{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts  -XOverlappingInstances   #-}

-- Module      :  Data.RefSerialize
-- Copyright   :  Alberto Gómez Corona
-- License     :  see LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :  agocorona@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental

-- |   Read, Show and Data.Binary do not check for repeated references to the same address.
--     As a result, the data is duplicated when seri<alized. This is a waste of space in the filesystem
--     and  also a waste of serialization time. but the worst consequence is that, when the serialized data is read,
--     it allocates multiple copies for the same object when referenced multiple times. Because multiple referenced
--     data is very typical in a pure language such is Haskell, this means that the resulting data loose the beatiful
--     economy of space and processing time that referential transparency permits.
--     Here comes a brief tutorial:
--     @runW applies showp, the serialization parser of the instance Int for the RefSerialize class
--    Data.RefSerialize>let x= 5 :: Int
--    Data.RefSerialize>runW $ showp x
--    "5"
--    every instance of Read and Show is an instance of RefSerialize. for how to construct showp and readp parsers, see the demo.hs
--    rshowp is derived from showp, it labels the serialized data with a variable name
--    Data.RefSerialize>runW $ rshowp x
--    " v8 where {v8= 5; }"
--    Data.RefSerialize>runW $ rshowp [2::Int,3::Int]
--    " v6 where {v6= [ v9,  v10]; v9= 2; v10= 3; }"
--    while showp does a normal show serialization
--    Data.RefSerialize>runW $ showp [x,x]
--    "[5, 5]"
--    rshowp variables are serialized memory references: no piece of data that point to the same addrees is serialized but one time
--    Data.RefSerialize>runW $ rshowp [x,x]
--    " v9 where {v6= 5; v9= [ v6, v6]; }"
--    "this happens recursively"
--    Data.RefSerialize>let xs= [x,x] in str = runW $ rshowp [xs,xs]
--    Data.RefSerialize>str
--    " v8 where {v8= [ v10, v10]; v9= 5; v10= [ v9, v9]; }"
--    the rshowp serialized data is read with rreadp. The showp serialized data is read by readp
--    Data.RefSerialize>let xss= runR rreadp str :: [[Int]]
--    Data.RefSerialize>print xss
--    [[5,5],[5,5]]
--    this is the deserialized data
--    the deserialized data keep the references!! pointers are restored! That is the whole point!
--    Data.RefSerialize>varName xss !! 0 == varName xss !! 1
--    True
--    rShow= runW rshowp
--    rRead= runR rreadp
--    Data.RefSerialize>rShow x
--    " v11 where {v11= 5; }"
--    In the definition of a referencing parser non referencing parsers can be used and viceversa. Use a referencing parser
--    when the piece of data is being referenced many times inside the serialized data.
--    by default the referencing parser is constructed by:
--    rshowp= insertVar showp
--    rreadp= readVar readp
--    but this can be redefined. See for example the instance of [] in RefSerialize.hs
--    This is an example of a showp parser for a simple data structure.
--    data S= S Int Int deriving ( Show, Eq)
--    instance  Serialize S  where
--        showp (S x y)= do
--                        xs <- rshowp x  -- rshowp parsers can be inside showp parser
--                        ys <- rshowp y
--                        return $ "S "++xs++" "++ys
--       readp =  do
--                        symbol "S"     -- I included a (almost) complete Parsec for deserialization
--                        x <- rreadp
--                        y <- rreadp
--                        return $ S x y
--    there is a mix between referencing and no referencing parser here:
--    Data.RefSerialize>putStrLn $ runW $ showp $ S x x
--    S  v23 v23 where {v23= 5; }@

module Data.RefSerialize
     module Data.Parser





import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Parser
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Char(isAlpha, isSpace, isAlphaNum)
import Numeric(readHex,showHex)
import Data.Map

class Serialize c where

   showp :: c -> ST String     -- ^   shows the content of a expression, must be  defined bu the user

   readp ::  ST c                     -- ^ read the content of a expression, must be user defined

   rshowp :: c -> ST String    -- ^ insert a reference (a variable in the where section).   @rshowp  = insertVar  showp @ -- default definition

   rshowp  = insertVar  showp

   rreadp :: ST c                     --  ^ read a variable in the where section (to use for deserializing rshowp output).   @rreadp  = readVar  readp@   -- default definition
   rreadp = readVar  readp

#ifdef Axioms

   serializeAxioms: Axioms c
   serializeAxioms= axioms{
         unary=   [Axiom "reverse"
                            (\x ->  let str= rShow x
                                        y = rRead xtr
                                    in  y== x)

                   AxioM "pointer equality"
                           (\x ->   let str= rShow[x,x]
                                        [y,z] = rRead str
                                    in varName y== varName z)
-- | use the rshowp parser to serialize the object
-- @ rShow c= runW  $  rshowp c@
rShow :: Serialize c => c -> String
rShow c= runW  $  rshowp c

-- | deserialize  trough the rreadp parser
-- @ rRead str= runR rreadp $ str@
rRead :: Serialize c => String -> c
rRead str= runR rreadp $ str

readHexp :: (Num a, Integral a) => ST a
readHexp = ST(\(Stat(c,s,v)) ->
               let l=  readHex  s
               in if Prelude.null l then Left . Error $  "not readable: " ++ s
                             else let ((x,str2):_)= l
                                        in Right(Stat(c,dropWhile isSpace str2,v),x) )
                <?> "readHexp "
-- |if a is an instance of Read, readSR can be used as the readp method
-- the drawback is that the data inside is not inspected for common references
-- so it is recommended to create your own readp method for your complex data structures
readSR :: Read a => ST a
readSR = ST(\(Stat(c,s,v)) ->
               let l=  readsPrec 1 s
               in if Prelude.null l then Left . Error $  "not readable: " ++ s
                             else let ((x,str2):_)= l
                                        in Right(Stat(c,dropWhile isSpace str2,v),x) )
                <?> "readp: readsPrec "

--readSR = ST(\(Stat(c,s,v)) -> let ((x,str2):_)= readsPrec 1 s in Right(Stat(c,str2,v),x) )

-- |  deserialize the string with the parser
runR:: ST a -> String ->  a
runR   (ST f) str=
    let (struct, vars)= readContext "where " str
    in  case   f (Stat(M.empty,struct,vars) ) of
          Right (Stat _, a) -> a
          Left (Error s) -> error s

showHexp :: (Num a,Integral a) => a -> ST String
showHexp var= ST(\(Stat(c,s,v)) ->  Right(Stat(c,s,v),showHex var ""))  <?> "showHexp "

-- |if a is an instance of Show, showSR can be used as the showp method
-- the drawback is that the data inside is not inspected for common references
-- so it is recommended to create your own readp method for your complex data structures
showSR :: Show a => a -> ST String
showSR var= ST(\(Stat(c,s,v)) ->  Right(Stat(c,s,v),show var))   <?> "showp: show "

-- |   serialize x with the parser
runW :: ST String -> String
runW (ST f) = case  f (Stat(M.empty,"",""))  of
              Right (Stat (c,_,_), str) ->
                let scontext= M.assocs c
                    show1 c= concatMap (\(n,(_,v))->"v"++ show n++"= "++v++"; ")  scontext
                    vars= show1  c
                    strContext= if Prelude.null vars  then "" else  " where {"++vars ++ "}"

                in  str ++ strContext

              Left (Error s) -> error s

-- | insert a variable at this position. The expression value is inserted in the "where" section if it is not already
-- created. If the address of this object being parsed correspond with an address already parsed and
-- it is in the where section, then the same variable name is used
--   @runW showp (1::Int)                                -> "1"
--   runW (insertVar showp) (1::Int)                ->  v1 where { v1=1}
--   runW (insertVar showp) [(1::Int) ,1]        -> [v1.v1] where { v1=1}@
--   This is useful when the object is referenced many times

insertVar :: (a -> ST String) -> a -> ST String
insertVar parser x= ST(\(Stat(c,s,v))->
 let mf = trytofindEntireObject x c in
 case mf of
   Just  var ->  Right(Stat(c,s,v),var)
   Nothing ->
            ST f= parser x
            Right (Stat (c',_,_), str) = f  (Stat(c,s,v))

         in Right(Stat(addc str c',s,v), ' ':varname))
  addc str c= M.insert ( hash) (unsafeCoerce x,  str) c
  hash = hasht x
  varname= "v" ++ show hash

  trytofindEntireObject x c=
         case M.lookup  hash  c  of
           Nothing -> Nothing
           Just _  -> Just varname

-- | deserialize a variable serialized with insertVar. Memory references are restored
readVar :: Serialize c => ST c -> ST c
readVar parser=  ST(\(Stat(c,s,v))->
               s1= dropWhile isSpace s
               (var, str2) = span isAlphaNum s1

          in case trytofindEntireObject (numVar var) c  of

           Just  (x,_) ->  Right(Stat(c,str2,v),unsafeCoerce x)
           Nothing ->
               (_, rest)= readContext (var++"= ") v
               ST f= parser
            in  case f  (Stat(c,rest,v)) --`debug` ("s="++s++"var="++var++"rest="++rest )
                 Right (Stat(c',s',v'),x) ->
                   let c''= M.insert (numVar var) (unsafeCoerce x,  "") c'
                   in  Right (Stat(c'',str2,v),x)

                 err -> err)
  trytofindEntireObject x c=
         case M.lookup   x  c  of
           Nothing -> Nothing
           justx   -> justx

-- -------------Instances

instance Serialize String where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance  Serialize a => Serialize [a] where
   showp []= return "[]"
   showp (x:xs)= do
           s1<- rshowp x
           sn<- mapM f xs
           return $ "["++ s1++ concat sn ++"]"
           f x= do str <- rshowp (x:: a)
                   return $ ", "++str

   readp = (readVar $ brackets $ commaSep $ rreadp)   <?> "rreadp:: [] "

instance (Serialize a, Serialize b) => Serialize (a, b) where
    showp (x, y)= do
            sx <- rshowp x
            sy <- rshowp y
            return $ "("++ sx ++ ", " ++ sy ++ ")"

    readp = parens $ do
            x <- rreadp
            y <- rreadp
            return (x,y)

instance (Serialize a, Ord a, Serialize b) => Serialize (Map a b) where
    showp m= showp $ M.toList m
    readp= do
           list <- readp :: ST [(a,b)]
           return $ M.fromList list

instance Serialize a => Serialize (Maybe a) where
    showp Nothing = return "Nothing"
    showp (Just x) = showp x >>= \sx -> return $ "Just " ++ sx
    readp =  choice [rNothing, rJust] where
      rNothing = symbol "Nothing" >> return Nothing
      rJust = symbol "Just" >> readp >>= \x -> return $ Just x

instance (Serialize a, Serialize b) => Serialize (Either a b) where
    showp (Left x) = rshowp x >>= \sx -> return $ "Left " ++ sx

    showp (Right x) = rshowp x >>= \sx -> return $ "Right " ++ sx

    readp =  choice [rLeft, rRight] where
      rLeft = symbol "Left" >> rreadp >>= \x -> return $ Left x
      rRight = symbol "Right" >> rreadp >>= \x -> return $ Right x

instance Serialize Bool where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Char where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Double where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Float where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Int  where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Integer where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize Ordering where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR

instance Serialize () where
    showp = showSR
    readp = readSR