-- | Uses magic to show and shrink functions.
module Test.QuickCheck.Function
  -- * Magic functions
  , function
  -- * Generating monotonic functions
  , MonotonicFunction(..)
  , StrictlyMonotonicFunction(..)

-- imports

import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import Test.QuickCheck.Property

import Data.IORef
import Data.List

import System.IO.Unsafe
  ( unsafePerformIO -- this is used for the magic

-- | Functions from @a@ to @b@ which keep track of arguments
-- that they are applied to. This allows showing function tables
-- and shrinking functions.
data Function a b = Function (FunctionTable a b) (a -> b)

newtype FunctionTable a b = MkTable (IORef [(a,b)])

function :: (a -> b) -> Function a b
function f =
  unsafePerformIO $
    do ref <- newIORef []
       return $ Function (MkTable ref) $ \x ->
         unsafePerformIO $
           let y = f x in
             do tab <- readIORef ref
                writeIORef ref ((x,y):tab)
                return y

getFunction :: Function a b -> (a -> b)
getFunction (Function _ f) = f

getTable :: Function a b -> IO [(a,b)]
getTable (Function (MkTable ref) _) =
  do xys <- readIORef ref
     return (reverse xys)

showTable :: (Show a, Show b) => [(a,b)] -> String
showTable xys =
  ++ concat (intersperse ", " (tabulate (reverse xys)))
  ++ "}"
  tabulate = map (\((x,y):_) -> x ++ " -> " ++ y)
           . groupBy (\(x1,_) (x2,_) -> x1 == x2)
           . sortBy (\(x1,_) (x2,_) -> x1 `compare` x2)
           . map (\(x,y) -> (show x, show y))

instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Function a b) where
  show fun =
    unsafePerformIO $
      do xys <- getTable fun
         return (showTable xys)

instance (Eq a, CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Function a b) where
  arbitrary =
    function `fmap` arbitrary

  shrink fun@(Function _ f) =
    unsafePerformIO $
      do xys <- getTable fun
         return [ function (update x y' f)
                | (x,y) <- xys
                , y' <- shrink y
      update x' y' f x
        | x == x'   = y'
        | otherwise = f x

-- monotonicity

-- | Monotonic fun: guarantees that fun is monotonic.
newtype MonotonicFunction = Monotonic (Function Int Int)
 deriving ( Show )

instance Arbitrary MonotonicFunction where
  arbitrary = Monotonic `fmap` arbMonotonicFunction (\(NonNegative x) -> x)

-- | StrictlyMonotonic fun: guarantees that fun is strictly monotonic.
newtype StrictlyMonotonicFunction = StrictlyMonotonic (Function Int Int)
 deriving ( Show )

instance Arbitrary StrictlyMonotonicFunction where
  arbitrary = StrictlyMonotonic `fmap` arbMonotonicFunction (\(NonZero (NonNegative x)) -> x)

-- helper functions

arbMonotonicFunction :: Arbitrary a => (a -> Int) -> Gen (Function Int Int)
arbMonotonicFunction val =
  do ups   <- arbIncSeq
     downs <- arbIncSeq
     y0    <- arbitrary
     return $ function $ \x ->
       case x of
         0             -> y0
         _ | x > 0     -> y0 + (ups !! (x-1))
           | otherwise -> y0 - (downs !! (-x-1))
  arbIncSeq =
    do as <- sequence [ arbitrary | _ <- [1..] ]
       let sums s (x:xs) = s `seq` (s : sums (val x+s) xs)
       return (tail (sums 0 as))

-- properties

prop_Monotonic x y (Monotonic (Function _ f)) =
  x <= y ==>
    f x <= f y

prop_StrictlyMonotonic x y (StrictlyMonotonic (Function _ f)) =
  x < y ==>
    f x < f y

prop_StrictlyMonotonic_Wrong x y (Monotonic (Function _ f)) =
  expectFailure $
    x < y ==>
      f x < f y

-- the end.