{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
{- | A quasiquoter to help with calling <http://www.r-project.org/ R> from ghc.

module RlangQQ (
    -- * the quasiquoter
    r, rChan,

    -- ** conversion of values
    -- $note
    -- values passed to R and returned by it should have types in these classes
    ToRDS, FromRDS,

    -- ** records
    -- $records

    -- ** connecting to a single R session
    -- $chans
    newRChan, newRChan', sendRcv,

    module Data.HList.CommonMain,

    -- for ghc bug regarding lookupVers2
    module GHC.TypeLits,

    -- ** TODO
    -- $TODO
    ) where

import RlangQQ.Binary (ToRDS, FromRDS)
import RlangQQ.Internal
import RlangQQ.MakeRecord
import RlangQQ.NatQQ
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote

import Data.HList.CommonMain

import GHC.TypeLits

import Control.Concurrent

{- | Calls R with the supplied string. Variables in R prefixed hs_ cause
the corresponding (un-prefixed) variable to be converted. The variable(s) must
be in at least one class 'FromRDS' or 'ToRDS'. Currently the relation between
where variables are used and assigned to (using @<-@) determines the 'Intent'.

Expressions are also supported. These must be text between $( ), just like template
haskell. One condition is that the contents between the parentheses must be
parseable by haskell-src-meta/haskell-src-exts. So if you find the hs_ notation unpleasant
you can still interpolate using $(x).

An example of both styles is

> {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
> import RlangQQ
> x = [0 .. 10  :: Double]
> main = do
>   [r|
>     library(ggplot2)
>     png(file='test.png')
>     plot(qplot( hs_x, $(map (sin . (*pi) . (/10)) x) ))
>     dev.off()
>     |]

You get a plot: <<http://code.haskell.org/~aavogt/Rlang-QQ/examples/test.png>>

While it is only somewhat usable, you can have Rnw/Rmd documents (knitr) that
include haskell code. One example is given
<http://code.haskell.org/~aavogt/Rlang-QQ/examples/test7.html here>

r = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
        n <- getRlangQQ_n
        quoteRExpression2 n False ("print('');"++ s)
            -- the first expression gets dropped somewhere else
            -- this hack is easiest

-- | same as @[rChan| |]@ does the same as [r|  |], except the
-- return value will be a @Chan (Record a)@.
rChan = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
        n <- getRlangQQ_n
        quoteRExpression2 n True ("print('');"++ s)
            -- the first expression gets dropped somewhere else
            -- this hack is easiest

{- $records

If the quasiquote assigns to variables @hs_x@ and @hs_y@, the result type will
be @IO (Record '[LVPair "x" x, LVPair "y" y])@. The types @x@ and @y@ have to be
determined on the haskell side. Here is a complete example:

>>> :set -XQuasiQuotes -XDataKinds -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
>>> let x = [2 :: Double]
>>> let q = [r| hs_y <- 1 + hs_x; hs_z <- 2 |]

These labels could be generated by template haskell with @$(makeLabels6 (words \"y z\"))@

>>> let y = Label :: Label "y"
>>> let z = Label :: Label "z"

>>> do o <- q; print (o .!. y ++ o .!. z :: [Double])


{- $chans

Variables like @ch_x@ @ch_longVariableName@ inside the quasiquote generate references
to @x@ and @longVariableName@. These variables should have type @'Chan' (a, b -> 'IO' '()')@.
'newChan' can produce values of that type, but some versions with restricted
types are provided:

> do
>  x <- newRChan
>  longVariableName <- newRChan' (undefined :: Double)

The whole input to R is re-sent each time whenever a whole set of ch_ variables
is available. <http://code.haskell.org/~aavogt/Rlang-QQ/examples/test4.hs examples/test4.hs> has an a working example shows that
keeping the same R-session open is much faster, but that results may be confusing
since nothing explicitly says (besides this documentation here) that the same code
is re-sent.


-- | 'newChan' with a more restricted type
newRChan = newRChan' undefined

-- | @newRChan (undefined :: Double)@ produces an even more restricted type than
-- 'newRChan'', which can help make type errors more sensible and/or avoid
-- @ambiguous type variable@
newRChan' proxy = newChan `asTypeOf` r proxy
    r :: a -> IO (Chan (a, b -> IO ()))
    r _ = undefined

-- | @y <- sendRcv c x@ sends the value @x@ using the chan @c@.
-- Provided that an @[r| |]@ quasiquote above refers to a @ch_c@,
-- the call to 'sendRcv' will eventually produce a 'Record' @y@
sendRcv :: Chan (t, b -> IO ()) -> t -> IO b
sendRcv ch e = do
    v <- newEmptyMVar
    writeChan ch (e, putMVar v)
    takeMVar v

{- $TODO

[@debugging@] Write file that can be run to loading a quote into R interpreter
(ie  the same thing as readProcess "R" "--no-save" ...). For now it's pretty
simple to just cd Rtmp and load/source things.
also, return R's stdout / stderr / exitcode in the HList. This won't be practical
for the Chan option since the stdout is getting consumed?

[@more examples@] conversion both ways etc.

[@read NULL as Maybe?@]

[@more datatypes@] support things like ??, ...

[@call R functions as if they were defined in haskell@]
This can be achievede already by doing something like

> x <- newRChan
> [r| hs_f <- ch_x + 1 |]
> let f :: Double -> IO Double
>     f xVal = (.!. (Label :: Label "f")) `fmap` sendRcv x xVal

But perhaps something can be done to generate the above code from something
much shorter like:

> [r| hs_f <- function(x) x + 1 |]

Can this be made to work without looking at whether there is a function() after the <-?

[@call hs functions as if they were defined in R@]
we might like to be able to have values like @f x = x + 1@
be callable by.

[@use libR.so@]
there is a <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hR-0.1.1 hR package> which might
allow usage similar to hslua (ie. calling individual R functions)

one drawback is that it uses lists for vectors...

[@static analysis@]
(optionally?) call something like codetools on the generated R code
to infer result/argument types. Or perhaps translate R code into
some constraints:

> class RApp (x :: [*]) r

> instance (UpcastNumR a b ~ r, UpcastNumR b a ~ r) => RApp [Proxy "+", a, b] r

> type family UpcastNumR a b
> type instance UpcastNumR Double Int = Double
> type instance UpcastNumR Int Int = Int

the benefit here is that users could add their own RApp instances.
On the other hand, perhaps using a separate constraint solver will be less
confusing in terms of type errors (ie. failure to infer a type from R
which will happen (features like @do.call@) should not complicate the types
seen on the haskell side).
