVal val inferExpType (App (Val val) _ _) = do sub <- fromVal val return $ subReturns sub inferExpType (App (Var var) (Just inv) _) | var == cast "&new" = inferExpType $ unwrap inv inferExpType (App (Var name) invs args) = do sub <- findSub name invs args return (either (const anyType) subReturns sub) inferExpType (Ann (Cxt cxt) _) | typeOfCxt cxt /= (mkType "Any") = return $ typeOfCxt cxt inferExpType (Ann _ exp) = inferExpType exp inferExpType (Sym _ _ _ _ exp) = inferExpType exp inferExpType (Stmts _ exp) = inferExpType exp inferExpType (Syn "," _) = return $ mkType "List" inferExpType (Syn "\\[]" _) = return $ mkType "Array" inferExpType (Syn "\\{}" _) = return $ mkType "Hash" inferExpType (Syn "&{}" _) = return $ mkType "Code" inferExpType (Syn "@{}" _) = return $ mkType "Array" inferExpType (Syn "%{}" _) = return $ mkType "Hash" inferExpType (Syn "=>" _) = return $ mkType "Pair" inferExpType (Syn "named" [_, exp]) = inferExpType exp inferExpType (Syn "rx" _) = return $ mkType "Regex" inferExpType (Syn "match" _)= return $ mkType "Match" inferExpType (Syn "//" _) = return $ mkType "Regex" -- XXX Wrong inferExpType exp@(Syn "{}" [_, idxExp]) = if isSimpleExp exp then fromVal =<< enterRValue (evalExp exp) else fmap typeOfCxt (inferExpCxt idxExp) inferExpType exp@(Syn "[]" [_, idxExp]) = if isSimpleExp exp then fromVal =<< enterRValue (evalExp exp) else fmap typeOfCxt (inferExpCxt idxExp) inferExpType (Syn "sub" [exp]) = inferExpType exp inferExpType _ = return anyType isSimpleExp :: Exp -> Bool isSimpleExp Var{} = True isSimpleExp Val{} = True isSimpleExp (Ann _ x) = isSimpleExp x isSimpleExp (Syn _ xs) = all isSimpleExp xs isSimpleExp _ = False {-| Return the context that an expression bestows upon a hash or array subscript. See 'reduce' for @\{\}@ and @\[\]@. -} inferExpCxt :: Exp -> Eval Cxt inferExpCxt exp = return $ if isScalarLValue exp then cxtItemAny else cxtSlurpyAny {-| Evaluate the \'magical\' variable associated with a given name. Returns @Nothing@ if the name does not match a known magical. -} getMagical :: Var -- ^ Name of the magical var to evaluate -> Eval (Maybe Val) getMagical var = Map.findWithDefault (return Nothing) var magicalMap magicalMap :: Map Var (Eval (Maybe Val)) magicalMap = Map.fromList [ (cast "$?FILE" , posSym ((cast . posName) :: Pos -> String)) , (cast "$?LINE" , posSym posBeginLine) , (cast "$?COLUMN" , posSym posBeginColumn) , (cast "$?POSITION" , posSym pretty) , (cast "$?MODULE" , constSym "Main") , (cast "$?OS" , constSym (getConfig "osname")) , (cast "$?CLASS" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) , (cast ":?CLASS" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) , (cast "$?PACKAGE" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) , (cast ":?PACKAGE" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) , (cast "$?ROLE" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) , (cast ":?ROLE" , fmap (Just . VType . cast) (asks envPackage)) ] posSym :: Value a => (Pos -> a) -> Eval (Maybe Val) posSym f = fmap (Just . castV . f) $ asks envPos constSym :: String -> Eval (Maybe Val) constSym = return . Just . VStr -- Find symbols, up and including multis. findCodeSyms :: Var -> Eval [VCode] findCodeSyms var | isGlobalVar var = findWith findGlobal | isQualifiedVar var = case dropVarPkg (__"OUTER") var of Just var' -> die "outer - not yet implemented" var' _ -> findWith findQualified | otherwise = do rv <- findWith findLexical if null rv then findWith findPackage else return rv where findWith f = runMaybeT f >>= maybe (return []) return -- $x should look up $x in the current pad first. findLexical :: MaybeT Eval [VCode] findLexical = do lex <- lift $ asks envLexical padSym lex var -- $Foo::x is just $Foo::x, or maybe $*Foo::x. findQualified :: MaybeT Eval [VCode] findQualified = do glob <- lift $ askGlobal padSym glob var `mplus` padSym glob (toGlobalVar var) -- $x then fallbacks to $This::Package::x, or maybe $*x. findPackage :: MaybeT Eval [VCode] findPackage = do -- XXX - This is bogus; pending Pad fixup code in Pugs.Parser glob <- lift $ askGlobal pkg <- lift $ asks envPackage padSym glob (toPackage pkg var) `mplus` padSym glob (toGlobalVar var) -- $*Foo::x is just that. findGlobal :: MaybeT Eval [VCode] findGlobal = do glob <- lift $ askGlobal padSym glob (toGlobalVar var) padSym :: Pad -> Var -> MaybeT Eval [VCode] padSym pad var = do case lookupPad var pad of Just entry -> lift $ do ref <- readPadEntry entry readCodesFromRef ref Nothing -> mzero data ArityMatchData = MkArityMatchData { d_reqLen :: !Int , d_optLen :: !Int , d_slurpLen :: !Int , d_hasArray :: !Bool , d_hasHash :: !Bool } arityMatch :: VCode -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Maybe VCode arityMatch sub@MkCode{ subAssoc = assoc, subParams = prms } posLen namLen argSlurpLens | A_list <- assoc = Just sub | A_chain <- assoc = Just sub | argLen >= reqLen , hasArray || ((if hasHash then posLen else argLen) <= (reqLen + optLen + slurpLen)) , if hasArray then slurpLen <= argSlurpLen else slurpLen == argSlurpLen = Just sub | otherwise = Nothing where argLen = posLen + namLen argSlurpLen = sum (drop (reqLen + optLen) argSlurpLens) ~(MkArityMatchData reqLen optLen slurpLen hasArray hasHash) = foldl unwindPrm initArityMatchData prms initArityMatchData :: ArityMatchData initArityMatchData = MkArityMatchData 0 0 0 False False unwindPrm :: ArityMatchData -> Param -> ArityMatchData unwindPrm dat p | isSlurpy p = case v_sigil (paramName p) of SArray -> dat{ d_hasArray = True } SHash -> dat{ d_hasHash = True } _ -> dat{ d_slurpLen = succ (d_slurpLen dat) } | isOptional p = dat{ d_optLen = succ (d_optLen dat) } | otherwise = dat{ d_reqLen = succ (d_reqLen dat) } toPackage :: Pkg -> Var -> Var toPackage pkg var | isGlobalVar var = var | otherwise = var{ v_package = pkg } packageOf :: Var -> Pkg packageOf = v_package toQualified :: Var -> Eval Var toQualified var@MkVar{ v_twigil = TNil, v_package = pkg } | pkg == emptyPkg = do currentPkg <- asks envPackage return var{ v_package = currentPkg } toQualified var = return var