{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances #-} module Pugs.Prim.Eval ( -- used by Pugs.Prim op1EvalHaskell, op1EvalP6Y, op1EvalFileP6Y, opEval, opEvalFile, opRequire, requireInc, EvalError(..), EvalResult(..), EvalStyle(..), -- used by Pugs.Eval -- needs factored somewhere bettwen retEvalResult, ) where import Pugs.AST import Pugs.Parser.Program import Pugs.Embed import Pugs.Monads import Pugs.Internals import Pugs.Pretty import Pugs.Config import Pugs.Prim.Keyed import Pugs.Types import Pugs.Prelude import DrIFT.YAML import Data.Yaml.Syck import Data.Binary (decode) import Control.Exception (SomeException) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Bytes type Bytes = Bytes.ByteString data EvalError = EvalErrorFatal | EvalErrorUndef deriving Eq data EvalResult = EvalResultLastValue | EvalResultModule | EvalResultEnv deriving Eq data EvalStyle = MkEvalStyle { evalError :: EvalError , evalResult :: EvalResult } specialPackageNames :: [String] specialPackageNames = ["MY", "OUR", "GLOBAL", "OUTER", "CALLER", "ENV", "SUPER", "COMPILING"] opRequire :: Bool -> Val -> Eval Val opRequire dumpEnv v = do mod <- fromVal v if elem mod specialPackageNames then return (VBool True) else do incs <- fromVal =<< readVar (cast "@*INC") glob <- askGlobal seen <- findSymRef (cast "%*INC") glob loaded <- existsFromRef seen v let file | '.' `elem` mod = mod | otherwise = (concat $ intersperse (getConfig "file_sep") $ split "::" mod) ++ ".pm" useExternalTest <- io $ (maybe False (/= "")) `fmap` (getEnv "PUGS_USE_EXTERNAL_TEST") pathName <- case mod of "Test" | not useExternalTest -> return "Test.pm" _ -> requireInc incs file (errMsg file incs) if loaded then opEval style pathName "" else do -- %*INC{mod} = { relname => file, pathname => pathName } evalExp $ Syn "=" [ Syn "{}" -- subscript [ _Var "%*INC", Val . VStr $ decodeUTF8 mod ] , Syn "\\{}" -- hashref [ Syn "," [ mkStrPair "fullpath" (decodeUTF8 pathName) , mkStrPair "relpath" (decodeUTF8 file) ] ] ] -- merge @*END here endAV <- findSymRef (cast "@*END") glob ends <- fromVal =<< readRef endAV clearRef endAV rv <- case mod of "Test" | not useExternalTest -> shortcutToTestPM _ -> tryFastEval pathName (pathName ++ ".yml") endAV' <- findSymRef (cast "@*END") glob _ <- doArray (VRef endAV') (`array_unshift` ends) return rv where shortcutToTestPM = do globTVar <- asks envGlobal let MkCompUnit _ _ glob ast = decode (testByteStringLazy) -- Inject the global bindings stm $ do glob' <- readMPad globTVar writeMPad globTVar (glob `unionPads` glob') -- | PEStatic { pe_type :: !Type, pe_proto :: !VRef, pe_flags :: !EntryFlags, pe_store :: !(TVar VRef) } evl <- asks envEval evl ast tryFastEval pathName pathNameYml = do -- io $ print pathNameYml ok <- io $ doesFileExist pathNameYml if not ok then slowEval pathName else do isYamlStale <- tryIO False $ do timePm <- getModificationTime pathName timeYml <- getModificationTime pathNameYml return (timeYml < timePm) if isYamlStale then slowEval pathName else do rv <- tryT $ fastEval pathNameYml case rv of VError _ [MkPos{posBeginLine=0}]-> slowEval pathName _ -> opEval style pathName "" fastEval = op1EvalFileP6Y . VStr slowEval pathName = do str <- io $ readFile pathName opEval style pathName str style = MkEvalStyle { evalError = EvalErrorFatal , evalResult = (if dumpEnv == True then EvalResultEnv else EvalResultLastValue)} errMsg file incs = "Can't locate " ++ file ++ " in @*INC (@*INC contains: " ++ unwords incs ++ ")." mkStrPair :: String -> String -> Exp mkStrPair key val = App (_Var "&infix:=>") Nothing (map (Val . VStr) [key, val]) requireInc :: (MonadIO m) => [FilePath] -> FilePath -> String -> m String requireInc [] _ msg = fail msg requireInc (p:ps) file msg = do let pathName = p ++ (getConfig "file_sep") ++ file ok <- io $ doesFileExist pathName if (not ok) then requireInc ps file msg else return pathName opEvalFile :: String -> Eval Val opEvalFile filename = do ok <- io $ doesFileExist filename if (not ok) then fail $ "Can't locate " ++ filename ++ "." else do contents <- io $ readFile filename opEval style filename contents where style = MkEvalStyle{ evalError=EvalErrorUndef , evalResult=EvalResultLastValue} op1EvalHaskell :: Val -> Eval Val op1EvalHaskell cv = do str <- fromVal cv val <- tryT $ evalHaskell str retEvalResult style val where style = MkEvalStyle{ evalError=EvalErrorUndef , evalResult=EvalResultLastValue} op1EvalP6Y, op1EvalFileP6Y :: Val -> Eval Val op1EvalFileP6Y fileName = do fileName' <- fromVal fileName file <- io $ Bytes.readFile fileName' op1EvalP6Y' file op1EvalP6Y bytecode = do bytecode' <- fromVal bytecode op1EvalP6Y' $ Bytes.pack bytecode' -- XXX: is this the right pack function? op1EvalP6Y' :: Bytes -> Eval Val op1EvalP6Y' bytecode = do yml <- io $ (`catchIO` (return . Left . (show :: SomeException -> String))) $ fmap Right (parseYamlBytes bytecode) case yml of Right MkNode{ n_elem=ESeq (v:_) } | MkNode{ n_elem=EStr vnum } <- v , vnum /= (packBuf $ show compUnitVersion) -> do err $ "incompatible version number for compilation unit: found " ++ unpackBuf vnum ++ ", expecting " ++ (show compUnitVersion) Right yml' -> do globTVar <- asks envGlobal MkCompUnit _ _ glob ast <- io $ fromYAML yml' tryT $ do -- Inject the global bindings stm $ do glob' <- readMPad globTVar writeMPad globTVar (glob `unionPads` glob') evl <- asks envEval evl ast x -> err x where err x = local (\e -> e{ envPos = (envPos e){ posBeginLine=0 } }) $ fail $ "failed loading Yaml: " ++ show x opEval :: EvalStyle -> FilePath -> String -> Eval Val opEval style path str = enterCaller $ do env <- ask let errHandler (err :: SomeException) = return env{ envBody = Val $ VError (VStr (show err)) [] } env' <- io $ evaluateIO (parseProgram env path str) `catchIO` errHandler val <- tryT $ local (const env') $ do evl <- asks envEval initAV <- evalExp (_Var "@*INIT") initSubs <- fromVals initAV mapM_ evalExp [ Ann (Cxt CxtVoid) (App (Val sub) Nothing []) | sub@VCode{} <- initSubs ] evalExp (Syn "=" [_Var "@*INIT", Syn "," []]) evl $ case evalResult style of EvalResultEnv -> envBody env' `mergeStmts` Syn "continuation" [] _ -> envBody env' retEvalResult style val retEvalResult :: EvalStyle -> Val -> Eval Val retEvalResult style val = do glob <- askGlobal errSV <- findSymRef (cast "$!") glob case val of err@(VError e _) -> do writeRef errSV e when (evalError style == EvalErrorFatal) $ do io $ fail $ pretty err retEmpty _ -> do writeRef errSV VUndef return val