-- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2008 Joern Dinkla, www.dinkla.net

module Data.QuadEdge.Base where

import Prelude hiding (flip)

type Index = Int

data Edge a = Edge { edgeTable :: EdgeTable, 
                     attributes :: a } deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

type EdgeRef = (Index, Direction, Orientation)
type EdgeTable = (EdgeRef, EdgeRef, EdgeRef, EdgeRef)

data Direction = Rot0 | Rot1 | Rot2 | Rot3  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)
data Orientation = Normal | Flipped deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show, Read)

incrDir, decrDir              :: Direction -> Direction
incrDir x		      = case x of { Rot0 -> Rot1; Rot1 -> Rot2; 
					    Rot2 -> Rot3; Rot3 -> Rot0 }
decrDir x		      = case x of { Rot0 -> Rot3; Rot1 -> Rot0; 
					    Rot2 -> Rot1; Rot3 -> Rot2 }

edgesET			      :: EdgeTable -> [EdgeRef]
edgesET (a,b,c,d)	      = [a,b,c,d]

emptyET                       :: Index -> EdgeTable
emptyET i		      = (mk Rot0, mk Rot3, mk Rot2, mk Rot1)
  where mk r		      = (i, r, Normal)

lookupET		      :: Direction -> EdgeTable -> EdgeRef
lookupET Rot0 (x,_,_,_)       = x
lookupET Rot1 (_,x,_,_)       = x
lookupET Rot2 (_,_,x,_)       = x
lookupET Rot3 (_,_,_,x)       = x

updateET		      :: EdgeTable -> Direction -> EdgeRef -> EdgeTable
updateET (_,b,c,d) Rot0	v     = (v,b,c,d)
updateET (a,_,c,d) Rot1 v     = (a,v,c,d)
updateET (a,b,_,d) Rot2 v     = (a,b,v,d)
updateET (a,b,c,_) Rot3 v     = (a,b,c,v)

isPrimal, isDual              :: EdgeRef -> Bool
isPrimal (_, r, _)            = r == Rot0 || r == Rot2
isDual (_, r, _)              = r == Rot1 || r == Rot3

isFlipped                     :: EdgeRef -> Bool
isFlipped (_, _, f)           = f == Flipped

rot, sym, rotInv, flip        :: EdgeRef -> EdgeRef
rot (e, r, Normal)	      = (e, incrDir r, Normal)
rot (e, r, Flipped)	      = (e, decrDir r, Flipped)

rotInv (i, r, Normal)	      = (i, decrDir r, Normal)
rotInv (i, r, Flipped)        = (i, incrDir r, Flipped)

sym			      = rot . rot

flip (e, r, Normal)	      = (e, r, Flipped)
flip (e, r, Flipped)	      = (e, r, Normal)