{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
-- |
-- A simple 'QuasiQuoter' for 'Text' strings. Note that to use 'embed' you need to use the OverloadedStrings extension.

module Text.QuasiText (embed, Chunk (..), getChunks) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.Meta (parseExp)

import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text as T (Text, pack, unpack, append, empty, head, strip)

instance Lift Text where
    lift t = litE (stringL (unpack t))

data Chunk = 
      T Text
    | E Text
    | V Text
  deriving (Show, Eq)

class Textish a where
    toText :: a -> Text

instance Textish Text where
    toText = id

instance Textish [Char] where
    toText = pack

instance Show a => Textish a where 
    toText = pack . show

-- | A simple 'QuasiQuoter' to interpolate 'Text' into other pieces of 'Text'. 
-- Expressions can be embedded using $(...) or $..., $... will only work for one-word expressions (best suited for just
-- variable substitution), but $(...) will work for anything..
embed :: QuasiQuoter
embed = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp = \s -> 
        let chunks = flip map (getChunks (pack s)) $ \c ->
                    case c of
                        -- literal text
                        T t -> [| t |]

                        -- haskell expression
                        E t -> let Right e = parseExp (unpack t) in appE [| toText |] (return e) 

                        -- one-word expression
                        V t | T.head t `elem` ['a'..'z'] -> appE [| toText |] (global (mkName (unpack t)))
                            | otherwise -> let Right e = parseExp (unpack t) in appE [| toText |] (return e)

        in foldr (\l r -> appE (appE [| append |] l) r) [| empty |] chunks

    , quotePat  = error "cannot use this as a pattern"
    , quoteDec  = error "cannot use this as a declaration"
    , quoteType = error "cannot use this as a type"

-- | Create 'Chunk's without any TH.
getChunks :: Text -> [Chunk]
getChunks i = let Right m = parseOnly parser (strip i) in m
    parser = go []

    go s = do
        txt <- takeTill (== '$')
        evt <- choice [expression, var, fmap T takeText]
        end <- atEnd
        if end
            then return $ filter (not . blank) $ reverse (evt:T txt:s)
            else go (evt:T txt:s)

    blank (T "") = True
    blank (E "") = True
    blank (V "") = True
    blank _      = False

    var = do
        char '$'
        val <- takeTill (notInClass "a-zA-Z0-9_")
        return (V val)

    expression = do
        string "$("
        expr <- takeTill (== ')')
        char ')'
        return (E expr)