Name: QIO Version: 1.3 Cabal-Version: >= 1.24 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Alexander S. Green Maintainer: Homepage: Category: Quantum Synopsis: The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell Description: The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell. It can be thought of as an embedded language within Haskell, and comes with functions for simulating the running of these quantum computations. The distribution contains many example computations written in QIO, including an implementation of Shor's algorithm. Build-Type: Simple Library Default-language: Haskell2010 Build-Depends: base >= 4.9 && < 4.10, containers, mtl, random, old-time Exposed-modules: QIO.Heap, QIO.QArith, QIO.QExamples, QIO.QIORandom, QIO.Qdata, QIO.Qft, QIO.Qio, QIO.QioClass, QIO.QioSyn, QIO.QioSynAlt, QIO.Shor, QIO.Vec, QIO.VecEq