{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-- |The Server module of the PupEvents framework is designed to be run from
-- the file that specifies the Events that you are handling. The only thing
-- that would need to be written to use this is the Events file, it does
-- not depend on the application code.
module PupEventsServer (server) where

import GHC.IO.Handle
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan (tryReadTChan)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Text.Parsec
import Network.Socket
import System.IO
import PupEventsPQueue
import Data.Functor.Identity

-- Make a socket, communication channels and start listening for connections
-- |The main entry point of the program. This ends by forever calling 'acceptCon'.
server ::   Maybe [Char] -- ^ The address to listen on, if it's not given default to "".
            -> Int -- ^ The number of priority levels to create the PQueue with
            -> (t -> Int) -- ^ The function to look up the priority level of an event
            -> (t1 -> t1 -> String) -- ^ The lookup function to convert an event to a string representation
            -> (t -> t -> IO t1) -- ^ The lookup function to look up the handler for an event
            -> [ParsecT [Char] () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity t] -- ^ The list of parsers to try and parse events with
            -> Maybe t -- ^Optional. The event to put on the pqueue when a client disconnects
            -> IO b
server Nothing priorities lookupPriority lookupUnHandler lookupHandler parsers dcEvent = server (Just "") priorities lookupPriority lookupUnHandler lookupHandler parsers dcEvent 
server ip priorities lookupPriority lookupUnHandler lookupHandler parsers dcEvent = 
    do  -- get port
        addrinfos <- getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]}))
                                 ip (Just "1267")
        let serveraddr = head addrinfos
        -- create socket
        sock <- socket (addrFamily serveraddr) Stream 6
        -- bind to the address we're listening on
        bindSocket sock (addrAddress serveraddr)
        -- listen with maximum 5 queued requests
        listen sock 5
        -- accept forever
        forever $ acceptCon sock priorities lookupPriority lookupUnHandler lookupHandler parsers dcEvent

-- |Checks the given PQueue for an event to handle and calls the handler
-- for it, then sends the event returned by the handler to the client.
handleEvents :: Handle -- ^ The handle to send the handled event on
                -> PQueue t -- ^ The PQueue on which to listen for events to be handled
                -> (t1 -> t1 -> String) -- ^ The lookup function to find the function that returns a string representation of the event.
                -> (t -> t -> IO t1) -- ^ The lookup function that returns the event handler
                -> IO b
handleEvents handle pqueue lookupUnHandler lookupHandler = forever $
    do  event <- atomically $
            do  event <- getThing pqueue
                case event of
                    Nothing -> retry
                    Just event -> return event
        event' <- lookupHandler event event
        hPutStr handle (lookupUnHandler event' event')
        hFlush handle

-- accept a connection and fork a new thread to handle receiving events from it
-- after the connection is accepted, create a new channel for the dispatcher to
-- receive events from.
-- |Listens for an incoming connection. When it gets one it spawns two threads for the connection, one using 'handleEvents' and the other using 'recvEvents'.
acceptCon ::    Socket -- ^ The socket to listen for incoming connections on
                -> Int -- ^ The number of priorities for the PQueues to have
                -> (t -> Int) -- ^ The function to lookup the priority level of an event
                -> (t1 -> t1 -> String) -- ^ The function to lookup the string representation for an event
                -> (t -> t -> IO t1) -- ^ The function to lookup the handler for the event
                -> [ParsecT [Char] () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity t] -- ^ A list of parsers to use when trying to parse Events
                -> Maybe t -- ^Optional. The event to put on the pqueue when a client disconnects
                -> IO ThreadId
acceptCon sock priorities lookupPriority lookupUnHandler lookupHandler parsers dcEvent =
    do  putStrLn "Accepting Connections"
        (connsock, clientaddr) <- accept sock
        putStrLn $ "Connection received from: " ++ show clientaddr
        connHandle <- socketToHandle connsock ReadWriteMode
        hSetBuffering connHandle NoBuffering
        hSetBinaryMode connHandle True
        pqueue <- makeQueues priorities
        forkIO (recvEvents connHandle pqueue lookupPriority parsers dcEvent)
        forkIO (handleEvents connHandle pqueue lookupUnHandler lookupHandler)

-- Receive events until the connection is closed, parse them, and push them on the
-- channel to the dispatcher
-- |Listens for events from the Client and sends them to the 'handleEvents' thread.
recvEvents ::   Handle -- ^ The handle to listen for events on
                -> PQueue a -- ^ The PQueue used to send events to the 'handleEvents' thread
                -> (a -> Int) -- ^ The function to lookup the priority level of an event
                -> [ParsecT [Char] () Data.Functor.Identity.Identity a] -- ^ A list of parsers to use when trying to parse Events
                -> Maybe a -- ^Optional. The event to put on the pqueue when a client disconnects
                -> IO ()
recvEvents handle pqueue lookupPriority parsers dcEvent =
    -- I don't really understand how these two lines work, but I think its
    -- got something to do with lazy evalution.  they're from RWH.
    do  messages <- hGetContents handle
        mapM_ toDispatch (nullLines messages)
        hClose handle
        case dcEvent of
            Just x -> atomically $ writeThing pqueue (lookupPriority x) x
            Nothing -> return ()
        toDispatch str = 
            case parse parseMsg "" str of
                Left e -> putStrLn $ "ParseError: " ++ show e ++ "\nString: " ++ show str
                Right a ->  atomically $ writeThing pqueue (lookupPriority a) a
        parseMsg =  choice parsers
        nullLines "" = []
        nullLines str = x:nullLines xs
            where   (x, xs) = splitAt (nullLines' 0 str) str
                    nullLines' n [] = n
                    nullLines' n ('\0':'\0':str) = n+2
                    nullLines' n (s:str) = nullLines' (n+1) str