QIO-1.3: The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines the Syntax of the Quantum IO Monad, which is an embedded language for writing quantum computations. It is an alternative definition using the approach of defining F-Algebras.



type RR = Double Source #

For Real numbers, we simply use the built in Double type

type CC = Complex RR Source #

For Complex numbers, we use the built in Complex numbers, over our Real number type (i.e. Double)

amp :: CC -> RR Source #

The amplitude of a complex number is the magnitude squared.

newtype Qbit Source #

The type of Qubits in QIO are simply integer references.


Qbit Int 


Enum Qbit Source # 


succ :: Qbit -> Qbit #

pred :: Qbit -> Qbit #

toEnum :: Int -> Qbit #

fromEnum :: Qbit -> Int #

enumFrom :: Qbit -> [Qbit] #

enumFromThen :: Qbit -> Qbit -> [Qbit] #

enumFromTo :: Qbit -> Qbit -> [Qbit] #

enumFromThenTo :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit -> [Qbit] #

Eq Qbit Source # 


(==) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

(/=) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

Num Qbit Source # 


(+) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit #

(-) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit #

(*) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit #

negate :: Qbit -> Qbit #

abs :: Qbit -> Qbit #

signum :: Qbit -> Qbit #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Qbit #

Ord Qbit Source # 


compare :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Ordering #

(<) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

(<=) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

(>) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

(>=) :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Bool #

max :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit #

min :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit #

Show Qbit Source #

We can display a qubit reference


showsPrec :: Int -> Qbit -> ShowS #

show :: Qbit -> String #

showList :: [Qbit] -> ShowS #

type Rotation = (Bool, Bool) -> CC Source #

A rotation is in essence a two-by-two complex valued matrix

rid :: Rotation Source #

The identity rotation

rnot :: Rotation Source #

The not rotation

rhad :: Rotation Source #

The hadamard rotation

rphase :: RR -> Rotation Source #

The phase rotation

rrev :: Rotation -> Rotation Source #

Returns the inverse (or reverse) of the given rotation

data UFunctor u Source #

The non-recursive data type definition of a unitary operation


Rot Qbit Rotation u 
Swap Qbit Qbit u 
Cond Qbit (Bool -> u) u 
Ulet Bool (Qbit -> u) u 


Functor UFunctor Source #

In order to define an F-Algebra, UFunctor must be a functor.


fmap :: (a -> b) -> UFunctor a -> UFunctor b #

(<$) :: a -> UFunctor b -> UFunctor a #

Show U Source #

We can display a representation of a unitary, using an F-Algebra


showsPrec :: Int -> U -> ShowS #

show :: U -> String #

showList :: [U] -> ShowS #

Monoid U Source #

The type U forms a Monoid.


mempty :: U #

mappend :: U -> U -> U #

mconcat :: [U] -> U #

newtype Fix f Source #

The fix point type construtor.


Fx (f (Fix f)) 


Show U Source #

We can display a representation of a unitary, using an F-Algebra


showsPrec :: Int -> U -> ShowS #

show :: U -> String #

showList :: [U] -> ShowS #

Monoid U Source #

The type U forms a Monoid.


mempty :: U #

mappend :: U -> U -> U #

mconcat :: [U] -> U #

unFix :: Fix f -> f (Fix f) Source #

We can define the inverse of Fx

type U = Fix UFunctor Source #

We fix the non-recursice data-type in order to get our type U of unitary operations.

type Algebra f a = f a -> a Source #

The type of an F-Algebra.

type UInitialAlgebra = Algebra UFunctor U Source #

The type of the initial algebra for UFunctor

uInitialAlgebra :: UInitialAlgebra Source #

We can now define the initial algebra for U

cata :: Functor f => Algebra f a -> Fix f -> a Source #

We can use a catamorphism to abstract evaluation over a given algebra

rot :: Qbit -> Rotation -> U Source #

Apply the given rotation to the given qubit

swap :: Qbit -> Qbit -> U Source #

Swap the state of the two given qubits

cond :: Qbit -> (Bool -> U) -> U Source #

Apply the conditional unitary, depending on the value of the given qubit

ulet :: Bool -> (Qbit -> U) -> U Source #

Introduce an Ancilla qubit in the given state, for use in the sub-unitary

unot :: Qbit -> U Source #

Apply a not rotation to the given qubit

uhad :: Qbit -> U Source #

Apply a hadamard rotation to the given qubit

uphase :: Qbit -> RR -> U Source #

Apply a phase rotation (of the given angle) to the given qubit

urev :: U -> U Source #

Returns the inverse (or reverse) of the given unitary operation, using an F-Algebra

data QIOFunctor a q Source #

The non-recursive data type definition of a QIO computation


QReturn a 
MkQbit Bool (Qbit -> q) 
ApplyU U q 
Meas Qbit (Bool -> q) 


Functor (QIOFunctor a) Source #

In order to define an F-Algebra, UF must be a functor.


fmap :: (a -> b) -> QIOFunctor a a -> QIOFunctor a b #

(<$) :: a -> QIOFunctor a b -> QIOFunctor a a #

type QIOprim a = Fix (QIOFunctor a) Source #

We fix the non-recursice data-type in order to get our type U of unitary operations.

type QIOInitialAlgebra a = Algebra (QIOFunctor a) (QIOprim a) Source #

The type of the initial algebra for UFunctor

qioInitialAlgebra :: QIOInitialAlgebra a Source #

We can now define the initial algebra for U

data QIO a Source #

The QIO type forms a Monad, by wrapping QIOprim


Apply (Fix (QIOFunctor a)) 


Monad QIO Source #

The wrapper type ApplyFix forms a Monad


(>>=) :: QIO a -> (a -> QIO b) -> QIO b #

(>>) :: QIO a -> QIO b -> QIO b #

return :: a -> QIO a #

fail :: String -> QIO a #

Functor QIO Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> QIO a -> QIO b #

(<$) :: a -> QIO b -> QIO a #

Applicative QIO Source # 


pure :: a -> QIO a #

(<*>) :: QIO (a -> b) -> QIO a -> QIO b #

(*>) :: QIO a -> QIO b -> QIO b #

(<*) :: QIO a -> QIO b -> QIO a #

Show a => Show (QIO a) Source #

We can show a QIO computation, using an F-Algebra


showsPrec :: Int -> QIO a -> ShowS #

show :: QIO a -> String #

showList :: [QIO a] -> ShowS #

primQIO :: QIO a -> QIOprim a Source #

We can remove the wrapper.

mkQbit :: Bool -> QIO Qbit Source #

Initialise a qubit in the given state (adding it to the overall quantum state)

applyU :: U -> QIO () Source #

Apply the given unitary operation to the current quantum state

measQbit :: Qbit -> QIO Bool Source #

Measure the given qubit, and return the measurement outcome (note that this operation may affect the overall quantum state, as a measurement is destructive)

count :: QIO a -> (Int, Int, Int) Source #

We can count the number of each primitive operation using an F-Algebra

toffoli :: Qbit -> Qbit -> Qbit -> U Source #

Orphan instances

Eq Rotation Source #

Rotations can be compared for equality. They are equal if the define the same matrix.

Show Rotation Source #

We can display the matrix representation of a rotation